Be me

>be me
>got fiancee which I really love
>we are going to live together in 2 weeks
>stable relationship

and now

>2 days ago
>during my job I met a girl
>we had a little talk
>she likes me, I like her
>we met yesterday again
>had a long walk and talk
>later a lot of txt msgs
>she wants more
>she wants to be something more to me
>she wants me as her bf/husband etc in future
>I feel something to her also
>physical connection, I want her

What do? Shit is difficult for me now, never been in such situation. Help me as you helped me few years back when I was having sad feels. Please Sup Forums.

Well user, that's 2 more girls than I'll have.. Good luck cuck

You are engaged to some bitch. You clearly felt enough for her to promise yourself, don't be a fuck and break that promise. Either tell her and break it off or live with the decision you made. In the meantime, a kek.

New chick didn't cram your semen up her snatch to induce labor this time op?

>she wants me as her bf/husband etc in future
Your fiancee asked her to test you. Abandon ship. No girl says this unless they are 15.

Fuck you, you pathetic nigger for even seriously considering it. Neither your fiancee nor your new whore deserve a piece of shit like you.

Post pictures of both and then we can give you a better answer

This faggot is probably right, I fell for this 5 years ago. Don't make the same mistake OP. Take my advice, tell this new girl "I need some time to think" and go tell your girlfriend about the situation, tell her that you think this new bitch is crazy and you would never leave her.
If the new girls goes away, it was a scam, if she stays...well that's up to you... Good luck!

how long have both relationships lasted in the first place?
