Do you crack your eggs on the pan or counter

do you crack your eggs on the pan or counter

the pan

>not using a knife

Counter... don't need the extra mess or shit burning under the pan making it black getting on the stove and in general giving me cancer and shit

I generally just smash the egg on my forehead and sing "I don't know what's going on"

are you autistic?

>not refrigerating your eggs

Flat on the counter, you never get shell in your food. Ever.

dude wtf

with a water bottle

You should kys if use a knife to crack an egg

i use bottled water to make ice cubes

The pan


when i was a teenager i worked as a dishwasher and i would throw away the cooks/chefs knives if they put them in the soaking sink they got so mad

you hold the egg in your hand and hit it with a knife. it a pretty common way to crack an egg

Do you plebs even understand how to open eggs?

Get a magic marker and measure 2/3 up the egg and draw a line then proceed to open the egg on a cheese wire cutter, pic related.

This is the only way to open an egg.

>eating eggs in 2016

enjoy your heart disease and farts

Alton Brown said counter so now I don't eat eggs

no i'll kill u with the knife

Always on the flat part of the counter counter. If you crack them on the edge of the counter or pan, you're more likely to get shell in them.

Fuck yea.


thats like using a fucking bottle opener on a twist top

real men smash that fucking egg like its good pussy