What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

He meant "Germany took in two million refugees, lmao"

he meant what every 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation algerian living in france thinks and why multiculturalism is a failure and france today is a disaster compared to france 30 years ago (which was also quite bad already)

What did he mean by this?

He meant "please keep making Sup Forums circlejerk threads on Sup Forums every day, they're truly the birthing place of fruitful discussion"

>that flag
>that post

nice proxy

Glad Deschamps didnt select him.

you're not allowed to post during EURO time, jan

He isn't French, why would he "feel" French? All this 'anyone can be French' madness is a part of the French Revolution legacy and it's been forced down the throats of Frenchmen, even though it's obviously bullshit. Benzema isn't a bad person for voicing his opinion stating the truth.


>France never does anything of note with him
>meanwhile Algeria makes an African Nations Championship semifinal and makes a historic round of 16 run at the WC

Clearly he's a smart man, everybody will remember him scoring 4 goals on Switzerland in group stages and he'll leave a definite mark on both Algerian and French football.

Thing is second generationers don't fit in their countries of origin at all either, 2nd generationers and "blédards" (1st generationers and those that stayed in their countries) generally hate each other and are very different culturally.
They're a bit stuck between a rock and a hard place there.

I think the only successful country at integrating people is USA.
You just gotta wave the flag, like nascar, listen to country and rock n roll and there you go, you are now an american.
Being american is a matter of values and morals while in europe it goes beyond that. It's almost impossible for a non-european to truly fit in an european country

Honestly both Switzerland and France aren't doing half as bad as Sup Forums thinks.

He thinks FrancAlgeria is the greatest country on earth.

This dude is an asshole

I'm glad we're doing so well without the two muslim French-hating scumbags that are Benzema and Ribery
I hope we'll win just to show these two assholes they are not needed and they can fuck off to Saudi Arabia without us giving a shit

The US still hasn't managed to fully integrate its black people despite them living there for centuries....

What about Nasri?

Same shit, but I forgot he even existed
Was he even there in the 2014 WC?
I don't remember seeing him

He's a shithead, but that's not related to his origin, he really is just a shithead.

Ribery is muslim? I'd swear he's pure french.

Let's launch cats into space. Nice trips btw.

Religion and ethnicity are 2 different things.


He is.

He converted to Islam because of his Algerian wife tho

He's a native French (with maybe some secret British heritage given his facial features) who converted to islam and started to hate France to impress his arabs friends
Basically, a cuck

This is why many French Arabs should make a bigger effort to become French. The ones who desperately try to latch on to their home country's culture are just wasting their time, they'll never be Algerian/Moroccan/Tunisian, most of them can't speak their ancestors' dialect, let alone MSA. Might as well embrace the culture of the country that gives them an education and pays for their medical bills.

Eric Cantona: "I am English"

Thierry Henry: "I am a Londoner"

Nobody wants to be French it seems.

Feel free to keep Cantona after that shit he said about Benzema and muh racism.

I'm ok with the rats leaving the ship.

>people who have spent a big part of their life in a country declare that they feel like it's where they belong
I don't see the problem.

Eric Cantona is the worst shithead ever seen, always acted like a nigger on the field and outside the field. Still butthurted Deschamps won the world cup and the Euro while he never achieved anything (just like every english).
He defended Benzeshit and told our coach was racist, lmao you can have him.

what about when the seagulls follow the trawler?

same thing as our beaners over here and your shitskins over there. they are all roaches that need us to survive.
the longer a beaner lives here and the more welfare children he has and more generations that are born, the more they dislike the country that provides all of it for them. chicanos are literally terrified that they would have to go back to mexico because they dont see themselves as american citizens even though they are unfortunately legal citizens and it doesnt apply to them.
this is why it looks like a home game every time mexico plays here.

to be honest, we always here about how everybody is french, etc...but we all make distinctions between the french, the whites and the non whites. we always ask them where they're from, and we don't mean their french city.

they may have french papers but nobody consider them french. not even themselves.

the fun part is even the true mexican despise the chicano, just like true algerian despise benzederp who never spent a single day of his life in algeria.

they are basically stateless person, the reject of the world.

>Eric Cantona: "I am English"

poor lad, his lack of international football trophies really traumatized it.


Zidane said the same stuff and without him French football would be meaningless.

He chose France because they have a better chance at winning titles and play in 2 international tournaments that the world actually gives a fuck about (World Cup and Euro). Top kekkles to Deschamps for not picking this tramp.