>never been with or kissed a guy
>have social anxiety
>live in the ghetto
>dropped out of H.S
>got fire from my job (was a waitress)
>My dad left when I was 12..
>My mom drinks..alot
>I always look down at my feet when I walk
>Can't look anyone in the eyes
>I have really small hands and feet..ugh..
>always looking to escape this shit reality
>try everything to drown out the fuckin noise in my head
>my feet get cold easily
>I'm physically very weak
>lips get chapped easily
>I bruise easy
>have trust issues
>whenever im walking and I notice someone walking towards me, I suddenly forget how to walk..its so fuckin weird like I idk...ughh I just over think everything...I overthink walking ffs im so fuckin done... :/

I just feel so fucking beat. So broken and battered. No matter how hard I try to be normal I always end up feeling so empty...so fake and useless...


I use steam because whenever I give out my skype it leads to sexual things..


Other urls found in this thread:


cut yourself on camera

you're actually pretty cute, no need to be so depressed little bird

pls post feet


I know that feel bor

Snapchat me that pussy.

You just need to feel happy and comfortable in life for a substantial amount of time and you will slowly shed your anxiety. It will be okay. :)

kill yourself on tinychat por favor

tits or gtfo


Like shit am i trusting a steam account that used to be called "Kill the white race"

Kill yourself

> trying this hard to get free games
> pretending to be a girl

tits or gtfo

This, why don't you shut your computer down and go outside and fucking do something productive.

I find that narcotics helps with my anxiety problem.

Also try a mixture of vodka and sleeping pills..

dont be a normie :) eat doritos and start gaming.

Kill yourself

you sound like a virgin tbh famalam

Tits and timestamp

I've seen this thread before, people this is b8

what games you play?


I hope everything turns out better for you in the long run.

The brain of an adolescent is very plastic and able to create strong, lasting neuro-connections relative easily.
One's ability to strengthen one's aptitude is significantly reduced past the age of around 25 years.
After that, one's ability to strengthen one's bare basic ability to do things like memorize things, calculate, all other things stemming from that is just significantly reduced.
However, one's ability to recall stored information quickly and keep long-term memory is significantly increased.
Also, one can still learn and apply various techniques to improve one's ability of memorizing things and what not.
Knowledge, intelligence, and determination can compensate for each other.


On steam profile:

Weed Smoking Alien 29 juin à 8h04
You're so fake, she is just trying to get free games. All I wanted was for you to call me a faggot :(
[ Osameml ] 25 juin à 6h35
Fuck you so hard.
I tried to be so nice and supportive to you, I gifted you a motherfucker 20€ game and you don't even bother to speak or say anything? You just remove me?

No wonder why you're so sad and lonely.
No wonder why you're failing so bad and hardly.
остов 30 mai à 11h54
funny banana image
124HomeBoy 29 mai à 21h28
Op is chill af
Draktok 29 mai à 21h16
jesus christ why
『  』 29 mai à 21h12
Wassup OP



virign 21 with method addicted mom and dad killed himself when I was 12. I can feel your issues. Press on.


don't listen to all the haters op they just mad because they are unhappy themself and probably virgin with never experience with girls

im going to give u benefit of doubt and add u maybe we can play game. I see u play csgo I will play with u im mge and we can work together I can show u tips n tricks.






You should follow in your dad's footsteps. Make him proud.

>I tried to be so nice and supportive to you, I gifted you a motherfucker 20€ game and you don't even bother to speak or say anything? You just remove me?

Oh god, hope that's a troll or this is really sad...

bitch, u r slow, look

Want a sugar daddy?

goddammit. Thanks user have some puss and tits.

kys you cuck FAGGOT

I met someone exactly like you:
>she became my best friend (and said I'm a friend she allways dreamed)
>we date in a theme park
>day after that she texted me she doesn't want to see me anymore
>I tried to contact her in order to know why
>no respond
>I retry 1 week later
>she called the cops

Totally crazy

I hope you never betray anyone like her


meh suicide is overrated I'd rather deal with it by being here... so I guess I'm already halfway there nigger.

I thought you lived with your grandma

>be you
> be a male
> learn greentext
> eat shit
> eat shit and die
>be a bee
> fly
> fly into towers
>honey can't melt steel bees
>melt steal bees

kek faggot


do you have a condition or are just an average Downey?

FUCKING DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Top fucking kek

where are the fuckin tits?

fuck you're ugly as sin


literal cuck faggot detected


Funny watching all the thirsty white knights show up, gift this person games, etc.

"Hi, I'm a socially awkward female. Oops, I just dropped my SteamID...don't peek, teehee"

Every boner on Sup Forums stands at attention. Every wallet opens.

Fucking betas. Betas everywhere.

Kill yourself immediately, you useless NEET autistic bitch. Beg for acceptance and games elsewhere.

You should follow suit.



Whoever solves this gets a free Steam game of your choice!


is this real?

what do you expect of a Dutch mexican mein nigger? Those two breeds don't create humans, they create things like myself.

sorry but most of what you say about yourself sounds qt as fuk

This is Sup Forums. This is all Sup Forums is. Turn back now. Save yourself.

>had sex
>had several girlfriends, took several virginities
>ain't mentally inferior
>live with my girlfriend in our own appartment, 7th story, capital city
>just got a new job for the summer while having a break from my studies
>dad allways been around
>mom never drinks
>I look at what I feel like when I walk
>Can look anyone in the eyes
>Also have small hands tho
>never looking to escape this paradise
>try nothing to alter my perfect situation
>my feet are warm and comfy because I have this pair of really good slippers
>I use lippomade
>I don't stub into everything I pass
>Surround myself with trustworthy people
>don't care about other people like some autist

I feel so fucking great, awesome and succesful. No matter how hard I try to NOT tell you this... YOU SHOULD KILL YOURSELF, OP!

I say this to you on Sup Forums because I'm waiting for my friend to log on to the game we're about to play.

But really doe, fuck off and end yourself fag

Jesus christ you fucking child. Put your second hand around your dick as well and stop typing. You pathetic faggot.

I started coming here when I was 14 and an underage faggot, now at 21 I miss what I used to see.


I feel bad for you honestly especially considering I have like severe social anxiety and as a male have small hands and feet. Life is hard for me but no one will ever pity me as they pity you. The double standard makes me rage tbh.

>implying Sup Forums doesn't have experience with babes
kys faggot

cuckold, open your wallet

No it's just fantasy

you are probably a 45 yr old mentally ill fat ass that watches anime desu

maybe I should come down to ponchatoula and visit you?

ugh fucking neck yourself


Man the fuck up you little cuck.


John Green is that you?

while I agree with you... get over it nig. I'm that dutch Mexican asshole frim earlier in the thread. No one cares m9 and no one will. Just enjoy what you have and get some good laughs in whenever people make fun of you.

timestamp or gtfo

>current year
>falling for this


>No one on Sup Forums can be succesful

heres your (you)

the exif file says louisiana but how do you know she is in pnchatoula?

try to be chill for a week, meditate, try to build up yourself again. LSD/shroom will do the trick. 1st/high dose sitter recommended. you'll profit

>recent names
>Fecal n shit


What does your cunt smell like?

I live near her. she's actually a very outgoing and confident girl


translation: she's the ghetto bicycle

^This is a good plan.


Are you a fatty?
If not I would fuck you.
Even tho this is bait.
And I am a girl.



>I suddenly forget how to walk.
I get that. Like i feel as if people are staring at me because my walk looks weird, so I have to concentrate to make it look normal, and obviously that just makes it look fake, which makes me worry more, which makes me try harder, and so on. i've actually fallen over this stupid shit has got so bad.
let me look after you and take you away from it all, op. ill look after you sweetheart. you don't mind french kissing my asshole nightly as a thankyou, right?

>also no tits w/timestamp

How do i meme :^)?

this bread is just smarter 'steam beg' version.


Same as me when i'm walking, if I know someone's watching me or is behind me i focus on it and walk like a .... like a sort of stupid duck.