Be honest: what is the most disturbing thing you have seen on the Internet?

Be honest: what is the most disturbing thing you have seen on the Internet?

that looks like a chicken


Webm with 2 eurofags wrestling and one breaks the other ones neck, I can watch/see anything except that.
>webm not related

daisy's destruction

Lowlife human piece of shit burning a cat alive. Wish I could burn him and his family.

This. If you haven't seen it, don't go looking for it, seriously.

Those guys are from finland and that guy didn't brake his neck. I know that guy and he is alive and well.

. Finnfag suomihomo poika ebin

People getting put on fire alive. The fuck.

Mexican sugar dancing by makes DD look like a joke

>Sup Forums
>your thread

Gif of old man shittinf on a strapped down toddler. He pisses in its mouth after.

what is this Daisy's Destruction shit.

The stupidity of others

How eager people are to hate each other and blame each other for problems that have nothing to do with each other.

I like the "hate" on here as a joke, i like saying nigger bla bla.... but damn, some people are really bout this shit. They want other people dead because of their race or out of nationalist pride. shit is weird.

Grifter, nothing can beat that shit... still have nightmares from it

It's a video on the deepweb of an aussie CP kingpin and his wife sexually torturing a minor. Haven't seen it, but needless to say you shouldn't google it. ever. (IT'S CP FOR FUCK'S SAKE DO I NEED TO TELL YOU TO NOT GOOGLE IT)

Its an hoax
The worst shit was the brazilian girl that got rapped by 33 guys that waspretty fucked up

Three guys, one hammer

Seen that. A bit creeped out, but didn't pussy out. I've seen 1 guy 1 jar, 2 spoons 1 guy. freaky shit

CP Dropboxes


Trap threads on Sup Forums

well if thats the worst you have seen, you are doing pretty good

One luatic one icepick. That shit fucked me up for a while.

the boxxy posters, literally disturbing how they dedicate their lives to posting her pictures

What is it?


I thought 3 guys one hammer was worse. At least the guy in Ice Pick was unconscious (or at least completely out of it)

it's not nearly as bad as people act. Three videos that are accessible on the deep web, rumors of a fourth but it's never surfaced and is probably bs.

some woman fucking with a 2 year old... worst is hanging the toddler upside down and fucking her face a little and pissing on her. Some slapping/pinching.

one of them's kinda hot if you're into cp and mean women

Uhhh, where can I find that video?

dead bodies with wires inserted through their bodies used like puppets. fucked up shit

Cockadoodle doo.

the faggots of the dick in fourchan


this site.

Sorry bro the gore doesnt do shit for me
I know you fantasize about rape but the video is just a poor 16 years old getting fucked by some gross favela dudes, it made me throw up inside


DonĀ“t know really, but this image always makes me feel bad. Anyone got info on it?

fuckin yikes

skin reduction gone bad?

Not hard enough... Just a child being a lil violated.
I was more impressed when i saw how a man was killed and then being eaten by the assasin



>not posting the webm
There's a special place in hell for people like you faggot

Link to daisy's destruction pls



kewl, but it doesn't look real.

white women fucking niggers. I feel bad for them because they think that they're aren't better than that and don't see why what they're doing is THE most disgusting thing they can ever do. It's not something they can ever take back.
The webm of the woman cutting off a live dog's legs was pretty bad too

I'd tap that.

It is called wrecked folder you newfag

This is GOAT.
It's so unsettling, I had to lie on my bed, curl up and think about nice little kittens.

It is...They were keeping him alive for no fucking reason. He was in pain 24/7

This thread.


Seeing a webm of a guy playing with the severed arm and torso of another guy before he starts fucking it. Then, confirming it as real

It's fake

Im scared to look for it

story? he looks as if he has a dog leg attached

It's fake. The original is a pig getting it's neck cut, not a girl.

Nice, more?



A guy getting his fingers cut by some drug cartel

Would guess some deepweb CP shit would be worse tho

Lol, that shit always made feel uncomfortable. Glad it's fake lel

You shouldn't look for it. It's vile, nasty, degenerate, ... It makes 3 guys, 1 hammer a romantic movie.


gtfo summerfag

Can't remember full story, but he had to be forced to keep moving to stay alive.

Go back to red.itt you cum guzzling faggot

Wanna look for it, what's the name?

Apparently some kind of disease, he was place in that position with all that shit so he could breathe more easily, some 3rd world mechanism as you can see.

This one's fake too

Not searching GOAT cus I'm a pussy but wtf is it Sup Forumsrothers

Probably those animal videos from about 10 years ago where some lass (a nurse if I remember?) in heels stands on them...

I think there was a variety of animals, but the most remembered one was probably the kitten.

I remember watching them on Freakhole.

this tbh

How do you know that's fake?

Are you retarded? that is the worst photo shop ever. Maybe you're trolling and I'm retarded.

i felt nauseous after seeing some hand holding porn
wasnt the worst ive seen, but nothing else comes to mind

finding rotten . com as a 12 year old really fucked me up.

Do you know where to find it?

Ice hook

Vitun turkulaiset homot. The dude is gonna be using a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Here's talking a person who has seen his personal medical reocords.

Don't know the name anymore, but I searched this
in some downloading site five years ago and I found it after some blanks. Dunno if it's there anymore.

dog burned alive was heavy. also saw two shitskins kick a donkey off a mountain. there was a dog slaughterhouse scene. the dogs were terrified. saw a dick selfie with a kid attached um i cant think of anything else

Same, fucking sick!

Post webm

That's exactly what I thought.

It wasn't even a video showing the act you faggot

anyone got the story ?

dafuq that is awesome lol


Wtf? Story?

Looks like a car accident or a bike accident, most likely a bike cus of no glass imo

Because I'm not a cum guzzling summerfag

just find some torr links with x play videos some pizza and other sick shit there, wasn't turned on but the Japanese are prob more messed up with pizza than u think

kill it

Yes. 100% legit

6 russian soldiers executed

ur mum

what the fuck is even going on can someone explain in depth?