What was your SAT score Sup Forums?

what was your SAT score Sup Forums?

Mine is 2250.

Over 9000

When I took it you could only get 1600. Da fuq is this 2250 shit?

You find my sat score in the picture

1400 out of 1600

It's a new system based on a 2400 scale.
There's a newer SAT coming that's reverting back to 1600 though.

So your score was potato?

The test was deemed irrelevant, so I didn't take it.
Why are we worrying about our scores on an irrelevant and slowly dying/losing adoption from the college board, test?

More like new world order.

merifags n sat scores

come to india n a 5th grader will beat you

you scored Diamond?

*grabs popcorn*

1260 when i took it in 1999. No idea how that scales to today's scoring system.

beat me with shit off the streets?

Same actually, 2250.
Had 32 composite on the ACT.

Suck it retards

1580 combined back when the max you could get was 1600

Yes, literal oldfag.

we shit wherever we want
true freedom

> come to india n a 5th grader will beat you
True, but only if an American provides that cheaty indian the answers. Your top test scorer thinks Political Science is about cooking, after acing the Political Science part of the test.

970. It doesnt matter because just like the IQ test the results don't mean anything

Why do you think anyone cares?

hahaha yea
so one out of 3.5 billion

2350, admitted to Stanford and MIT three years ago. Ended up not going to college, still plan on killing myself before I turn 25

wow. why didn't you?

My self diagnosed ptsd stopped me, and I had to live with my parents to support me

> so one out of 3.5 billion

Nice try, faggot. Call me when the military doesn't have to be called in to try to prevent cheating. Face it, your country is full of squalid halfwits.

moved to LA to take care of my grandparents who were slowly dying. one died in 2013 and the other in 2015. since then I've been living alone in their house

when i was in school i got a 1050, and had an 83 overall average. I still got into the school I wanted to go to even though my grades were lower than what they require

funny, but not me

>self diagnosed ptsd
>self diagnosed

Please expedite your suicide

Took the newest sat out of 1600 i got a 1210

dubs speak truth you autistic faggot an hero already

I got Hamburgers/3000 because I'm a fat autistic amerifag

sorry to hear that man

this is me

this is some other faggot

this is me again. dubs speak truth

not going to kill myself until I clean out this house and sell it to leave some money to my little brother

Why not just leave a will?


But I ended up going to art school, so it didn't even matter.

promised my grandma I would take care of this stuff

SATs are bullshit and this is why: youtube.com/watch?v=hRttCZyhL70


Painfully average.


yea well
the problem is they dont want to improve

I got 1390 when it was 1600 max. Felt pretty decent about that.

True story. 1240/1600 SAT, 720/800 SAT II in Physics and I nearly failed physics. like 580/800 SATII English and I got A's in English.

that's pretty alright user

I actually never took it. I started at a community college, then transferred to a state one.

i dont even remember, the SAT was probably the most pointless thing i ever had to do