Did he just cuck the entire league?

Did he just cuck the entire league?

Watch him get injured the first game

no he is the cuck

>getting players to join your team=you seducing an attractive woman
>Joining another team=you getting seduced by and being the bitch

He's not mentally tough enough to handle being the villain and getting booed in every city. He's not Napoleon

No, he cucked himself and killed a franchise. How can he ever be seen as #1 or the greatest or even a true winner? He won't even be the best or most valuable player on his team.

>cucked an entire franchise

Durant is now my favorite player in the league for this. Reddit fags go home

This word needs to die

Lmao so insecure. You make it sound like he's going there with his tail between his legs when in reality he just went to a team because they have really good players

Btw using the word cuck to insult somebody's business decision is retarded

Based on what? Don't think he gives a shit

no he cucked the Thunder. the Warriors were already head and shoulders above the rest of the league without him, and would have gone back to the Finals without him.

no but he made the NBA the worst league for the next 3 years to watch

at least when lakers and celtics were dominate the up and coming teams were competetive(pistons , bulls , phillies)

this is just going to make the sport less popular than it already is

> he won't be the best in my opinion

I don't think he gives one shits about who you think the best player is. Also, he already lost once in the finals and hasn't been there since so it couldn't happen anyways

It'll be the same way. Cavs vs. Warriors for the next 3-5 years while teams like Minnesota and Philadelphia gradually rise just in time to face a declining LeBron

The fuck are you talking about? The other teams still exist. It's not Durant's fault that everyone else sucks.

other teams aren't exciting because they don't have good players

the fucking Knicks turned into the retirement team

celtics are still trash

Pistons are the only team I can think of in the east that is up and coming

Bulls just crashed

West has no competitive teams anymore

Clippers are perennial chokers , rockets are an aging team , lakers are in the first phase of rebuilding with kobe gone , GSW is the new Heat/Cavs of the west

NBA has become stale and KD joining GSW certified it

I'm excited to see the Lakers this season. You're just being a cuck.

Yeah, enjoy that deep playoff run bruh.

>lakers/Celtics make it to 9 finals in 12 years

>Bulls win 6 of 8 championships

"Golden age of NBA"

Now you guys bitch?

This is about to be legod vs the villains for another 3years

People don't realize that some random team is going to come out of nowhere and kill GSW.

>not understanding what a rebuild is
Go back to your semen slurping 'sports' that you suck at.

People on Sup Forums just started watching the NBA 3 years ago

>muh rebuild
>willingly getting cucked by GSW for the next 5 years

The cuck would be the team he left.

Thunderfaggots can't accept that.

Only himself. I would say the Thunder also, but they still have the better half in Westbrook.

They're doing it wrong though. They're tanking, but not acquiring assets

Need to hire Hinkie 2bh

He's the new Lebron

How can the NBA approve of this when they blocked Chris Paul to the Lakers?

Because Paul was being traded
KD was an unrestricted free agent so he could go to any team

The Chris Paul trade was blocked because the league owned the (then) Hornets and they were getting dogshit in return

Plus this is a free agent signing, not a trade

He did the right thing. Nigga wants a ring and GS is a good team that's overdue to win after the league handed lefag his storybook win


He's not the villain. People don't care about him as much as LeBron

Agreed. It's hard to get excited for your team when you know that players are eventually just going to join together in whatever nice city they want to play in. LeBron winning in Cleveland will end up being a historic exception, if it isn't already.

Which is why the NBA is star-driven WWE shit, and the NFL will continue to be the world's best sports league. It's the only one where neither money nor stars get to dictate the direction of the league.

yea but also his own legacy. unless he wins 3 with the w's which is possible.

>implying he isn't lebron's bitch

what about the bucks though?

>only one where neither money nor stars get to dictate the direction of the league
holy fuck so true. based football

There's no league as parity driven like the NHL.

Durant just wanted a way to get lil B to lift the curse without getting embarrassed by him in a 1v1. Cant blame him desu.

>tfw you remember when lebron was the villan of the league

wrong sport dum ass

No he just cucked Steph and Klay.

But The Warriors spanked him so hard he felt like his team wasnt ever going to be good enough so he flocked to them because he doesnt want the spotlight or to be the main reason why a team loses.

Now if they lose he gets to hide behind Curry and co.

If thats not expert analysis of Rape Psychology then I dont know what is

I would love to see thunder eliminate KD and win the chip , how much would that tarnish KD's legacy?

ahah u mad

I just think it's proves how beta "The Servant" is