$100 on Paypal to whoever can explain to me, IRREFUTABLY, how this can be right and true 'cause...

$100 on Paypal to whoever can explain to me, IRREFUTABLY, how this can be right and true 'cause, when you look at atheism this way, honestly, it just seems like a huge bunch of senseless crap.

Yeah, the invisible man in the sky inventing everything has never been found and it comes in great conflict with lots of forms of analysis and reasoning that can be made upon it ...but whatever, we're talking about the very foundations of atheism which are pretty well depicted in this picture, in my opinion. If they can't be somehow explained I think atheism can be reasonably discarded as well.

The fox is never innocent in the court of chickens.

/which is to say you'll never pay a dime.

Jesus Christ, it's truthfully been a while since i've seen one of these threads, why bring them back now? Also, if there is no proof that a god exists, there is no reason for someone to believe in that god. Stop living in the stone age.

Religion is catalyst for morality you nigger. (Not Islam)

Explain the origin of everything, not a theory, the true fact.
If you don't know absolutely about the true event, you are a believer, theory is just fiction waiting to be confirmed somehow, and refuted later.

As immaturity may be a result of certain Chemical Imbalances, so may the friggin' Skatenigs flick the trigger on the suckers, squealing studs of pudness, they sing stuck in a rut in pig-pog land, they share rigs with grave diggers.
Worry about death when it's done, come & gone.
You buy their records & they'll piss on your mama's best collectibles.
They beat their rancid meat; expect you to pay the check.
They ring the \"B\" for bad backstage girls redundant in new-wave black, up the butt, snuck, stuck, mucked up, sucked.
I'd eat baboon bowel before I bite on their juvenile, penile, pole projections, they casually, smashingly reefer to as; my dick.
Infected, rejected, afflicted, mal-addicted, boa constrictive.
If immaturity is indeed a result of certain Chemical Imbalances, then these guys are on a permanent Ammoco overload. Crawlin' through maggot breath yee-haw, boys with latex toys.
If butt holes are in peep shows, then the 'Nigs are the window to the soul of this fuckin' ridiculous world.
Banality's got nothing on these boys, except a signed royalty check, a forged signature, the toilet swipe, the mega-acid smile, the glitch in the universal way, yeah, a real boss abortion to brag about at your next barbecue...

Is writing completely unintelligible sentences a new meme, or are you summer fags just this retarded?

No, you are an analphabet, just this

Your question is nonsensical. There is no single explanation for the "origin of everything."

*yawn* this is boring as the circumcised/non-circumcised debate.