Reminder that there's absolutely no reason to willingly play as elves in any game

Reminder that there's absolutely no reason to willingly play as elves in any game

Deus Vult even in fiction.

>implying magic users aren't the best
>implying elves aren't the masters of bows
>implying the elven race isn't the master race
Nigga, we got
>Noble Elves
>Tree Elves

Fuck off with that racism
>we was kings

>Not playing a human battle mage

Why even bother?

Don't elves make some of the best magic casters and healers?

Whatever. Elves are just as racist so fuck them.

Fuck dwarves, too.

>Nigga, we got
> Dark Elves
> other inferior breeds of elves
ftfy outlander

Because playing a human battlemage is like eating taco bell and calling it Mexican food. Yeah, it will do, but it's not the real thing. The real thing is way better.


