New feels thread. Tell me about your day, user

New feels thread. Tell me about your day, user

Other urls found in this thread:

I thought about her
She didn't think about me

I just want to sleep.

Put new wood grips on pistol. Had early cookout with family.

>i'm 35 years old and work in fast food
>the 20 year old girl that i really really like there is fawning over a 17 year old that also works there
>literally making minimum wage, living with my parents at middle-age, and getting cucked by a minor

the average /feels/ poster


She broke up with me today.


kill myself or wait till the game, I'm excited to see will be released? nothing to tell. every day is same.
there's a tower near my village i could jump from. high enough to die and noones around at night.

Found 2 shinies today, t'was pretty good.

i just want someone to speak. but my english is too bad. otherwise i would answer and read anything from anyone..

Wish I could just do nothing and succeed


>friend and I best pals for years
>were on the independent mostly single side
>we have plenty of fligns here and there but nothign serious
>he finally meets a(n admittedly exceptional) girl.
>they've been dating two months
>hes already made it clear that im lowest priority now

i know its the way the world works but it makes me feel sad the way hes going about it. just how far hes pushing me out.

i feel like a childhood toy just being thrown to the side.

If you want someone to talk, I'm here. English or German or a little Dutch

i havent had as much as a hug since 2009 also im a nigger

Feeling pretty lonely, I just wish I had a friends/gf to spend some time with

Well the girl i have been falling for decided she doesnt wanna date anyone right now. And it sounds like a friend zone and it really is, im glad because it made me realize i need to change my life and be happy and not be a mopey fuck all the time. It feels so shitty to be sad and lonely all the time. Im gonna start hitting the gym so i can feel good about myself and be truly happy

How do I get over a girl I was crazy about and loved her more than anybody else, but found out she doesn't give a fuck about me and was manipulating me the whole time? I'm crushed Sup Forums. I don't know what to do.

Move on bro. Like seriously there is other women that are better. I dont give a shit what you say she wasnt the best and you can do better. She doesnt like you, she doesnt like you thats her choice just move the fuck on.

same story different user.

everyone gets over it the same way. time, and realizing they need to focus on making their lives happy on their own. not expecting a woman to do it for them.

basically this^. a woman doesn;t make you a 'better man' unless you're still 'better' after she leaves. this user knows whats up.

have you tried or even just emeting anons off of Sup Forums? ive had some good results with both

Fuck. She was beautiful and young, sweet and smart. Guess I'll just need to move on, but it's not that easy. It's never easy to let someone I loved go.

She doesn't think about me anymore

depends on your defnition of easy. when you think of it in the sense as something literally everyone in life goes through it suddenly seems like the most natural easy thing in the world.

It really isnt but time moves on and so should you. Like everything will be fine without her. Just go and make yourself happy and you will find someone to make happy with you

I think I'll need to. Just wanted to get it off my chest. Thank you Sup Forumsros.

>Tell me about your day, user

I almost felt happy today but then the feeling went away.

no problem m80. glad we could be of some sort of help.

good luck man. just remember at the end of the day you'll always have yourself. so make yourself someone worth relying on.

Its all good. Its nice to have someone to tell this shit to. Thats what a feels thread is for.

I'm right there with you dude...

how do you know? did she think of you before?

GF out with friends thinking I'm okay while I'm here hating myself and wanting to die to release the world from the burden that I am

Today marks the 9th year since I met my now wife. Last month I found out she has been sexting some random dude online almost daily for well over a year. Ever since then we've been having fight after fight and just had another before she went to work. Not sure if she's coming back tonight or not.

why do you think you're a burden?

why is it bad your girlfriend have some time without you?

>did she think of you before?
I hope. 3 years together.

Stage 3a lymphoma, married three kids.
Absolutely fucked.

I'm with you.
I was depressed and my GF just left me (but knowing I was depressed)

Holy shit... is this real?

do you really want her to?

you're conflicted cuz you love her but you hate what shes done. so there's going to be a lot of yes and no and back and forth.

but do you honestly want to and think you can work through this to be happy together again?

or do you just want it to have never happened?

ah well thats a bummer. I never had a relationship last more than 9 months, and my friendships rarely do as well. i cant speak for how important that sort of investment is because its never felt like much to me.

sucks to suck though man im sorry.

thats rough. was in a similar situation earlier this year.

got brain damage and broke up with my girlfriend.

Almost cried at the end, almost fuck i'm really empty

>why do you think you're a burden?
I don't know man... I just either bore or annoy people I'm with everytime
>why is it bad your girlfriend have some time without you?
no, thats perfectly fine, shes probably better off than if she was with me; im just tired of pretending im fine, but dont wanna bother her so i let her think im good so she can have a good time w/o thinking about me..

woof, thats rough. do the best you can to set up your family. im sure things will be rough with you gone, but they'll make it through. people always do. they might not get new cellphones every year, have to share bedrooms and skip the college phase.

but they'll survive and if there is an afterlife, im sure you'll help them any way you can.

i feel retarded and almost dismissive typing this but im sorry man. thats a rough one.

maybe you should stop thinking about what a burden you are to others and start tihnkign about what a burden you are to yourself.

you are putting everyones happiness or even 'boredom' on your own shoulders. you arent a clown. you aren't a fool. you aren't here to entertain the people around you.

do things that will make you happy. if people like you they will stick around. you dont need to feel guilty for people who decide to spend their time with you user.

At house of gril i know grom work
>hey user want to come over eat some waffles and watching some series?
>alpha as phak, why not?
>endet up lying on her bed under the blanket with my arm around her

>my feel when waffle tasted good
>mfw realise that i am beta as fuck

why beta? this sounds like a pretty succesful day

Sometimes I wonder if things would be better if we parted ways, but we've been through shit before and it all worked out. Ive spent all of my 20's with her and we have a great life overall, I'm willing to look past her fuckup, but actually she is the one that keeps brining it up. Granted Ive been pretty depressed since it all went down, but Ive been doing my best to get past this.

Thing is, she's been battling with depression for most of our relationship and Ive provided a great life for us both and feel like I dont get the acknowledgement for it. I bend over backwards for her and just get shit on. Sometimes I want to move on, but we've been through too much to toss it all away.

these threads always makes me sad

>respond to and talk to everyone about their problems
>only half of them respond
>literally no one responds to my own feels post

every time.

Did you lick her butthole?
Always lick her butthole after waffle

>Left GF's house yesterday cause shes boring AF
>woke up
>drank a energy drink
>took a hit
>checked the news
>feed the cat
>took a shit
>took another hit
>GF texting she wants me to come over
>dont really want to so here on Sup Forums about to smoke some more then go shower
>been thinking about dumping her for a while
>might go wash the car later and figure out the day from there

I always respond to your feels post, m8

>Played Doom
>heavy sighing while playing
>thinking (worst possible thing to do)
>ready to just break down and cry
>visit Sup Forums
>open thread by

I fucking hate being lonely.

>the only good thing was the waffle

I hoped to get laid, but..god damn, I'm just another Sup Forumseta Sup Forumstard

Will i ever get one more chance, will i be able to stick my wiener in her?

I slept in, picked up some In&Out, smoked some dudeweedlmao, now I'm watching Peep Show and noodling on the guitar while shot posting. 10/10 relaxing Sunday.

something isn't beautiful because it lasts.

ending the relationship when it goes down doesn't invalidate all the good times you had. it just opens you up to new good times. possibly with new people. its certainly sad when things end but you dont have to be miserable for the next ten, twenty, or thirty years just because you were happy before.

while I'm sure shes had her happy moments, it is like you said. she's been depressed. she is inherently unhappy, and you have been unable to change that. while there is a sense of happiness in there somewhere shes either chosen to be unhappy for the majority of her life, or simply incapable of finding happiness.

and shes taking it out on you each way. whether its cheating on you, or bringing it up, or simply refusing to acknowledge how happy you've made her life despite all her best efforts to be sad.

you arent 'tossing' it aside when you leave someone you love. you are simply giving yourself the opportunity to be happy again.

good luck user

no one did this time. no one did last night. no one did the week before. its been months since someones just responded to one of my own rants about sadness here.

>raised by abusive and alcoholic foster parents
>be sexually and physically abused all my childhood
>grow up to be very socially anxious and depressed
>i couldn't even go to the grocery store
>i attempted suicide 2 times
>first bf cheated on me
>second beat me up because i dropped the keys then broke my heart
>i'm on 5 different medication only for depression & therapy
>nothing works
>i cut myself and cry until 4-5 am
>i can't even function in society,i burst out crying everywhere
>it's been like this for like a year

I consider suicide daily


>the only godo thign was the waffle

if you dont enjoy cuddling or spending time with someone, why bother going over at all? shes a co worker not a bar slut. sounds to me like you guys had a sweet first date mate.

Are you me? 3 and a half years together, now she seems to not give a single fuck anymore

goddamn thats sad.

Yeah maybe i just think too much about the rest of the people.. i need to think more about myself, but its very hard

Fuck, I just.. thank you bro, ill take your advice... thats the realest advice ive gotten, and in Sup Forums of all places

wanna fuck?

i gotta go. my boss is taking me to see the band chicago at the hollywood bowl tonight.

im making fried chicken for the picnic basket since thats his favorite.

good luck everyone.

>having a girl interested in you
>having your physical and mental attributes validated by sex
>being able to know a woman without falling for her in some way

Fucking normies man.

Thanks user, this thread was my first mention of what happened to anyone. To everyone around me we have the most perfect life.

Man up

glad i could help man. i wouldnt even call it advice, just a basic human rule to live by. we are only responsible for our own happiness.

do your best to be happy. if anyone wants to subject themselves to misery they will, but it wont be your fault.

good luck man.


woof that does sound rough. i know its hard to maintain charades and facades just to feel respected. I had brain damage this year and i cant even tell my father about all of it cuz he thinks i made up for attention. lost several friends over it cuz tehy're just gonna drop me if i ever tell them what happened to me anyway

is that really you? you are a qt

I talked with my 650km distant girlfriend.

Was dreaming I had a nice office job and a gf and friends wake up get ready thinking I had real life things to do. Remember the fact I have nothing to do sit black in bed and will probably be here all day


This will be the first whole week I've eaten exclusively out of the local bakerys trash, considering sucking dick for money on grindr or stealing but I don't know what to steal or how to do it.

She left me one month ago and she's already having maximum fun (I'm not a very social person...), going out with friends of her and even friends of mine who ignored me for months. And I think every day about her.

its chinese, for cutie.

Spent the whole week sleeping and being lazy instead of working out. What a waste.

thanks again user. Screencapping you so I remember.

Best wishes

>Be me
>qt 3.14 girl comes along
>great personality
>become best friends with said qt 3.14
>end up dating her
>fast forward 1 year
>tells me she just lost it for me
>she becomes sad
>break up
>didn't talk for awhile
>she dated some other dudes, but never seemed happy
>just got a text from her today after 6 months asking me how I've been
>says she's with a really nice guy now
>I'm alone

Why? Because she wanted the D. That's why.
I mean - she is a beautiful girl and so in, but she is telling me about that guy she want to meet tomorrow. Will she make me jealous? Or was i friendzoned before i even realised it?

the way you worded your post is rather telling.

>maximum fun
>im not a very social person

your interests should be what you find fun. but you associate fun with things you dont like.

why is that?

Holy shit,
That is a godly jawline

aww thats sweet. good luck man. if i need constant reminders of things like that i write it on a paper and tape it to the wall. even if its jsut a word like 'motivation' or in this case a simple phrase of 'do it for YOU' it helps to see that every day.

good luck man. i need to go cook

ouch yeah that sounds friendzoned shes treating you like a gay guy

Always remember that life is full of opportunity, when you're dead, you can't improve anything. I've been dealing with depression for years and all that kept me going is that killing myself is just giving up.

>female drink buddys relation ship ended,bf cheated on her
>I confort her,both of us drunk as fuck
>Cuddle in her bed,suddenly make out
>turns around before we actually fuck because she's not ready yet

I just can't handle the pain anymore.

thanks, bro.
I want to learn to speak English. Besouse i here, lol.

Saw this today, made me really think.

>but you associate fun with things you dont like.
It's her way to having fun right now. Before it was staying at home with me, eating good food and watching movies.



nice ninja suit tho

just remember girls arent all one uniform robot plugged into the same program. also remember you'd find similar patterns in men the only reason you dont is that you dont date em.

were all the same. and all a bit different.

then go have your own fun man. define your own fun and enjoy it. if you arent enjoying what you are doing, try something new.

if ur in socal you should join me for lasertag.

I've been thinking about killing myself. Last night (or this morning) I couldn't fall asleep. I had like these panic attacks of a younger me who didn't want to die. I figured I'd make a bucket list but there is nothing I want to do .

I know how it feels. But you remember all those moments where you thought "i can do better than this"? Don't let that be your whole life. Even if everything is shit, try to be your best instead of getting depressed. It's hard, but you can get out of that low user, i believe in you :)


Had sex with my ex last night, feel kind of shitty about it.

She has a new boyfriend and says she still loves me, but is too confused about her feeling to work it out at the moment.

So today's been pretty shitty