>Out of all the films I’ve seen this year, this is the one I least expected to have an anti-immigration and an eye for an eye message underneath it. But it’s actually happened. Angry Birds is now a metaphor for the September 11 terrorist attacks.
>red bird is actually a red pill for his community
Sup Forums approved?
Jaxson Turner
>there are people who are anti-anti-immigration
Dylan Gonzalez
What are the benefits of mass immigration tho?
Jose Lewis
This guy is way behind the times.
Landon Robinson
>impulsegamer >movie review When will these sites drop the pretense and just admit that 'game journalism' is just a union for shitty writers? This guy is awful, he has maybe 2 points to make over the whole piece and spends the rest going over the plot.
Connor Ortiz
Look, it's the internet. Everything goes on here. If you're looking for quality control and proper editors, you came to the wrong place.
Oliver Edwards
gaming journalism is just advertising branches for game companies brotendo. Always has been.
Brody Brown
Shit, call me crazy but those connections actually sound pretty legit. Is this movie seriously about refugees in Europe?
I know that, but this guy using the site as a platform for his garbage movie reviews bothers me more. You can just put 'video games' somewhere on your site and then any idiot who can't write is suddenly a journalist. I know that's true for the whole internet too, but it seems particularly bad in these places.
Jace Morris
Well this just became my most anticipated film of the summer.
How much wailing and gnashing of teeth will there be if this, the love letter to conservatism, is a runaway success, and Ghostbusters is a monumental flop?