Why do our life sucks Sup Forums

Why do our life sucks Sup Forums

Feet thread

my life is pretty great. going through a rough patch at the moment but generally pretty great.


Your life probably sucks because you're the type of socially-stunted cringelord who jerks off to pictures of fucking feet.

I'd say my life is generally pretty ok


>uses cringelord
I hope all bad things in life happen to you and only you.


Sharp edgy
Everything is going to work out for us OP

Well I got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis last week, I'm 20.

Stuffs alright thou. Still able to fap to feet

Damn. That sucks


Oh well. I'm not feeling sick or anything yet. Stuffs gonna be shit one day within the next 3 months to 25 years. So until then I'll make the best out of it.

Don't have to pay for the expensive af meds myself cuz not murrican


GODAMMIT, after reading thaty, I dropped all my cocaine in the toilet, like wtf I'm doing with my life, you're fighting through this and I'm here like a fucking loser complaining about money, I don't believe in god but I'll pray to goku for you user

Ah thanks footbro. Don't pray thou, just enjoy shit you do. If it's coke it's coke.

Dear God more...



Any other lone bros with no girlfriends let alone girlfriends that let us worship their feet?

I assume you've just described most people in the thread.



again this fucking thread...

very sexy!

do you have a chronic lyme and crippling RSI combination preventing you from gaming or any prolonged activity requiring hands, arms or legs? no? then be happy or find a cure so i can smile again, and yes typing this hurts my hands
