So I just got a new computer and the desktop background is crap so any of you have good desktop backgrounds Sup Forums...

So I just got a new computer and the desktop background is crap so any of you have good desktop backgrounds Sup Forums?Gif unrelated.

You didn't say what resolution.











Any preferences?


You know we have 2 whole boards for that, right?


ill poast some

i just lurk in these threads cuz of pics like this

None at all.Thanks for all the wallpapers.


we do?

Here you go.




My current one, I have tons more wallpapers. Just give me a type and I'll try to match it.

None at all.Thanks for the wallpapers by the way.








I had a lot more organized by theme, but my hard drive crapped out a couple of hours ago... fucking Bitlocker. Need to reformat the whole shit and then download everything again.







last one, im out


my first one i kept

Thank me later



last one from me too







I gotchu OP give me a theme to choose from



Thanks user