>It's a Tony samples street food prepared with questionable hygiene in a third world shithole while waxing poetic about their misunderstood culture episode
It's a Tony samples street food prepared with questionable hygiene in a third world shithole while waxing poetic about...
Fuck you I like it.
Tony also clearly gives very few shits, and seems to be doing alright enough for himself despite this to make me jelly of his life every episode.
"The shit from under the chef's fingernails really adds to the texture!"
>It's a Andrew goes to Africa and eats literal garbage food
surprised he hasn't relapsed into drugs and JUST'd yet
I wonder how many times this guy has had to emergency shit.
>it's an andrew goes to america and eats relatively normal food episode
>it's a people watch other people eat on tv world
>it's a Andrew eats food you eat all the time episode
Pretentious is a word that gets thrown around a lot with little meaing, but Anthony is a bona fide affected twat.
I watched an episode where he went to an upscale coffe house in the heart of Austria and he had nothing but bad things to say about it. Just complained incessantly about how there were too many other people there.
Later in the same episode he eats a goat's rectum from some hole in the wall high up in the Alps and he couldn't stop raving about it.
I hate Bourdain so fucking much. It's a shame his show is good, but man, Tony is fucking retarded.
what did he mean by this?
He's an unapologetic grouch who speaks his mind in any culture, provided you're not beheaded for speaking your mind in that particular culture.
Regardless of whether you agree with him or not, at least he's honest about his opinions.
>It's a you find out why he's totally okay with that episode
Berman: It was a serious drug problem?
Zimmern: Oh very serious. Yeah –hard drug addict, alcoholic, la package totale.
Berman: So, we’re not talking about like dabbling in drugs?
Zimmern: Oh, no no no we’re talking about – let me see if I can paint the picture for you: I lived in an abandoned building in lower Manhattan; one that we squatted – a bottle gang and I. I would steal purses off the backs of chairs in those swanky little cafes on Madison Avenue, run down the side street, leap the wall at Central Park and 5th Avenue, get on the subway, go down to the lower east side and sell the credit cards and passports that were in the purses for money to support my drug and alcohol habit. And then go to sleep at night on a pile of dirty clothes in this abandoned building andI sprinkled a bottle of Comet Cleanser around so the rats and roaches wouldn't cross over at night so I could pass outin some peace and quiet and that's what I thought was normal. That's how I lived for a year – no showering, I was the guy you crossed the street to avoid if you walked by me in New York.
Berman: It’s amazing. I mean, looking at you now, you look like my Uncle Murray. But it was that bad?
Zimmern: It was worse than that. I’d rather not scare you too much but you’re livingthe life where you are constantly beat up, abused, abusing other people, doing something horrifically shameful and tawdry things that crater your soul – you give away pieces of yourself that you swear you would never do. You know, I swore I would never talk to you like this and then reach into your jacket and take your wallet and those are the things that you do when you are being driven by the insanity and the compulsion of alcohol and drug addiction.
i have firends like that who think the dirtier and and less visible a restaurant is, the better it is, even if the food is nasty shit that guarantees diarrhea
>it's a get your show canceled because you got too butthurt online epsiode
>muh germs
Do you guys never eat out when you travel?
>sheltered neckbeards
>ever going outside let alone traveling
Jesus christ...what a sheltered faggot...
People like you are the reason for the 3rd world remaining as shitty as it is.
sounds like he got raped
I like him. but hes a massive narcissistic asshole
>visible tattoo
Honestly, I don't know who this guy is but I """"trash bin"""" anything some dumb fuck with a tattoo has to say about any given subject.
he could do a lot better
that's pretty heavy.
I remember he once said that immigration was good because of food. Fucking leftist thing to say but regardless he and Zimmern got me through some rough times in college and I am very grateful.