Today I saw a Homosexual push an old man down at Target because he was blocking the exit...

Today I saw a Homosexual push an old man down at Target because he was blocking the exit. The guy was probably in his eighties and the fag was mid 30's. Nobody did anything to help him. I was the only one that asked if he was OK and he just said "ya" and shuffled to a bench.
Why do queers think they're above everyone else.
>Time for a genocide.

Cool story fag

Typical response from a bubonic butt blaster.

old people ruined everything in this country. he probably deserved it.

Old people are usually cool, fags are destroying this generation and country

I thought it was all the young people who are refusing to work.

found the faggot that pushed him.

how do you know he was gay?

You just sat there too. Didn't say anything because you're a beta bitch. Too afraid to confront a man who sucks cock for a living.

tbh gay people have been winning alot, when i was in highschool all the gay people i saw were rich and smart, ya they might complain, but damn i wish i were a fag

Gay homosexuals are abusive, narcissistic, self-serving, mean, violent, hypocritical animals.

The Western World could take a lesson from Russia, on how to deal with buttfags.

Sodomy should be OUTLAWED, so should homosexuality.

>All gays are rich

You can't make this shit up.

I saw this happen too, I was there at Target. The worst part was that there was some obese fedora wearing pimplefaced fuck stammering and rubbing up against the old man, as soon as grampa could smell the dorito breath he moved away as fast as his poor legs could carry him.

>thinks he's above gays because of anecdote
>calls for genocide

shut up fag

You're such a stupid faggot thats what is really shocking here.
Who the fuck cares he was gay, he was also white i presume but you did not immediately made a correlation with that.
People are fucking cunts and they come in all shapes and colors, kys

>gay homosexuals

Damn, dude.

What this guy said.


Op who hurt you?

Buttfags kek

what should i watch on netflix?

>young people refusing to work

You mean all the old assholes who refuse to retire to make room for all the young people.

Nature documentary.

>OP is a faggot
>OP pushed the old man

lmao, that word 'buttfag' kind of flows off the tongue easily. it has a certain ring.

I'll file this under "things that never happened"

bullshit. I believe him. gays are nasty, mean-spirited assholes. I've seen them do horrible things to the elderly (they usually just scream at them and call them names). but I wouldn't be surprised for a second to hear that a gay assaulted an elderly.

no the faggots like you who won't work for minimum wage.

How many gay men do you know?


but we all see how they interact with the general public, in cities like mine.

Not all of us are like that. I'm pretty sure there's a handful of them that are, but I've never met any of them.

im not gonna work for minimum wage since I graduated with a college degree. Im willing to start at $40K salary.

oh no, i'm sure you've never met a bitchy or catty gay before. drama queen gays simply don't exist!


>OP says he's not gay
>tells us story about how he's hurt in the butt

oh honey, even at 100k, you're still just making peanuts

1% of the nation controls 99.99999% of the nation's wealth. it's sad when someone thinks a $40k starting salary is 'ok'. you ARE making minimum wage at 50k.

Bust my myths senpai! ~_~

i invent stories to pretend i left my moms basement today too.

Is it possible you're just stereotyping? How can you know what they're like if you've never talked to any?

Pics or it didn't happen faggot

Not a word of a lie there was a fag working at 7-11, who drives around in a Benz.

oh sweetie I've seen gay homosexualities hit people, swear at them, hit-and-run with their cars, slap, strike animals, run over dogs and cats...

then the rest are hopped up on goobers and goofballs, partying 10 days straight. when they run out of drugs, they steal.

tbh they're almost as bad as niggers.

They can be as cool as they want, they are still royally fucking up the economy all in the name of short term gain at our, the millennial's, cost.

My granddad is one of the most badass guys I know and I still like getting a beer with him and hearing his stories, doesn't mean how his generation lived and treated the earth isn't the worst thing to have come from the 20th century.

>literally the shittiest shit-tier generation in human history
>sjw's, niggers, fags, black lives matter

no. just... no.

you don't even know what sodomy is
damn bundle of sticks

go back to watching M*A*S*H, grandpa.

That is gen-z you fucking mong. Millennial is anyone born from 1980-2000.

And again if you genuinely find people chopping their own dicks off and two guys fucking eachother behind closed doors worse then a generation that ensured you will not be able to have a decent home, healthcare and reasonable job security then you need to revaluate what you consider an actual issue.

I own a home. I have great health insurance - expensive, but well worth it. And I have incredible job security.

What are your excuses for not having these things? I can't WAIT to hear them.

>calls somebody sweetie

closet fag here

he clearly did it because hes homosexual. op why you so retard

niggers all across the country on food stamps drive 10 year old mercs and bmws. most of the faggots i know live a very nigger-rich lifestyle, always going out to eat, spending all their money on frivolous things, never saving a dime. theyre truly degenerates and it has nothing to do with them fucking buttholes

its your fault you went to college.

your math doesn't add up. it adds up to butt hurt millennial.
stay mad, stay poor. I have made more money working for the rich than bitching about them.


You suck dick for money oldfag?

The housing market has been pricing out the majority of people for years, and shrinking the middle class, because of the ideal of the white picket fence and mini mansions that have been sold as the standard ever since "The Greatest Generation"

The way how retirement works is the equivalent of a ponzie scheme since you receive more money then you put into your retirement, how is this monetary magic done? Simple if we keep having more and more kids then the amount of money entering into the fund will keep increasing allowing the baby boomers to retire. What happens when the millennial generation wants to retire? The whole house of cards collapses because there is no way for them (the millennials) to have enough kids to keep the scam going.

People are living longer and costing hospitals more resources to live in what is essentially a vegetative state, thus sucking more money out of the middle class to support the aging baby boomers.

There you go a breakdown of how baby boomers are directly, and indirectly, fucking over the middle class and the future of their children/grandchildren.

But please explain to me why what two guys do behind closed doors to eachothers butts should get me upset.

nah old female whiteys always poisoning dogs and shit because of their fucking yorkie , Some are chill and those are the ones that are your family or dead

you're a house nigger.

oh please, are you going to start blaming the 1%?

men like me are wealthy because we make our money work for us.

you want to punish success?

I remember when blacks were scapegoated. Then Jews. Now it's the rich, and baby boomers.

Get an education son, and get a job. You'll be able to afford a home if you WORK FOR IT.

I've known a LOT of buttfags who own yorkies, and other small yapping rodent 'dogs'.

I've also known buttfags to POISON those tiny dogs with antifreeze.

You will NEVER convince me that gay homosexuals aren't awful creatures.

I never mentioned the 1%, I'm not blaming the rich, the jews or the blacks. I am blaming an entire generation that thought they could consume land and resources at a pace that is normally reserved for major global conflicts for 80 years and then flip the bill for that indulgence to the next generation.

>You'll be able to afford a home if you WORK FOR IT

You don't understand how inflation works for someone who is so rich. You don't seem to get how much less the average worker gets for their work. You don't understand how much less a university degree is worth now then it was previously.

Also you are posting on Sup Forums on a sunday afternoon and you expect us to believe you are rich, that's adorable..

do rich people not post on Sup Forums, on Sundays? rather myopic outlook lol.

but yeah, you kind of sound like an Tumblr SJW. Likely in the Midwest/south, who's on welfare. Red state welfare.

Here, on the coasts, we make the money - and then subsidize the rest of the country.

At least be somewhat grateful.

See I have actually mentioned the problems caused by the older generations, and you have responded with >lolpoorfag each and everytime.

If you don't want to actually talk about what Im bringing up that's fine. It's just odd that you keep responding.


You're blaming the older generations, for your failures in life.

If you refuse to get an education or a job, why are you blaming everyone else - but yourself?

Taking responsibility for your life - and the decisions YOU'VE made in your life - will be empowering. Also - you have the capacity and capability to change. You can go to college. You can get a job. And you can buy a house.

this thread turned into real quick