Islam is a primitive, barbaric religion from a previous time. I won't blame it on Islam itself...

Islam is a primitive, barbaric religion from a previous time. I won't blame it on Islam itself, it's the barbaric backwards nations that practice it that are to blame.

Let's get fucking real.

Syria was a hole to begin with.
Iraq is a turd in the desert.
Iran is no better.

Why? You can nitpick about shit like women driving at night or whatever, but when you get straight to the point, these are just fucking unevolved civilizations. All of the valid, worthwhile people fucking leave and most of them question their religious beliefs when they do.

The handful who are left *are* harboring fucking terrorists in their midst. They may be well-meaning, but they haven't lifted a finger to purge their communities of these people.

We sit here and hide behind political correctness. We're up to where there are basically daily major bombings by ISIS.

Wake up and smell the coffee you stupid fucking assholes. Going to the middle east and kicking up some dirt is not going to be about hating brown people. It's about stopping the group operating out of that hellhole from continuing this madness. If we don't start now, more people will die. Your friends and neighbors will die.

Fuck the Islamic State, fuck our politicians for being worried what a bunch of SJWs will say about them responding to the problem, fuck Islamic people for not doing something to purge their community of this shit. It's been fucking decades. Tell Palestine to shut the fuck up. Tell Iran to shut the fuck up. Especially tell Syria to shut the fuck up. For love of god, they did 9/11, bomb Saudi Arabia already you spineless pieces of human garbage.

Everyone who disagrees needs to shut the fuck up. We got 8 years of fake hippie bullshit in office and you cunts now think you run the show.

Well you can't just tell nearly 2 billion people to fuck off now, mass bombing/nuking these countries won't happen, and you know it.

We can start shooting back. If they don't think it's warranted by now, then they've got their heads jammed way up their asses.

they can eat our dust.

>religion of peace

>Syria was a hole

It was actually pretty damn nice, it's Wahabbism and the Saudi ruling classes funded by the US that's fucking most of these countries up.

Iran was an Islamic country, women wore what they wanted and were educated then BAM wahabbis and it was sent back hundreds of years culturally.

Syria was fine uner Assads rule, that's what you normies don't get. The jews wanted syria to burn.

How do you shoot back at a group of people you can't identify based on looks, and who relies on guerilla warfare and suicide bombings? Terrorists strike from the shadows. If simply shooting back at terrorists was an option, it would have been done by now. Indeed, it is done whenever it is possible. But that's not often.


Syria was listed in popular holiday brochures and everything, it had it's problems but was generally pretty alright. It was as developed as many European countries before America destabilised the area and armed the terrorists.

Fuck this blaming the US for funding them. Let's get real. A primitive people living on the border of an advanced people were in a strategic position during the Cold War, the only real *nuclear war* our world has ever known. If we didn't do that shit, real nuclear weapons would have been launched and killed real people. The Cold War would have been every bit as deadly as the current situation is, if not moreso. The fact is that our parents grandparents had the fucking balls to deal with this shit, but they raised us to be a bunch of pussies. The only people left who know how to do a fucking thing about this are basically spit on by society.

We step up the CIA, we take away NSA wiretapping, we left the citizens arm themselves, because, damnit, when someone runs into an airport screaming Allahu Akbar waving around an AK-47, I'd rather have Jimbo put a bullet in his head than wait around for the news crew to photograph my bloody remains.

Dude. ISIS posts all of their shit online. How hard would it be for a CIA dude to fucking read it, analyze it, drop them an email saying he'd like to join, and write down the names of all of the people he met.

That's how infiltration works. We've done it in the past. Pay off some dudes like you did with Bin Laden. Drop a real bomb on Syria. Fuck them up. Fuck up their town square. March some god damned marines up in there and make arrests.

Ask a femanon who converted to Islam anything


Every fucking semitic religions, all of them. And all the trash tier religions out there.
Who the fuck needs a religion and egoistic deity(ies) in life these days anyway? Don't we have enough stress to deal with in live?
One day this semitic God thing is just something people gonna read about in civilization and culture books the way people read about ancient Greek gods in our time.

I don't mean to call you out on your neckbeardedness, but do you really think that you're going to end suicide bombings (which are all Islamic terrorists, literally nobody else does this), by debating atheism with them and converting them?

Where did I say anything about "debating" and "converting"?
Read my post again.
>Islam is a primitive, barbaric religion from a previous time.
>Every fucking semitic religions, all of them. And all the trash tier religions out there.

Can you digest it now, raging fucktard?

i agree, there should only be one final solution, genocide them all because they are too inbred to evolve anymore, after 1500 years of inbreeding with cousins they have destroyed their gene pool anyway so genocide would be better than letting them loose on the world to continue breeding

It's still piggybacking off of my concern to promote atheism. There are only like 800 threads active on the internet discussing SPECIFICALLY THIS THING. Why derail conversation.

Clearly nobody is asking for anything this severe. You can take your reductio ad absurdium to another thread.

threads like these work on retards. The educated world knows american bombed the shit out of Iraq to steal their oil. Then flooded the area with jihadists to get rid of pro-russian anti israeli syrian government. None of these groups are about islam and the world isn't as stupid as you think.

>defends self on /b
Neckbeard confirmed

brb bomb a country to get rid of WMDS.
brb country has no WMDs
brb country's infrastructure is destroyed
brb flood country with jihadists with ur own weapons.
brb complain about said jihadists.



>the world isn't as stupid as you think

[citation needed]

Impossible to do without triggering a nuclear apocalypse.

Oh no! Who ever will we get to help rebuild this country? If only we had the world's biggest construction company on speed dial or something...

This. The jihadist thing started to spread after usa supported the jihadists against russia, you made this monster.. Also syria was never a hole it was a beautiful country but what do you know white pig

talk to anyone in europe or literally anyone outside america. Your a moron if you think you can destroy a country's government and not have rebels take over. Hell, even in a country like US you have someone like trump about to win..... that's some serious irony right there. Out of all the educated high potential people, you have an actual fuckin moron about to be president lol. Maybe human standard of living has gotten too well where morons are starting to lead because general public is too well fed or does not give a shit.

You guys are all saying the same thing, but that's some real coast-to-coast AM conspiracy theory bullshit. We didn't purposefully cause Islamic terror.

The Americans/Israelis purposefully destabilised the area to further their self interests, yeah. The fact terrorism is spilling out into the rest of the world is an unpleasant side effect but just part of the price they're willing to pay.

It was obviously necessary.

" are not allowed to get fiesty. Only I can say what I want!"

I don't give a single fuck about your childish comeback, butthurt fool.

Iran? Wahabbism? What the fuck are you on about?

Those pictures of Iran basically looking like any Western country were taken when it was under the rule of the secular Shah who actively repressed 'overly' religious practises. Wahabbism is a Sunni ideology, Iran's Islamism is Shia.

That wasn't even me. That was someone else calling you a neckbeard. There are two of us here, both of us are calling you out. It's like a sad scene at a comic book convention.

My opinion is that this shit is going to keep on going until the Non extremists Muslims police their own people. Every time we come in and 'clean up that mess', we end up on the losing side of the battle for hearts and minds. We accidentally blow up some school house or some other shit (I totally understand that shit happens in war, but try telling that to the parents/family/friends of the innocents that die). I think what we're doing now is the best way, taking a support role and letting these people handle their own conflicts, eventually the non extremist will lose. Or they will win, and then we can really clean house over there with moral impunity.

Tl/dr- every time we go into the Middle East and clean up, it just makes matters worse. It's a complex problem with no simple solution