/chess/ scandinavian players and defence edition

user, you are black what do you play

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> you are black
Fuck off, I am not a nigger.

>who Nh8 first turn here

she now feels disappointed user

Knight takes the pawn to protect the queen?

if you mean Nxg3, nah

if gxh4, Nxd1
if Nxf2, Qxc4

hmm, so sacrifice the queen... move the rook to h7?



what does white play next tho? (the game becomes equal)

Just glancing at it, the Queen seems like it is positionally useless on h3, let alone bad simply because of Bf1, so that's out of the question. That leaves ...Qg5 or ...Qe7 (provided I'm not missing any tactics) as candidate moves.

The attacking retreat ...Qg5 prepares pawn pushes to h4 and f4 which seem dangerous especially with the rook on the h-file. I suppose the critical line would be ...Qg5 h4 (I don't see Qd5 getting anywhere because white's queenside is so undeveloped) Qg6 where white should possibly alleviate the pressure on g3 by playing Nd2 to disrupt the black e4 knight.

...Qe7 on the other hand seems much more positionally sound as it doesn't get in the way of the g-pawn, it preemptively parries possible threats of Qd5, and after fianchettoing the bishop to b7 and castling queenside, the d-pawn is more supported. I'm a caro-kann player so I'm not much of an attacker, so ...Qe7 is additionally appealing to me. Overall I think the best move is ...Qe7.

I'm an 1800 player just glancing at this without engine assistance, and I certainly could be missing some tactics.

Knight takes F2 pawn. You either go up a pawn by trading if white takes queen. Or else you lose knight but take two pawns (F2 and H2) and a check.

yep, it's Nf2. White loses with all answers except one.

Oops, seems as I was typing I missed the correct solution being posted. Qe7 still seems okay though, Black is slightly worse but has good endgame prospects against the white e-pawn.

You can't possibly set up a mate yet so that Queen has to move.

Black's pawn structure is not as good when you decide to castle so take that into account.

That's about it



if you meant 2.Qd7 that's it

So, 1... Nf2
2.Qd7 Bd7
3.gh4 Ng4 and the game is equal

otherwise if 2. gh4 Nd1
or if 2. Kf2 Qc4

and black is better in both cases.

No I meant 1...Qe7

Very nice line you give. I just checked with my computer and after 1...Nxf2 white's best is 2. Qd5 Nh3+ 3. Kg2 Qg5 4. Qf7+ Kd8 5. Rf3, rather than the counter-sacrifice 2. Qxd7+

I was just saying that 1...Qe7 was probably the second best choice for black, given that I missed the shot 1...Nxf2

Are you a chess master?

oops, I had not seen 2.Qd5 at all. That's a nice line.

not even close user. I think the Norwegian guy is though.

I played a lot of chess in my day, i was champion of my province under the U10 category.

I stopped playing competitively along time ago, mostly because I didn't like the competitiveness and ruthness kids were exposed to.

I was literally afraid even to chessboard until i've turned 18.

i think i still got most of my trophies in a boxes in the attic

He isnt i nearly beat him once and im average af

The race card

also if anyone here has some time to kill, here is a position i still have burning in my mind:

year 2013, veselin topalov came here to gave some simuls, and i was lucky enough to get a seat. i prepared an obscure line in the dutch defense in which he made a positional mistake and i was able to barely squeeze an extra pawn like 15 moves later.

however i punted in the endgame, and played ... d6? which led to this position, which Topalov the chance for a draw and he capitalised on that.

can you guys find it? white to play and draw

move the queen one space down, if you take the pawn with your knight it will just be taken by the rook, and white will take that rook and fuck you in the asshole because you can't take it with your queen due to pawns. If you leave things as is the rook cannot take your knight without getting smacked by the pawn, which is a terrible trade, and the pawns that white has moved up cannot progress. I have not read the thread beyond OP and the first 2 posts and do not play chess often, I just don't have painful shortsightedness and autism

I suck at chess. I can't get higher than 1150 at chess.com. How do I improve, Sup Forums?


keep doing this until you stop sucking

just to be sure, the pawn should be on d7 and it is black's turn to play?

this site is p cool actually

rec me some chess youtube channels bros

what I don't like with youtube chess vids is that they take too long; having said this, thechesswebsite is OK I guess.

Nope. Position as it is, white to play and draw

Kingscrusher is maximum comfy

chess isn't a sport, you faggots, it's a board game.

>chess isn't a sport
>American education

>European sport classifications

It's as if, you fucks don't know what sport is.

Its not. Now fuck off

You could ask why Qh3 is bad.

It isn't, but finding the winning line doesn't make for too bad a chess problem either.

Stay salty.

Let's play some chess

My chess.com is 1400


taking the opposition with 1.Kb4 seems reasonable

challenge cancelled nigel

>want to view match
>Challenge canceled.

make bread fresh again

>user, you are black
*does cripwalk

Race Card

Ok so I started playing chess against a computer and I keep getting to the point where i'm clearly going to win as I have many more pieces on the board than my opponent but before I can checkmate I get the message "stalemate, no more legal moves" and it ends in a draw. I don't understand why there are no legal moves and why this keeps happening. Pleas could someone explain it to me. Thank you

wiki has a good article with lots of examples


bottom line: if it's your opponent's turn, he is not in check and has no legal move then it's a draw. You have to learn how to restrict the squares accessible to the enemy king, allowing at the same time to your opponent to have at least one legal move; until ofc you can mate him.

I've heard several people say being good at maths is a requirement to be good at chess
Is that true?

Aronian here. AMA


not math just the things that doing math trains well

I have met few armenians overboard, dumb as hell, dirty, everyone was about 160cm and didn't know how AC worked, simply pointed at the unit and kept saying 'don't work'.
Replaced batteries on the remote and worked perfectly lol.
You are like mini roaches, how does this make you feel, Aronian?

is it true you are dating caoili for her breasts?

Chess is too hard.
I give up.
You guys are too good at this.
I trained three hours and I can't even win against the weakest AI once.


you qt


If you have good short-term memory you have the potential to be good at both arithmetics and chess. But practicing one doesn't necessarily help the other.

I'll put that piece in that square.

No comment.


That's my favorite restaurant.

me too

actually 1. Kb4?? is a mistake, because of
1. ... Kc7!
2. Kc3 Kd7
3. Kd4 Ke6!
4. Ke4 c5
5. Kf4 d5!

and white loses

Double question mark for using the wrong move is kind of a bit of an overkill here lad.

comedy gold

well, the fact that you had the option of securing a draw and you played a move that loses the game instead deserves the double question mark for me.

writing porn scenes must be one of the funniest jobs in the world


.com is a scam-site

If the draw isn't easy to find, a single question mark for not being able to find it is good enough.

Lichess 1500 rating is as good as 1200 chess.com?

fair enough

anyways, any guess on that position?

1. Kb3 I guess.

underrated post

What was his end game?

1. Kb3? loses the same way as 1. Kb4?

black just forces through with 1. ... Kc7 and will eventually get around white's King.

The correct move is 1. Kc2

>user, you are black what do you play

A stolen playstation

>i will allow a test to performed, to see if i cheat
>no, actually i change my mind lol ;)

>then we ban you
>no pls i will appeal and prove that i don't cheat
>no actually i won't do that


new to chess.

explain me the basic flow of thinking

and wth means kb4 and kb5 and pt3 and qg5 qt3.14

basic chess ideas are a quick development of pieces while keeping a a cohesive structure.

those kb5 and stuff are albreaic notation, you can learn more about it here:


how is a board game a sport? is monopoly a sport?

Eh. I've grown kinda rusty, fuck me.

So what was the winning line you missed?


anyone up for a 5+5?

pls don't bully me, i am barely average

board is represented as a grip with a-h horizontally and 1-8 vertically.
the symbols before it, in upper case, represent pieces, N is the Knight, K is the King, Q is the Queen, etc.
if there's no upper case letter in front, then they're moving a pawn.
x means capture.

No one?

I sent a challenge to you with the same time control after you finished your knight ending game. I guess maybe you closed Lichess but in case you see this, the challenge is open.

oh good one

oh nice one, elegant move.

in this position ... Kc5 would've pushed white's king out of the opposition by force


yeah, Kings and Pawns ending look deceptively easy but they aren't. I was pretty bummed that I threw a winnable game against a Super GM, that game was probably how closest I was to experience first level chess. Topalov was a really nice guy though, he saw i was very dissapointed with myself and congratulated me a lot when i told him that i didn't play chess regularly.

i was one of the three out of 50 boards that he couldn't beat, and the only one of those three in which he didn't face a Queen's Gambit.

You are white and it's your turn. You have to checkmate the king in ONE move. You can promote your pawn to any piece.

What do you do?

>le promoting to a black knight meme



what about this one?

white to mate in 6

d4 b5
d5 b4
axb4 a3
b5 a2
b6 a1=q

kinda easy as they are the only moves you can make lol

that's the joke

who is this and what did he do?


you rly can't miss this one :P

i'll make a wild guess.
he is le goat and he is a real chess machine

did someone say dark knight meme?

This is a problem for 1400-1500 players from gameknot; white to move.