What happens here?

What happens here?

Good beaches? Or too cold?



Deadliest Catch


i am curious if you hop from island to island can you just cross from the us to russia and vice versa. and if so, it may be a potential drug route.


well that's obvious and that way you reach the mainland. nobody wants to just arrive in the mainland russia all of a sudden. i am talking about navigating sneakily from island to island until you reach a russian island (attu station to nikolskoe). since it is small, nobody will notice and you can claim you've been to russia. or russian villagers could sail to the attu station to visit the us over the weekend.


The whole place is named after a Dane.

Sea cows maybe survived there

>Ivan Ivanovich Bering


>Vitus Jonassen Bering



Bering sea?

extrem cold if those documentaries about king crab fishing are true.

these guys from Discovery fishing crab.

IS THAT A BRIDGE? Or is it just a ferry route?

KEK, I thought the same.
Pesca pesada or some shit like that.

>55 mile bridge
And there is probably no ferry route either

This kek fishermen in Alaska are pro

That's what I thought. It is very extense to be a bridge. Even the longest one is like 3 Km long or so.

I googlemaped the islands. No one lives there.

>a fucking straight line
This really made me think.
You need two 40 km tunnels, 800km of rail/road in Alaska and over 2000 km in Russia.

The one at the left is China, bud.

>there is a straight line that doesn't touch land and connects Russia and the US.

Animals and probably an Edgy Eskimo.

It's literally the only place a foreign nation has invaded us.

My next CK2 playthrough will be like that. Merchant Republic Kalmar Union!
Skoljung best dynasty