I don't tip

>I don't tip

Was he right or wrong here?

Other urls found in this thread:


Tipping should be abolished from restaurants as having the customer subject to how much the establishments employees get paid, rather then the establishment just paying them a full amount themselves, is fucking retarded and unnecessary.

How many times do we need this thread?


Pay servers minimum wage
And they have no incentive to do a good job getting your food or serving you

So you get McDonalds care at any sitdown restaurant

>server makes little cash
>needs to do a good job to get a good tip

>instead does a shitty job
>gets no tips


>does a great job
>gets big tips

Incentive based jobs are common, whether it's carsales or restaurants. People who do a good job and make the sale or make the food set up nice or whatever get bonuses. People who dont get jack shit

Well yeah, dumbfuck. He's not even wearing a hat.

Wrong, tipping is free market at work, good service = good tip if everything goes right.

Tipping rarely has anything to do with quality of service and you faggots know it. I mean this should be fucking obvious when its treated as something mandatory.

Wrong because the group split the check and were also splitting the tip. He wasn't stiffing the server, he was making other people pay his way.

This. If you don't tip in America waiters will chase you down the street