What happens if you mix white rice with brown rice?

what happens if you mix white rice with brown rice?


um, beige rice?

light skin

fucking mustard gas.

you die

the white rice moves to the edge of the bowl

The brown rice shoots 50 gay people in a club

You get mulatto rice.


It tastes like shit. Come from experience

Mixed rice.

you get Sweden if you put it 20% white to 80% brown.

Doesn't this make mustard gas?

Q: what happens if you mix white rice with brown rice?

A: you get brown rice

white rice is the most versatile form of rice. mankind must do all it can to maintain the ricial purity of the white rice

half of your meal becomes shit

You get light brown rice

you get curry rice

Nerve gas

You ruin America

Black lives matter protesters


Damn I wish I could fuck a gaynigger from outer space.

Half breeds

The consequences would be catastrophic. Cataclysmic consequences inconceivable, and horrific. Nothing would ever be the same. The pillars that hold heaven above earth would crumble, and the crust that binds hell to the earths mantle would shake so violently that tectonic plates deep in the earth, never having been disturbed, would slide with such ferocity that the surface of the planet would crack open to expose a trench so wide and deep, you could see it from space.volcanic magma would spew out, covering the sky in black soot, nearly entirely blocking the sun. The crack would split an entire continent, forever changing the world, humanity, the course of history, and the earths gravitational pull. The moon would no longer orbit the way it did before, God would be displeased, as we have spat in his face for the last time. He would turn the fate of existence on earth over to Satan to punish and destroy us all. This friends, is how the beginning of the end would occur. The time of sorrow has arrived, and we will beg for death and deliverance from what we've done. Men children and women will pray, but their prayers will go unheard. This is the beginning of the end. Who to the world for this is the beginning of all that is to come.

Woe to the world*