Top three reasons why this racist shitbag should not even be elected dog catcher. 1. He built his entire business using money he inherited from daddy. Born on third base and constantly bloviates about how he hit a triple. 2. He is a liar, a cheat, and a thief. 3. He is a tiny-fingered, Cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon.
1. He's not Hillary. She's despicable to the point where I'll vote for Trump if only as a massive FUCK YOU to the rah-rah cheerleaders who have been yapping about Hillary's "inevitability" for months on end.
I cannot. Fucking. Stand. Hillary.
Grayson Sanders
1) Bengazi 2) Email scandal 3) was cucked in front of the whole world.
Grayson Hall
1. he's cancer oh wait
Michael Cook
Hi Correct The Record.
Camden King
1. His grandfather was a draft-dodging pimp. 2. His father was a KKK sympathizer who ripped off the US government during WW2 building sub-standard and over-priced military housing. 3. Donald and his father were found guilty of discriminatory practices in their public housing in the 70s.
The apple does fall far from the tree - or in this case, two trees.
Brayden Williams
Your reading comprehension sucks. Go back to school.
Hudson Moore
I could't agree more user, but Shillary is going to win because of the fact that popular vote means nothing. Its all electoral college.
James Nguyen
>racist Meaningless epiphet.
1. You go turn a million into billions, lots of people get a million in the lottery and they just end up in debt. 2. Citation needed (inb4 Trump U that wasn't a scam) 3. Isn't even worth a reply.
Jordan Jones
>LE STOP HATE >says the people spitting, insulting, attacking, and shaming anyone who disagrees with them
Leftists are the most vile, angry, hate filled and violent subhumans I've ever seen.