/TDF/ Stage 4: Comfy edition

Seems like we’ve another cozy stage for today. The ending should be interesting, though.

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Eurosport coverage starts at ~14h CET


does anyone actually still watch this cheatfest unironically?

>Naesen Oliver on the break

Goddamn, I read it as Nélson Oliveira and got excited.

another 6 hours stage with only 20km of real race? kill me please

finale doesn't look very tough - probably a normal bunch sprint.

Livestreams will be available here when the race goes live:

These are a part of the race. Just one more day, tomorrow we’ll start with the mountains.

final climb is 1km at 8.5%

which one is that? the last km of the race?

3rd to come?

Anyone else just not feeling it this year? just seems like a boring tour

First trully interesting mountain stage is only on Saturday

of all the sprinters cavendish is perhaps the worst climber... will be hard for him today.

God no. The final climb is too difficult for him. Sagan or Matthews are the favourites, but I fancy Cocquard.

The tour has been boring for years now. If you want excitement, watch the Giro or the Vuelta.

Oh the finish isn't remotely hard enough to get rid of Cav, or even Kittel.

>The tour has been boring for years now
That's because of the sky bots. 2011 was the last exciting tour.
2014 would've been good if not for the crashes.

last km 2,5 % i think. perfect for greipel.

climb 11km from finish - 1km at 8%
final climb 8km from finish - 1 km at 5%

that's not getting rid of anyone, except maybe contador

Exactly. As much as I admire Froome's strength (even IF it is drugs or motors), it makes everything so boring. And also his inability to crash, when everyone else does it regularly.

I mean its more than just the riders, Its also the course and the tactics of most of the stages. GC riders just covering each other then trying to breakaway on the last couple of km's.

It's too difficult for Kittel and Cav hasn't done any altitude training, so his climbing will suck.

Here's the last km.

I don’t really watch them because you don’t have all of the best athletes, even if it may be the contrary sometimes.

Froome has crashed in 50% of his last grand tours. He's shit on a bike.

if it rains in the pyrenees, he's done for.

General rankings aside (and, imo, it was still interesting for the 2nd or the 3rd place) we’ve still had some pretty intense stages and action during the last few years.

>tfw this is the finish zone reporter for Danish tv
So qt :3

Contador's shitty bike handling has resulted in two of Froome's crashes

2013 on that awesome descent(meme?) was one.
The other?

>britons actually believe this


>look at live update
>flat until last k
>meme break
>go away again

this image WILL trigger /tdf/

>this /Froome/rain meme
we heard this a lot last year

>picture of my favourite sprinter winning a race
I'm not triggered at all

froome can't downhill
froome can't handle rain
froome can't do cobbles
froome can't do steep climbs

nervous already?

froome can't do crosswinds!

I like Cav now that he's the underdog and seems level headed

Quintana is the one looking nervous friend.

putting my wife's son's college fund on kristoff today lads, wish me luck

>froome can't downhill
Not as good as Nibali or Valverde. He's not bad-similar to Andy.

>froome can't handle rain
He can't. Last year he got sick because of the rain. He's too thin.

>froome can't do cobbles
He's never done real cobbles. Last year's cobbles were shit, even Contador kept up.

>froome can't do steep climbs
Who ever said that is a fool. He's good on short steep climbs, not as good as Quintana on the long one though.

I hate Froome because of Sky and the way he races, not because he's too good.

haha its still funny

>I hate Froome because of Sky and the way he races, not because he's too good.
You keep telling your self that spud

Perfect for breakaway. Sagan has no team to catch them, now it all depends whether sprinters have enough desire.

>the way he races
You mean by attacking on climbs?

Might give eurpsport a try today

Can anyone send a link my way?

>You keep telling your self that spud
The sky train is killing the tour. The reason the giro and la vuelta are good is because of weak teams. I have no malice towards Froome, just his riding style.


I don't think that is too hard for the sprinters tbqh.
But I think it will be a nice stage for breakaways.

i really hope they'll start with smaller teams in the future. 6 riders max. less controlled racing, smaller peloton (so hopefully fewer crashes).

Friendly reminder if you support the ban of radio, you are supporting muslim terrorism.

Are you a pussy?
Smaller teams should be better, but there is nothing wrong with the size of the peloton.

>Are you a pussy?

yes, i don't enjoy crashes.

Yeah you never see mountain trains in the giro or vuelta!

the delusion is strong

6 would be great. But also allow an extra wildcard team to bring some extra firepower to the breakaway.
The race radio needs to go. It prevents chaotic racing.

Then tell the GT teams to let the sprinter teams to do their jobs instead of bringing complete baboons on a bike to the front so they stay """"safe"""".
The size of the peloton has never been an issue.

I dont understand this. Sprinters are usually very heavy and that must be the main reason they cant climb, but cav is quite light for a sprinter. Why cant he climb?

tell the sprinters teams not to wait so long to start their leadouts.

short legs.

The muscles most needed for climbing and sprinting are different. Guess which of those he trains the most.

It's type of body, muscle and training he has..

>but cav is quite light for a sprinter. Why cant he climb?
Training. He's focused on the track so hes compromised his climbing ability.
He was a good climber back when he was younger, just not as good as Sagan or griepel.

>tfw 26° and going to chill at the pool and then later watch /tdf/

Why would they start lead outs if there are multiple stupid trains up front going at full speed?

it's ok when Tinkoff do it, just not le nasty Sky Winning Men.

>i don't enjoy crashes
are you some kind of fag?


Ah the good old days of safe sprint stages, when all we had was headbutts, and bottle throwing, and policemen standing in the road
>old man yells at cloud

he does seem to have short legs compared to his torso yes, not as badly as Caleb Ewan though. Short legged dudes look a bit unfortunate to do any leg based sport but for some reason they do make good sprinters.

Are you guys dense or completely clueless about this sport?

Flat stages should be controlled by sprinter teams (or teams that don't have anyone in the break). This is not something that happens that much anymore because the teams that make the mountain trains also try to control flat stages so they can bring their leaders to the front. This is the main reason for crashes.
When was the last time there was a crash going uphill?

Get it?

>based long-legs

the Sky apologists are in full force already huh? early today

You have gone off on a rant about a different issue, but continue if you feel this will help.

post yfw Sky finally get outdoped by Movistar and le old Colombian

You're talking out your arse, mate.

First, you've confused two entirely different arguments.

Secondly, flat stages are still controlled by sprinters teams; it's bizarre you would suggest otherwise. Have you seen Sky, Movistar, Astana helping to bring back the breaks? No.

The big crash in the sprint the the other day involved only sprinters and leadout men.

>seems level headed

They might not control the entire stage but we've seen Sky bring Chris "Can't Steer For Shit" Froome to the front right before sprints to avoid crashing (thereby causing crashes) several times now

Which crashes did he cause?

Yesterday's stage was boring as shit and so far it looks like today won't be any better.

every single one in the last ten years.

>Quintana is only 26
He seriously looks 40, how come? Is it the Andes air? Quecha genes? Ancient Inca curse?


and then some

He doesn't look a day over 25.

massive amounts of drugs; Colombia is filthy, he's probably been lit to fuck since he was a youth.

What was the split time between first and second yesterday?


Whats the first word that comes to mind?







can't wait for him to get another piss shower


legendary desu, just surviving cancer that bad is incredible, but actually coming back and winning the TdF 7x, even with all the drugs and... other issues, it's amazing. Not to mention all the money he raised for cancer and the popularity he generated for the sport.

And desu, having heard about what other top riders of the time were up to, not just doping wise but in terms of how they treated teammates etc, Lance was pretty par for the course, if even mild. That's the reality of how it was.
