thoughts on this little gem of a show?
Thoughts on this little gem of a show?
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Sucked without Nathan.
>future american version
>he /thread his own post
but you are right user.
oh god that is going to happen isn't it
>Nathan was loved by everyone
>Simon not so much
>Nathan actor let it go to his head and quits to star in movies
>Simon actor carries on and is now a major character in Game of Thrones with a promising career ahead
>Nathan actor is struggling to get work, playing in shitty low budget movies with Rupert Grint.
You just lost the game.
Absolute gem up until the end of the 2nd season and the start of the 3rd.
I can't remember the last time a show dropped so many quality in so little time.
yeah i agree first season was almost a perfect season, second was pretty good but not as good as the first. after that it went to shite.
>my power is i fuck people and their power goes away
>It's an ugly chav fucks a Gorilla episode
Pretty good show.
>What are you doing?
>I don't want to get cum on my dress
Pretty hot senpai, not gonna lie.