What's your strangest porn?

What's your strangest porn?

I've got off to balloon porn in the past. Something about the noise and the girl. She was fully clothed the entire time. Not fapped to balloon fetish stuff since.


Hmmm... Strangest... Idk tbh. Machine fucking? ... Or... Pee hole/cervix play? Um... Toilet brush in pussy... And then there's that vid I saw of a group of chicks passin a little boy around and fappin em. I've seen a lot of strange sexual shit. I blame bush.

Oh man. The pee hole stuff is crazy. Does it turn you on?

>then there's that vid I saw of a group of chicks passin a little boy around and fappin em

Well, if we're including CP, there's the Matty B raps molestation video. It was probably fake but the kid was his clone.

Outta my way, bitches.
It won't even let me post it so here, have a screenshot.

Gonna keep bumping to see how crazy this might get.

>chicken in ass
>our system thinks your post is spam

Can't find it. Can't even find mention of it on the internet.

Dude have you ever seen tube girl?

>a chicken in my ass



bitches don't even know

I said strange. Who doesn't fuck giant spider faces?

It was on Sup Forums a few years ago.

There was a censored screenshot of a kid (that looked identical to him) laying on a bed with a phone in his hands and he's playing on it looking up at it. He's probably around 6 or 7.

The photo was on here all the time at one point.

please, that's kindergarten shit.


I can't find the one where a guy makes a smoothie by shoving the ingredients up his asshole and drinks it. Does anyone have that one? Or the one where a pretty lady makes spaghetti through the same method.


Are those his real boobs, or are those fake?

Those are fake.

And those are real, like these.

Belly button porn

are only fat people into this shit? wtf is this?

i can understand a lot of fucked up stuff - but ... what the hell is going on??

> strong


