I need $2k this month, the fuck do I do?

I need $2k this month, the fuck do I do?

Suck dick, or give handjobs

whore yourself out to 200 fat chicks for $10 each. Or 20 really fat chicks for $100 each

come down to Alabama we'll print some up for ya

Do you own someone money? That's my guess

Shoplifting and eBay?

2k for what exactly ? some labouring jobs could be good because generally they need the manpower so you could work 12-14 hour days in this kind of thing.

do you have any seed money ?

Where the actual fuck was that picture taken?

Well you're not going to do it by hanging around /b.

dunno but shes abit of a butterface

Alabama, really

When I need money i sell drugs.
Not that silly cheap stuff, hard drugs
heroin, LSD, MDMA shit like that.

I just wanted to know so I could add another thing to my mental list of shit to avoid. Seems like a good place to get the whole hepatitis alphabet and herpes to boot.

I love in Alabama can you print me money

Your car looks nice. My friend the expert values it at 20000$. I'll give you 2000$. It's a hard sell.

rob a bank. if you get caught, you won't need money anymore, if you don't then you'll have 2k. its a win win

if you've got some starting money, and depending where you live, you could buy some fishscale and cut it up 50/50 with some sugar and maybe painkillers. And then sell it for 10% cheaper than you bought it for. Did this with the 5k my parents gave me for college and doubled that in a week.

Gotta love acid


I like the way you think

No you idiot, what festival or event. The geographical significance is growing ever meaningless in levels of filth regarding to youth culture.

motherfucker are you high as shit? absolutely no idea wtf your talking about

Bro try putting sugar and painkillers in my coke and watch what I do...

Buy more 20 min later

> hard drugs
You fucking idiot, don't even know what hard drugs are. Get your underage ass off Sup Forums.

Yea, forgot to add that you should buy a burner phone if you use one cuz people will definitely get mad at you for some shitty coke.

Motherfucker, are you bad grammar as shit? Not spelling even know how or link following as shit.

now now ladies lets not make this into 'uhh dude I am edgier hipster omnipotent when it comes to drags bruh' thread,

fuck I hate those guys so fucking much

Sounds like you don't either. They don't exist. A drug is a drug, each with different effects. Deal with it.

butterface implies a nice body, her jelly belly denies that

english isnt my first language bitch, that being said your nonsensical venture of avoiding hepatitus has absolutely no relevance here cunt. now if you would kindly go about your business

Go to casino with $1
Bet on red every time
after winning 12 times in a row you got 2k, you got about 0.02% chance of winning

Sell drugs you cuck, that's the only way to make money.

Not gonna defend or pretend to be omniscient in regards to drugs. I'm just not gonna equate something that ruins your life with something that's mostly harmless.
Couple of 12 year old autismos you are.

Not OP, not in dire need of money, just curious... How can I still and what could I get for Adderall? Chicago. 15mg IR and 25mg CT. Probably can get the dosage up.

Family guy? Lol

How can I sell*. Fucking autocorrect

Hepatic illness and herpes can both be spread through contact with bodily fluids, in this case vaginal secretions. It was half joke half serious, and if English isn't your first language then don't bother replying if you don't understand. So would you kindly get back to whatever you were doing in whatever shit country you live that lacks sex ed.

Depends on the neighborhood really. Just stay the fuck away from the southside.

UIC area? Loyola? Loop?
Meh. I need the XR really. Not so much the IR.

owwwww butthurt much, atleast you live with mummy she will rub your back and make it all better

lel, I can tell your half intelligent now I understand your tongue in cheek. so as you know im welsh and am living sadly in england, the shittest country in europe at the moment. I retract any negative feelings my bad language may have caused you.

also dont hate on non english speakers most of the world is bi lingual only the narrowbanded retards think its the only language and you are better than that