What can I skip?

What can I skip?

Not pictured: Daredevil season 2 & Civil War

All of it.

literally all of it


None of the TV shows are ever referenced in the movies.

Iron Man 3 is the only movie that can be totally ignored.

Every Hulk and Thor movie

All of it

Where is Agents of CIA?

Skip the TV shows, the one shots and IM3. They're all not important. The Hulk and Thor 2 you could probably skip to.

Daredevil series is considered canon in the MCU?

All the one shots, most of Thor 1 and 2, Agents of Shield, Agent Carter, the Incredible Hulk and Jessica Jones. Daredevil you can take or leave, it's good but whether or not he'll appear in Avengers 3 is unknown. Charlie Cox has a stipulation in his contract that he must appear in the films if asked, but whether or not they ask him...

It's true

Yes. It's story hinges on the fact that the damage from Avengers 1 has helped the baddies get power in NY

le ebin samefag

Watch Iron Man 1, the Captain America Trilogy, GotG, Ant-Man and the Avenger films if you really want to. Ignore everything else.

Addendum: Punisher's and Elektra's origin story is told in Daredevil S2, while no origin stories are told in Jessica Jones. Cage and JJ are basically in medis res. Assumedly Cage's origin story will be told in his series. It all hinges on whether or not you consider JJ relevant at all. I do not.

Well...after watching the 2 seasons I don't remember anybody talking about that.

everything except the Netflix shit

It was literally a main plotpoint in season 1 that they mentioned multiple times.

Can someone post the more updated version of the viewing timeline?

In order: Hulk, Iron Man 2, The Consultant, AFTH1DTTH, Agent Carter, Item 47, Iron Man 3, All Hail the King, Agents of Shield, Thor: Dark World, Guardians of the Galaxy, even more Agents of Shield, even more Agent Carter, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and the upcoming Punisher.

You need none of those to understand what's going on.

For a good time, watch: Iron Man, Captain America 1, Avengers, Iron Man 3, Captain America: Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy, Daredevil, Antman, Captain America:Civil War, and the upcoming Punisher.

Most of the rest of it is pretty mediocre schlock. Avengers 2 was OK, but the good parts of it are not good enough to wipe out the bad, so I can't recommend it as a fun time.

Well maybe I was just so focused on what Fisk was planning I totally forgot about that.

They also mentioned the "incident" aka the Battle of New York from The Avengers.


and since all netflix shows are in the same universe, arrested development is part of the tommy westphall universe, so the mcu is actually a part of the tommy westphall universe

Aren't some of those relevant to Infinity Wars?

Which ones?

I thought it was confirmed at this point that most of the MCEU was not going to be featured in Infinty Wars.

The only one I can think of that would need to be added for relevancy to Infinity Wars would be Guardians of the Galaxy.

Most of the rest are either world-building, side-stories, or irrelevant to the main MCU plot.

Nothing has been confirmed either way bby.
Whether the Netflix and TV characters will show up in IW is still up in the air.

>What can I skip?
If you're talking about what you can skip in order to understand what's going on in Civil War and future movies,
You need to WATCH:
IM1+2, First Avenger, Thor, Avengers, Winter Soldier, Ultron
You can skip the rest. You'll still miss a few things like character introductions but it's not that big a deal.
Note that once Infinity War gets started, you'll probably want to have watched Thor 2 and GotG because they involve the Infinity Stones.

If you're talking about just watching things for individual quality and not the overall story, then you should drop IM2 but add GotG and Ant-Man.

I have no input on the TV shows. I like Agents of Shield but I can't really say it's the best quality.

>whether or not he'll appear in Avengers 3 is unknown.
He's definitely not appearing.

First post, best post.