curious as well, have never seen
I loved it so much. It's really emotional and kind of fucking heartbreaking. It's a very human show. That's the best way I can describe it. Please watch it.
I just finished it right before I started this thread. I guess I just need to process it
>one episode is a middle-aged woman giving a monologue on adultery for 45 minutes
sounds like a cuck show tbf
It is not a monologue, I mean it is for the first 15 min but it turns into such a...hard...conversation about not killing yourself because you ruined your family
I heard anothing interview where c.k. said that he is going to get it on Netflix. I liked the idea of directly giving money to the creator but if you don't want to pay, you will still get to see it.
holier than thou propaganda
absolute cuck show
How so? There was 0 preaching minus kurt Metzger, and his whole character was the annoying preachy guy at the bar.