Draw Thread: Show Dimitri your Kalashnikov edition
Draw Thread: Show Dimitri your Kalashnikov edition
Other urls found in this thread:
/r/ loli butts
My stomach hurts. I really should eat something
Do iiiit.
Also drink some water
Do it.
Also pics or it didn't happen.
Draw Thread Imageless Response Edition!
Suggestions on how to improve my art. pic related.
Use less negative space.
Damn but i was told less is more... Ok how about now iv tried tweaking it but I'm still not happy.
Pic related
>paints on canvas
>that's the name of the program you daft cunt
What the fuck are you talking about?
If you're taking requests:
Draw an antelope head butting a jeep through a tree.
With you in it.
Did I pass inspection?
are you retarded?
Empty the sock comrade!
I feel you are hidink some contraband inside
no. time to die
Well, I guess cum technically isn't contraband.
It could use more color.
Anyway, I posted this in Sup Forums but nobody wanted to play my game. Anybody up for badly drawing songs they like in MS paint? I'll start with the opening part of Sleater-Kinney's get up.
The rings are supposed to be a tunnel effect.
Garbage's Supervixen. Kinda skimped on the BOW DOWN TO MEEEE part, but whatever.
I hide nothing.
fuck man...
who'd put cum in a sock?
Hi there , WIP of the group pic ahah
it's really fun
Plus I need a Khal ref please.
>this loli bitch should be punished
Oops she grew up wah wah.
>draw qt shota trap
qt shota degeneration no thx xd
>when you will draw lewds of this girl ?
if she shows up this thread maybe
>See you next thread, I hope you will get around loli x milf pic!
I really have to feel it to do that
This is stupid
gotcha covered.
bend over before i call the cops
>Tetsuo crushed and begging for mercy at the feet of an indifferent Mob
it's been a while since I started drawing again so I'd appreciate constructive criticism
Aaaand the opening riffs of The Beatles' Something. Don't know how to draw something spinning without actually drawing a spiral.
Looks like an 8 y/o drew it
could you link it to me?
I am retarded
hold on man, are you doing like a visualization of every song you hear or something? because that's actually a pretty cool idea
that's not constructive criticism user, I'm trying to get better
The colors convey a really gloomy mood which is pretty good, but the construction of the picture is a bit wonky.
I feel if you put more detail in the background and added some more depth, it'd look a bit better. Aside from that, work on keeping consistent with your figures, don't change up the styles too heavily for different people.
I was considering actually adding more detail in the background but I decided against it since I thought it'd fit the rainy, foggy day better
it's not my fault if you can't get anything out of my criticism
requests please.
Rate my Mario Paint painting.
Do a backflip and kill yourself, you inbred cunt
>hold on man, are you doing like a visualization of every song you hear or something?
I'm just drawing the way the songs look with my eyes shut.
And I'll give you criticism, user. Tetsuo looks pretty good, but the guy on the right looks flat in a Seth McFarlane sort of way. His legs look stiff, too, like they were just planned to reach the bottom of the frame, and not like there's feet down there. The vague look of the background reminds me of Lucky Star a bit, but it could use some more definition.
Donald Trump eating a hamburger with an eagle trying to take it from him.
Me likey.
Are you doing the same thing Joel did?
which one is user
Pretty much, painting some happy little mountains
Too little detail will end up taking away the understanding of the image. If you're dead-set on keeping a foggy atmosphere, I suggest doing a layered fog effect. it'll keep depth while still keeping that moody look. But the primary focus I'd like to see is work on consistency. that'd be the most important in where to add detail and in turn having a better understanding in what's going on.
Good afternoon, drawfags! I would like to request Rei in a nazi uniform. (Read SS officer) Thank you. ^u^
Is that from the very first episode of Bob Ross' show..?
I drew the same thing in Paint a while back, kek
Pic very much related.
That's great. Bob Ross is the best teacher.
no one
thankya !
Now a ref of Pin please?
A good one
>I should've proofread this thing.
>It'll [add] depth while still keeping that moody look.
that'd be the most important in [knowing] where to add detail and in turn having a better understanding in what's going on.
Thank you, I'll try to improve my character's posture next time. Definitely will try to add more definition to the background. The only reason I made the other guy (Shigeo Kageyama) less expressive is because the requester asked me to also make it some sort of psychic battle preferably and the manga's style of characters makes them all look really bored actually, kind of like Saitama
as for the drawing with eyes shut idea, that sounds pretty cool
omg this is so cute .... i already love it
thanks, I'll start drawing more consistently from now on
Waaaaah right.
you asked for it
best i could find.
I drew Muhammad.
try digging here.
ayyyyy. waddup fam. how yo doinnnnn`?
i did, still digging to see if i can find a better one.
shoveling through refs, you?
i'm afraid i can't do that.
I don't know why i infuriate you so much, but i recognize that i am not the most stable person, in fact, i can be an asshole on several occasions around here, so i apologize for that.
However, i am still curious on why you seem to despise my existence to the point where you would want me to commit suicide, although i doubt it would ever be constructive.
Dig dog.
Fuck, I just realized that it looks like he has a hole in his chest. Oh well.
I kek'd. Thanks a bunch!
I dig dig dog, dawg.
I've considered just painting a few of the songs I listen to on repeat constantly, but it's a pain in the ass to actually keep replaying the same section over and over and looking at it, and I don't know if I have the commitment for it.
sometimes a Sup Forumstard singles out a person, no reason other than his enjoyment of other people's discomfort.
The only way to deal with this, is realising there will never be a conversation and therefore ignore him.
requesting orange juice
>snat returns
your welcome
i did doubt any kind of conversation would take place, no harm in giving him an opportunity to explain his reasoning though.
u still skuured to catch these legs?
c'mon just git rekt
L...Lucina is a starter characters for those new to smash...
i actually started w/ pit + kirby but then moved to lucina
thank yaa
ohh thanks c:
whos all gonna be in it? it's cute
I'm not even that good tbh, everyone here always beat me up but I still like to play.
oh my god that me. .. . .....
Taking requests
yea i just usually play w/ close friends tho just b/c im a sore ass loser and hate getting my ass beat
hello. how are you..... my name is chris handson, why dont you have a seat?
>lost before i even played
;-; dam
i'm here and it is 60 degrees even though it's july
i am afraid
IM SOZ once i get better Sm4sh Sportsmanship i'll play i promise u
Requesting colour
; ____________________ ;
tree fiddy.
Hi Box!
Is that F or C degrees?
Where are you anyways?
Is there a way to partition off reblog and talkfag artists on tumblr so they aren't clogging up my submission feeds with BULLSHIT?
Also if you do this kill yourself.
You talking about lowell?
>Is there a way to partition off reblog and talkfag artists on tumblr so they aren't clogging up my submission feeds with BULLSHIT?
You should be able to filter shit out if they tag it properly
60 celsius would be fucking ridiculous
that's 140 fahrenheit
requesting tophat man with a pink dildo please
;_; you don't have to lie
No, seemingly every single furfag. I love your guys porn but I don't want to hear you talk.
Do I have to manually figure out what their "good" tags are instead of having a good user tagging system like Inkbunny or something?
It's probably going to be like FA and be filled with mothballed tags and stupid #lelmeme bullshit, isn't it?
I know nothing about C
F because i'm a grubby american
im drawing this. this is important
dude, that one reply killed me.
>Do I have to manually figure out what their "good" tags are
Just...fucking read and add whatever they tag their dumb talk posts as to your filter list.
You could've done it in the time it's taken you to respond to this.
tfw you've been overseas for long enough that fahrenheit feels weird now