YLYL Trump edition

YLYL Trump edition.
>Fresh OC.

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>donate for a free hat
>you have to lose money to get hat

No wonder retards are voting for trump

Made in China

Any reasonably intelligent person knows that this is a tactic to avoid certain taxes. Revenue gained from donations is different than that gained from sales.
Nice try though, dumbass.



Make America great again

Not made in America

Go fuck yourself





Cut regulation and taxes and maybe an American company could make a product at a competitive price.


You probably drive a Ford hahaha



except the hat IS made in America, dumbass

ur not gonna get a reply from bernie trash, at this point they go silent

They are made in america


>made in china because if they were made in America they would cost 50x the price to make thanks to regulation after regulation by the moronic left.


Quads of God's
You're doing God's work,
And don't let the shills or bernouts convince you otherwise.

Haha man they have you so fucking retarded it's not even funny you don't even know they fuck you in the ass with no vaseline and you love it believing right wing nonsense. Fuck

And just like other drives or FREE car washes. You have to donate to get it.

actually tax cuts have been proven to only shift jobs around in the states, giving the appearance of job creation in certain areas, while overall, you have the same amount of jobs nationally, while the corporations pocket the money for investors.

regulations that allow competitiveness within the country though, I agree with that.

Typical liberal response though.
>Hur dur your gay go fuck yourself
>fags and sand niggers first

America is a shithole
Go fuck yourself and your tragic excuses


It's not

typical triggered nonsense from butthurt liberal

the old "I'll berate people if they don't agree with my twisted sense of reality, without stating any sort of facts to back up my argument" routine.
You must be an avid watcher of John Oliver and company.

They are made in the USA

Acchually no. Maybe this holds true in large corporations, but it certainly doesn't have anything to do with small business. Large corporations are what were trying to get away from, right? Centralised power and wealth? Yeah I think we are.


God damn it

>doesnt know this tactic of fundraising
>calls others retards

Is their more than just the cat?

You are a potato.

Just stahp. This cancerous bullshit is no better than the bananas.

Doing business in America is a fucking privilege! All corporations should pay their taxes, conform to american regulations and manufacture within the borders because it is a fucking privilege to do so. Failure to comply should be met with being prohibited from operating in this great country. Trump represents the very same exploitation that leads to sweat shops and baby toys made of lead. Open your eyes. Stop listening to the hype and think for yourself.

This analogy is completely flawed. If you spent time making this meme, you've wasted it.

>it is a privilege
>we gonna tax and regulate the shit outta you
>Wait why you moving your business?
>why noone want open business in usa?
>why only low wage service jobs?
Fuck you man and go make my coffee.

Care to explain?


Yeah you stupid fuck. You can just donate 1 dollar and get the hat

American businesses are taxed and regulated LESS than any other civilized nation. Big money greed drives corporations to other countries, and I say go! Someone less greedy and more ambitious will make this country great again without shitheads like Donald J. Drumpf

there are no regulations. that's the problem. that's why prescription drugs can sell for $100000 per pill.

no, America's capitalism has failed.

1% controls 99.9999% of the nation's wealth.

>less greedy
>more ambitious
Pick one, and only one. These are usually paired together.
Also just because we are lower than one country doesnt mean that is bad dummy. What is good for them isnt good for us as well. Also fun fact most business in America is small, do you want to punish these small businesses to get the big ones? Talk about cutting off your arm because of a hangnail.


>not free
all that backpedaling

Left or Right, it's all about money, money, money money money...

probably falling for bait, this is retarded on so many levels

>I have no idea how fundraising works

Why are liberals so fucking stupid?

Not this one :*

Sure. The second amendment could not have predicted the AR15, but no one saying that ever even hinted that we should time travel back to the days when the 2nd amendment was written. We accept technology. A hand-written letter in Quill delivered by horse has no bearing on any part of the argument. Progress spares no one and nothing. Why are there only two sides to this argument - total disarmament or nukes for everybody. We need to control psychopaths. When we're oppressed even further, and all the guns have been confiscated, will people rebel less? Of course not! Will murder be a thing of the past? No! Will people stop finding ways to produce maximum carnage for whatever short-sighted cause they support? No, they'll probably even find more grist ways to do it. A lack of guns does not make a lack of murderers. You place all your fears and energy into prohibiting one of the many, albeit a popular one these days, means to kill people. It is an object. It is inanimate. No matter how dangerous it looks or how scary it sounds, it needs a murderer to operate it to kill people. And in the end, the true criminals will still have guns, just like they do everywhere they're already banned.

Workers in China make way less than American workers
LACK of regulations mean businesses will produce there because cheaper
What is difficult about this to grasp for people on the right?

Yo mom gay

You kind of have to assume everyone's decisions are made to profit and just pick the one you think is the best even you will get fucked no matter but it's like choosing between Tyrone with the 20 inch firehose cock and jimmy with 6 incher

you're missing the point you fuckin retard

Average American CEO makes 350x what the average worker makes, while the richest CEOs make many, many times more than that. Wages are equal to what they were in 1980, while benefits, retirement and job security have gotten shittier and shittier every year since then. The system is rigged for the rich.

It's not about who pays how much tax (protip: the rich don't pay shit you fucking retard. Most of their income doesn't come from "income"). It's about the systematic prevention of most people getting to a marginally better place in life just so that the super mega ultrarich can continue living in absolutely repulsive luxury.

Who said that? I want billionaires to pay their fucking taxes and create American jobs, or go exploit some other nation. They aren't helping the economy. They're draining it. How many billions you have? Do you really have the perspective to defend corporate greed, or are you just repeating things you've seen on TV?

we most certainly do not accept technology. the 2nd amendment WILL be repealed within 20 years. guns will be banned.

Sandy Hook was the last straw.

You can buy knockoffs all over the internet. The ones that the trump campaign send people are made in the US.

agreed. The creator should be ashamed of his lack of understanding.

He's a businessman. Since it's better for him to import, he'll import. But when he becomes president, he'll make it better for everyone to make and buy America made products.

sandy hook was a hoax you retard

nothing to do with left and right you blind moron.

NAFTA was lauded by both sides and killed American manufacturing for good. Yes, Bill Clinton signed it, but it was drafted by Congresspeople on both sides because the truly powerful people who make shit happen own both parties and don't give a fuck who stands in their way.

Democrat vs Repub is a stage show used to distract low IQ retards like you so that you never realize the actual problem with our system, i.e. that the rich/corporations can buy power

>you act like that is wrong
Omg, i cant believe that people are paid wages based on their skill, knowledge, stress, time working, etc. I cant believe these ceos who are 350x more valuable than the assembly line guy makes 350x more. What a travesty!
Sarcasm by the way

that's a lie. all of trump's clothing brand - and hats - are made in china.

Oh my

Says 25$ or more for a free hat. I don't know why someone replied "you can donate 1" anyways if it says free suppose to be free. Fund raising can be done a different way now by playing with word games. Also I got shit for free during Clinton, bush and mitt runs for president for 0$

you're missing the point, it's not about left vs right

Your assertions are baseless and not well considered. Think before you talk, please.



I don't want kind of stupid moron you are but shit I got a bridge for sell bra

>this level of projection
I have fully formed opinions, and i am concerned about the business owner.
>greed, greed, greed
What a broken record, what you call greed, others call driving force. We are powered by money, im sorry you feel it should be different, but this GREED brought you this advanced world we have

Had is not made in the US. They are made in America aka the continent aka Mexico... So go fuck yourself Trump cock sucker

Historically the poor rise up and kill the rich, I have a feeling when Trump or Hillary makes the US a third world country we'll locked in a bitter class war


Technology and science, not money.

do you fucking retards really think American manufacturing is dead because of muh regulation?????

American industry died when tptb passed nafta, which is basically the complete lack of regulation and/or punishment for leaving. Our industries are dead because megacorporations are allowed and they have no moral qualms about moving operations to places in the world where you can hire 12 year olds to do all your work for 40 cents a day

You don't know anything, you need to study history

...but he won't. He's not a businessman, in fact he has proven time and again that his business skills are mediocre. He's a SALESMAN, which is a lot different. He's selling you, but what you're buying are only words. He has no intention of making America better; he only wants to make Donald Trump richer.

Even left leaning politifax says youre on fire

Trump's ahead in most polls. Nationally he leads by 4 points.

I'm prettttty sure by this point that Hillary will lose.

Make America Great Again? Why yes sir, President Trump! Yes sir.


>thinks everything is black and white
Little more complex sonny. Why was moving overseas so lucrative, because of tax and regulation in the states. Nafta was the door, the tax and regulation in the states was the boot

Technology and science which was furthered by.....the pursuit of money

That's a lie. Everything that comes from his campaign is made in the US.

you have shit perspective on life m8

Being a CEO isn't a skill anymore than reading palms is. There's no reason the guy calling the shots should make more than the guy shedding blood, sweat and tears to provide the very products and services that allow a company to exist.

aaaaaaaaaaand you're lying.

lol how much is trump paying you to shitpost on B


Prove me wrong. Im willing to accept if i am. Perspective =/= truth. Prove me wrong


Except when you're CEO, you have possibly hundreds of millions of dollars riding on every decision handed to you.

everything is about money. how do you not know that?

Thisbguy has the right idea.

OK anons
1. America Is a continent not a country
2. Thrump is vile. He don't pay fare wages, bankruptcy like 10times, rapist, child molester, incest, liar, racist,
3. We all seen movies. We know what is to come if we let a guy who sells his soul for money.
4. I am a republican by heart. I use skoal ride a pick up and have enough guns for a army however this man is not what we republicans stand for. Any one who stand with this men do not agree with the great US values.
