Hey guys, Fatass here

Hey guys, Fatass here.

I'm trying everything that I can to lose weight, I'm currently 280 pounds and i'm looking to lose 40 pounds in the next two months or so before I start working, so that I'm not wheezing and dying while I work.

I started smoking as an attempt to cut back on my apatite, becuase I find myself eating out of boredom and because I want to taste food, it's starting to piss me off. The pack of cigarettes you're looking at is about 2 weeks old now.

I've started up a jogging routine, I jog to the store in back about every other day, it's about a mile walk.

As for my diet i've been supplementing canned shit for fresh shit, and i've been eating less grains and meat overall. however I still find myself wanting to eat more often.

How would you folks suggest I deal with apatite issues and losing a good amount of weight in a 2 month period?

Suck it up

stop being a bitch

Switch to coke zero....

No more sugary drinks

Water or Zero drinks, diet drinks

Count em callories

Crack is a more effective when dealing with appetite. Try that instead. Or have you ever seen a fat person who consumed crack?

Reasonable but useless advice.

If I could just "suck it up" i'd just do it.

I wouldn't be asking for advice If I could do that man

Walk, run, stay active, do what you're doing.
Grains are okay, they're an important part of your diet.
Meat is good to cut out, especially red meat.
I eat beans like every other meal because they're protein bombs and just taste fantastic on anything.
Smoking will increase your metabolism but fuck you over in the long run, that's your call. You need to be able to breathe. Same goes for coffee.
Aerobic exercise. It sucks, it's the worst, but it is your bestest bestest friend and the more you do the less it will feel like holy evaporated hell.
Good luck, it's hard work but worth it all the way.

>Coke zero
>Fat fuck getting fatter

Don't listen to idiots op. Crack is the most effective medication to deal with adipositas

Force yourself not to eat. After a couple days you'll adjust and it will be easier

Just go for a run its not hard plug ur head phones in and run for 15-20 minutes and try to push your self if you need to stop then stop but you won't get better unless you try and fail

>so that I'm not wheezing and dying while I work.
>smoking cigarettes

I don't drink any type of soda at all.

Water and orange juice is about all I touch, and as for counting calories.

I've started doing that just recently, I'll keep it up



walking a mile on flat concrete is literally fucking nothing

try jogging 10 miles up a steep hill

>pack is two weeks old
Smoke more, eat less.
When you get the craving to eat for "taste", go for a drive and smoke instead.
Or just have some self control you fucking fatty.


>started smoking
>started up a jogging routine

Pick one, you fat retard.

Eat lots of carrageenan, in fact buy it in concentrated bulk and drink the shit. Hope it gives you major colitis problems that force you to starve and shit yourself nearly to death.

I lost 70lbs in 2 months and wound up in the hospital before I realized it was carrageenan fucking me up.

i have different problem, cant get any weight

>>so that I'm not wheezing and dying while I work.
>>smoking cigarettes

I know i'm crazy right? But as far as I can tell i've not had any changes in breathing whatsoever since I started smoking, not like i'm gonna light up when I'm at work or on a run.

Make sure you work out, and stay active. Replace eating with make going to the gym, or on a walk if you are a cheap basted like me. Also, I lost about 60lbs because I pretty m7ch just replaced food with coffee (I usually drink black deathwish espresso) and found it pretty easy to quit my overeating. Once you slow down your consumption, it becomes easier to eat less as you don't have as much desire to eat. You will also like more healthy food with more flavour than that gross greasy garbage you probably eat now.

Hike mountains. 2 hour hikes. 3 days a week. Fucking lose weight.

if you can get it....try amfetamines like speed
you'll lose your apetite for atleast a day at a time and it's cheap as fack

Smoking is way more worse for you than obesity, and is super addictive as well. Combining the two together guarantees a very premature death. You could literally have a heart attack in your 20's combining the two.

Here's a few tips...

Stop drinking juice. It's loaded with sugar and not nearly as healthy as eating fruit.

Eggs are very filling and relatively low calorie.

It's much easier to not eat calories than it is to exercise them off.

At 280, you need to keep going after losing 40 pounds.

Try out an app called my fitness pal, links with Map my run, Map my walk, and Map my ride. Record what you eat religiously, exercise daily, ???, profit.

I've lost nearly 5 pounds a week for the last six weeks. Your goal is a bit unrealistic, though. You'd have to eat very little and work out a ton. Settle for 20 or 25 lbs.

Yeah I know, I'm planning on getting down into the 180s or so, it's just I want to get down some so work isn't so rough for me.

It's just a start is all.

Can do on the juice though.

Orange juice is extremely sugary, and has a lot of calories. Almost as much as sofa. I'd recommend avoiding juices.


I went from 300 to 210 by eating less. Have you tried that? People don't get to 280 from eating normally. I got on a high protein low carb diet that helped me lose a shit ton of weight.

i'd suggest lifting more than cardio, the more muscle you have the faster you burn fat.

you can buy a fuckton of chicken eggs/legs/thighs for nothing, just cook and eat those when you're peckish. and yeah avoid bread/grains/soda/etc.

"Less grains and meat"

What is your logic in doing this? Because it sounds healthy?

HIIT + ketogenic diet + intermittent fasting = tried and true fat loss method

Dude, drink fuckloads of water.
I don't care if you hate the taste, but if you make yourself drink at LEAST 1.5L a day of pure water, (and not many other liquids, since we don't want your kidneys cicling through 4L of stuff a day) for two months I ASSURE you you'll have avoided eating tons of shit, which will in turn have made you lose a lot of weight.

It's just water. Buy a big bottle and be sure to fill it up in the morning, drink gradually, and have it depleted by night. Every night. You can do it, OP.

all of you faggots giving actual advice instead of checking my trips. fuck this faggot thread

To clarify, I was able to maintain this rate of loss because I'm considerably larger than you.

Not op but what is this post supposed to even mean? Are you saying you think a 280 pound man with little to no exercise routine is just going to be able to run up a steep hill for 10 miles?

Hey fatty mc fatty - drink water - make sure you're hydrated. When you feel the urge to smoke - drink some water, it'll help get your mind off it. When you feel you want to eat between meals - drink some water - it'll give your stomach the feeling of being full.

Also - don't eat preprocessed and canned shit - it'll top you off for a bit, but you'll usually feel hungry again after an hour. Eat plenty of fruits and veg - keep some bananas and oranges around for healthy snacks.

Low carb works well for short term weight loss, like what you're trying to do. I'm not convinced it's healthy to follow for extended periods, but it does help obese people get their insulin resistance under control and shed fat. The quick early water weight loss is a good motivator as well, because you can shed about 10 pounds the first week. Just know that it's water weight, not fat loss.

What a sad little life you must have.

Find weight clinics in your area that advertises phentermine as one of their weight mgmt plans.

On phentermine, I lost 1-2lbs a day. Makes you have ZERO appetite. Had to force myself to eat some days.

If you do it, stay away from caffeine and drink 64oz+ of water per day.

While that's good generally, in OP's case since he is wheezing at work and all, I think cardio could be good for him as far as health goes, since chances are his cardiovascular system isn't at peak. Don't want a heart attack in five years or anything.

Amphetamines and painkillers. You won't care about eating at all for days at a time. Dropped 100 lbs in a year on this program from 240-135.sure you'll be a junkie but you'll be skinny and get all that party girl pussy and die sooner, which I think is a win-win for everyone, you fat sack of shit

skinny, sad and pathetic tyvm. seriously though, fuck yourself for giving actual advice like a faggot

You're going to constantly feel hungry for a month or two while you cut down on foods. There is nothing you can do about it. Nothing. It will get better after your body adapts to eating less. Just continue eating less and staying away from sugar. Also, keep up the jog. And stop smoking you retarded fuck.

Head over to /r/keto . Lots of useless people posting but read the faqs in the side panel. Went from 297lb to 198 and still losing weight. Easy mode dieting no exercise required

I heard avocado was really good for diet. I used to eat 1 avocado / day for about 2 weeks (even if i'm not really fat) and I lost 10 pounds without doing anything.

Eating avocado will have incredible benefits on you.

+it's really good in a salad.

cut out sugars and carbs and youll do it no prob

>you can't out-train a shit diet
>burn more calories than you consume
>you need to know around how many calories you're consuming. You should only be eatting 1800/day.
>STAY AWAY FROM CARBS. (pasta, white bread, etc.)
>EAT MEAT, and good fats
>Lift heavy (if you have weights or a gym membership), be consistent

By the way, jogging a mile isn't really going to do shit for you trying to loose weight. I mean, I don't know how inactive you are, but you really need to be more concentrated on time rather than distance.

So, first off you colossal retard, quit smoking. "I don't want to be wheezing at work, so I'll just take up smoking" Brilliant.

Eat goddamn vegetables. Just a fuckload of veggies. Vegetables are cheap as hell, taste pretty good, make you poop right, and have almost no calories.

The lie spread in America is that fresh food is expensive and fast food is cheap. Absolute bullshit. People are lazy as fuck and vegetables "taste bad" so people buy McDonald's and are hungry and hour later.

A one pound bag of mixed frozen vegetables is a 1.79 at my local supermarket. Any kind of mixed vegetables you like. That whole pound of food has 150 calories.

Throw in a bit of brown rice (more fiber, more filling) and stir fry the veggies in a bit of sesame oil (does the same thing as other oils but adds a lovely "Asian" flavor) then top with hot sauce for more flavor.

Vegetables. Eat vegetables. No more sodas, none. Water is vastly better. Learn to appreciate black coffee, or coffee with just a bit of milk or cream, no sugar.

Snack time? Carrots. Don't eat three pounds of them at once, your stomach will hurt and you will shit nothing but carrots. It's weird. Zuchinni or cucumber slices, bell-pepper strips. Un-buttered popcorn. Great TV or movie watching snack and low calorie. Gives your mouth something to do.

Before you eat something ask:

Is this made with mostly sugar? (Soda, juices)

Has a primitive society used this food as a staple in their society to stave off literal starvation? (Potatoes, bread, cheese)

Does this only taste good because lf the fats and oils used in it? (Anything fried, burgers, chips)

Then don't eat those things.

Drink a lot of water. Like 100 OZ a day. When Ur hungry down a bottle of water. That will kill a lot of your appetite

best advice i can give to someone losing weight:
don't confuse thirst for hunger. if you get in your daily water dose, you don't crave soda, you just won't drink it.
secondly, fiber is what makes you feel full. this is why it's bad to skip breakfast because this is usually the time when you get fiber.
you will be surprised at how full you feel with moderate amounts of fiber.

>at least 1.5L

That's not even the minimum recommended daily water intake

>don't want kidneys cycling 4L

Your kidneys function better with higher water intake. You should be drinking at least 3-4 liters per day if sedentary. Up to 6-8 L if very active or sweating a lot

What's the deal with Coffee?

Workout more, lift not just cardio, you won't lose as much weight because muscle weighs more than fat but it will help you lose more fat overall and make you look better. I've lost 45 lbs quickly before but you're not gonna do it in 2 months it took me about 3 and I worked out at least four times a week and ate about 1500 calories or less per day

Ketogenic diet op.

The hardest part about a diet for an overweight person is breaking the food addiction. You need to retrain yourself tothink of food in a utilitarian fashion instead of using emotion. By emotion I mean the thought of "what sounds good?" That is eating with emotion. Once you break that cycle it is much much easier to lose weight and the ketogenic diet will do it for you.

>so that I'm not wheezing and dying while I work
>I started smoking
nice b8

Literally eat 150 grams of carbs or less per day. That's it. That's literally all there is to it.

Try to fast completely at least one day a week. A lot of people choose Monday because it's a good opportunity to get over any weekend binging that might have taken place.
Fasting is seriously an amazing thing for the body.

My other half had been trying to lose weight for YEARS with very little success, regardless of diet or exercise.. When they started fasting once a week, weight started dropping off.

Most people follow what's called a grazing diet schedule. This means they eat a little bit all day (snacking between meals). Limit yourself to only eating the last 6-8 hours per day. It's called intermittent schedule fasting or something. I lost about 15 lbs in a month using that and cycling about 20 miles a week, which isn't much


>other half
>when they

I think I found the homo

>I started smoking as an attempt to cut back on my apatite,

So, basically, you are worried about being a fatass who might die of heart conditions. In an attempt to avoid that, you start poisoning your body with carcinogens and you have an obvious learning disability to boot.

Okay. I'm cool with all of that.

OP here; I have a lot of you fucks thinking i'm some greasy dribbling neck beard that lives off fast food.

I can't blame you for thinking that, but the weight i've put on is from a lot of years of my youth being spent at a desk, hiding from a lot of shit, I don't eat healthy, but i'm not going out buying fast food and stuffing my gullet with ice cream and doughnuts.

Really appreciate all the advice though

As for the smoking bit, I'll think on quitting, probably end up tossing this pack out in a day or two, tastes shitty and stale.

Really appreciate the advice i've gotten though, next time i'll go to /fit/ and let them rip me a new one.

do hard drugs, you wont want to eat when youre on meth or cocaine

Would you prefer a trophy, or just a good ol' fashioned thumbs up?

Eat less, move more.

stop fucking eating

I mean.... you're not wrong. I just can't decide if that's worse for him....

fucking pussy im coming off methadone cold turkey and your a fat fuck that cant stop eating and you say its hard go fuck yourself

You can't really burn enough calories by "moving" to make up for overeating. We're talking 2 hours of swimming for a large fry.

Exercise has a lot of positive benefits, but if you're interested in losing weight you literally only have to eat less.

Look up the calories in your snack food. Look up the time spent running it would take to burn it.

Realize it's 2-4 hours.

Eat less.

At meals, drink a bit of water in between mouthfuls of food. Also fresh (or fast frozen )fruit/veg is better than canned but bear in mind that fruits full of fructose (sugar). Ive heard that before about avocados being okay though. More activity - jog to store every day instead of every other day. Or try alternating running hard as you can then walking a bit, then running. Really running.

hey OP can i see your foot?
also did you post last night?

Isn't losing that much weight over such a short period of time unhealthy anyways?

Either way, I guess just deal with it. I don't know much about losing weight because I've been stuck skinnyfagging for all my life.

Smoke pot?

yawn - smoking won't help.

how tall are you? I'll assume about 6'0 and have had little training before.

1. get your diet straight - you can literally get tables on how much shit there is in products It seems complicated but it is REALLY simple.
2. find a diet plan, that is supposed for weight loss. It states protein and carbs you need daily.
3. prepare foods and STRICTLY follow your nutrient regime.
4. Take up sports - do basic - running, bench press, squats, deadlifts, biceps curls. nothing more. Do it 5x a week for 1 hour every day.
5. continue till the result is achieved.

remember - CONSISTENCY is the key. you must do it no matter what.
I personally struggled with bodybuilding - I liftend and lifted and became stronger but almost no more muscular at all.
So I had to majorly adjust how often and how consistent I lift and eat. I ate when I felt (so not that much) and lifted about 2-4 times a week with inconsistent sleeping and heavyness.
Once I had all that in check I grew incredibly in muscle in literally 2-3 weeks - started lifitng 4x week really heavy, lots of rest, lots of lean food. .
Same goes for weightloss.

smoking won't help.

Nope, and here's a picture of my disgusting long toenails

Gonna go cut them after I shower.

Just noticed the hair on the pillow too, god I'm classy

Eat clen, tren hard, anavar give up

Take 10,000mg of arginine first thing when you wake up and right before bed on an empty stomach. Go full on Atkins diet to get the carbs to under 20 grams a day. Get exercise and drink plenty of water and enough fiber to keep from getting constipated. Try biking or swimming to save your joints the hammering they'll take from jogging.

there's your problem.

you are unkept. careless, have bad grooming habits.
That's why you are fat.
If you have bad (even disgusting) habits in one sphere of life, there is a huge chance you have bad habits in others. If you can't fucking do basic grooming, you probably haven't learned basic eating.

I started at 300. Now I am at 264. It was very simple OP. Limit sugar to 7gm per meal and cards 150 per day. The food choices are endless. Sugar and carbs are what make you fat.

you are a disgusting piece of shit

Two months is not long enough. Not without some pretty serious work or drugs. I have lost 44 pounds (I started at 220) it took me 4 months. I did it with no drugs except for nicotine.

Your going to have to really put the fucking work in. Also fuck your shitty expectation, its going to take way more time than you currently expect. Also your going to have to deal with what ever shitty faggot mental issues you have that got you that fat in the first place.

Tis' true, I am an unkempt monster.

I never shave, I never shower, I am literlaly a ball of sweat and death oder.

obviously because I don't clip my toenails every day is the reason i'm a fat fuck.

Thank you for your wisdom.

I'm coming off H cold turkey rn how goes it bro

first post in this thread can't be bothered to go through it all but this is guaranteed and has other benefits too...

Go to your doc, get diagnosed with ADHD (do some research on how to be plausible with this, but it's not hard)

Ritalin / Adderall whatever you get put on is a MASSIVE fat burner and huge appetite supressant.

So, as well as making you a laser-like focused beam of energy on whatever you do, you will never snack again and you'll burn off whatever fat you do put in your body.

But whatever. Stay fat if you want. I don't care. Bye.


Anderson silva?

Not op but evening on fit is an asshole


>obviously because I don't clip my toenails every day is the reason i'm a fat fuck.

yes, that is exactly what I am saying.

Lol youre not gonna lose any weight AND get addicted to cigs.

Retard you deserve it.

it's tough i was on 115mg methadone a day for 4 1/2 yrs. i was on heroin for 4 years before that and tried everything to get clean but couldnt at that point, ended up going on methadone and that got me clean from heroin but methadone is harder to come off than heroin. now im determined to get off everything. i wish i just cold turkeyed off the H though. oh well, better late than never.

I sort of get this "addiction" that you have and I feel that you need to practice with self-control. You have to overcome yourself mentally and realize if your habit persists, you'll die an obese man. Some people are okay with that (no they're not), but I can tell you that eating relatively healthy and working out are to your benefits when placed in certain unsuspected circumstances. JUST DO IT. Easier said then done, of course, but man. I been on Sup Forums since 2008. It was then that I went on to /fit/ and met Zyzz. He was hated then by some, and is hated now by most, but unless you met him, you'd never understand him. He motivated me and other friends to change, and so, I did. If some skinny fucking pixie stick like myself can become nearly shredded, so can you. Be a sick cunt, brah. Get shredded! Good luck.

Just don't fucking eat that much.
wtf is wrong with you?

hey you know what also helps not eating?
and cancer.

Consumption of coke zero has no insulin-related effects that are confirmed by the literature in any measure. It literally has no calories, why the fuck would it even trigger an insulin response in the body. It contains fucking aspartame. We've been using aspartame as a sweetener for almost 100 years now, you'd think if it caused an insulin release, we might have seen it (hint: we haven't).

go to /fit/ and read the sticky.

The mistake most people teying to lose weight make is thinking exercise is the primary thing that makes you lose weight.

Exercising is about 10-20% of the weight loss you'll get. Dont get me wrong, it has many health benefits, too many to list here but the primary force is diet.

For soneone that works out hard 4 days a week, your natural metabolism and calories burned digesting food is 80-90% of your daily calorie burning.

In fact, some people go backwards because of exercise. They feel more hungry and think they "earned" a cheat meal. One greasy piece of pizza defeats an entire exercise session.

Personal trainers will tell you this. Focus about 80% on weight lifting because it increases your resting metabolism all day every day. 20% on high intensity interval training (sprint for 30 meters, walk for 100, repeat 10 times). That burns insane amounts of calories.

However, focus mostly on eating. No carbs after 6pm, carbs in the morning to fuel your day. Lots of healthy protein, lots of fiber to make you feel full. Soon, your stomach will shrink and you wont be able to eat a lot in one sitting. Eat 6 small meals a day to keep the metabolism burning.

This is the only post you need. Godspeed fatty.

Oh just wait dude. I came off methadone 2 months ago (lofexidine detox) and now I can't stop eating. Fucking hungry ALL THE TIME. I never put weight on before in my life and now I'm having to count fucking calories.

Good luck with what youre doing though.

Use the fucking standard metrics

>because being clean is definitely what gets you fit, not going to the gym regularly...

All you need to do is buy a permanent buttplug and let the food fill you up.