Anglos don't have their own verb for waking up early in the morning

>anglos don't have their own verb for waking up early in the morning
Why are they such lazy bones?

Other urls found in this thread:

>spics don't have a verb for staying #woke
why are they so easily deceived?

Here madrugar can also mean spending the night awake.

>japs only have a few verbs in the first place.
why are we such a stupid animals?

Getting up implies it's early. If it's not early, you're sleeping in.

What is "sleeping in" in Spanish, I wonder?


Ah. It's sleeping.

You dumb fuck

>showing results for sleeping into spanish

damn... really makes you think...

Something is missing :^)

>the spanish translation for sleeping in is "morir pronto"
really makes you think

It is not. I don't know why gt says that, but nope.

Madrugar is used when waking up early, like before dawn or how Brazil user said not sleeping at all
Anglos can "sleep in". They can "snooze". But they aren't able to "madrugar".

Really activates the brain's almond center.

In Colombian, they only have the verb "explotación" for working. Because if a Colombian is working, they are being exploited.


There's no need for the distinction when it is assumed that you will.

>thinking big words will make your cunt important
Look where that gets france

>What is "sleeping in" in Spanish, I wonder?
No real short equivalent.

Quedarse dormido hasta tarde.

Colombian Spanish only has one word for work/working. Because early Colombian settlers were Andalucians and Africans, who lived a very simple lifestyle in their home countries, instead of using the common verb "trabajador", they refered to any work as "exploitación". They worked to live, they didn't live to work.

To this day, "trabajador" is a foreign word to Colombians.

Leaf, you're not even being funny.

> French
> Big words
English has longer words than French.

We have compound words where they have sentences.

If anything, French doesn't compound it's words enough.

A whole syllable what lazy pieces of SHIT

I would say something but almozar, cenar, desayunar. Why didnt we do this shit.

Fewer vocab = better

Anyway, the German word for work is Arbeit and it meant suffering, trouble in the past.


Fewer vocab = lots of multi-word phrases that are vocab anyway.

Just look at Japanese. Like user said, they don't have that many verbs. Instead everything is "something + suru".

That's just 'getting up' for non-siestas.

>French doesn't compound it's words enough.
Neither does English 2.0bh

What do you mean, madrugar is now an english word

But we actually have one, actually two: trasnochar, velar

Tfw when anglos don't have a single word for "Not even by his own lack of disorganization, do you suppose?"


>anglos use more than 1(ONE) word to order someone to suck their dick

>suck my dick



something suru is way easier tho


In Russian “to work” is вкaлывaть, literally “inject”. Desomorphine injections are customary before leaving for work in the morning.

>anglos use more than one (1) letter for common words

A, y, и, o, в, c

But, at, and, about, in, with

ты ж yпopoтый

>lets have breakfast
>permitamos tener quiebre-rápido
what were you thinking

>do the wake up
>do the work
>do the invasion to Korea
no, "something suru" is lazy, just basically a patch for a huge cultural gap

English isnt as versatile with verbs meaning one fucking sentence like spanish. To be fair it is better instead of having a mess where one verb can mean 5 different fucking subjects not counting that bs most spanish speakers do with putting the subject behind the main clause if a conjunction like que is in front of it..

Fast también significa ayunar.

>tfw finns never did anything noteworthy except for kill a bunch of drunk russians that one time
really makes you think

Why did the armerilard get triggered is the real question. I couldn't care for shits what we have contributed to other shitheads on other continents. I live in first world country which is better in every other aspect other than military spending when compared to US of A

Trabaille/trabajo means the same

>instead of having a mess where one verb can mean 5 different fucking subjects not counting that bs most spanish speakers do with putting the subject behind the main clause if a conjunction like que is in front of it..

i'm gonna need an example to understand this

didnt know that, anyways, I was just bantering

La Comisión tendrá que esperar a los resultados finales de la evaluación que hagan los consultores externos.
La Comisión estará pendiente de lo que hagan los Estados Unidos y de sus resultado

>English sentence
>48 characters
>Finnish word
>49 chaacters
Good job there Malmo

What is that flag? I don't recognise it. Some kind of russian perhaps?

You meant

awful example, i don't see what you mean
>La Comisión tendrá que esperar a los resultados finales de la evaluación
subject: the commision
object: the results of the evaluation
connecting verb: will have to wait
>(la evaluación) que hagan los consultores externos
this is a secondary sentence
subject: the evaluation
object: the external consulting party
connecting verb: would be made
the sentence is passive, you just have to understand the verb mode

No i meant


We should have eradicated your language.

kek, mammi is gonna taste like shit today in finnland


And we should annex you and put you on your knees.



Keep em tears coming Svenboi, i fuel Tengri with them.

>Getting up implies it's early
no it doesn't

>not sleeping at all
We have a "word" for that, All-nighter.
>I-It's two words
See that dash, motherfucker? It's one now.

Actually i think you meant

that swedish prank went too far

Thats because you see it as a spanish speaker.What I was going for is that spanish word order is relaxed vs english in that sentence, in the last clause the final object los consultores was behind the verb. Thus it is hard every now and then since we don't do our word order like this like below.
Like for instance, what if I wrote something like this. Here I will write this example.Take in mind this is just a made up sentence just to show it.
A mí me caen bien los españoles y por eso no creo lo que me dijeras sobre ellos.
Here it is like gustar. You literally work backwards, here it is an idioma, like to me they fall well (I like them) , or like in the case of gustar, to me they are pleasing. Heer the spainards, the subject is behind the verb. Sorry if you are confused.

No, let me put this very bluntly so i don't need to bother answering anymore. You deserved Holodomor.

sorry, not idioma. kek

> Madrugar
> From Vulgar Latin *maturicare, from Latin mātūrāre (“to hasten”).

How do you know? Isnt english a language where you can make words as want/need i.e like Shakespeare did? You guys repurpossed a word to mean "waking up early", english speakers could do the same if the wanted.

Ikr, they really lost it after you took the better half of their country away in 19th century.

Wow. I bet you have many friends with that attitude Mammi.

I do. Since ukraine really doesn't exist i'm just memeing here.

Taiwan is not a country either while we're getting this out of the way.

Your memes are shit since you didn't appreciate fisfnavyiffghetadssealfjh pasta. Faggot. Or, as you say it in Finland, young man.

>A mí me caen bien los españoles y por eso no creo lo que me dijeras sobre ellos
>To me my fall good the spaniards and by that don't think it that my you would tell on them
do you mean this literal translation?
again, you have issues with passive mode because you use "like" in active mode in english
the subject is yourself, that's why you use "me"
"me importa un carajo" = "i don't give a damn"
"me lastimé" = "i hurt myself"
"me dieron un upvote" = "i was given this reddit-shit award system thing"
in all cases "me, te, le, les" marks the subject, which is a passive subject

>Mitä vittua sanoit minusta, sinä pikku narttu? Sinun kuuluu tietää että olen kouluttautunut suomen maavoimien huippujoukoissa, olen ollut osallisena useisiin salaisiin raideihin, myös parissa Al-Qaida tehtävässä, ai niin ja minulla on yli 300 varmistettua osumaa. Minut koulutettiin sissi sodankäynnissä, ja olen koko suomen paras tarkka-ampuja. Et ole minulle mitään muuta kuin uusi kohde. Minä tulen pyyhkimään sinut vittuun täältä sellaisella tavalla jota ei ole ennen nähty tällä planeetalla, muista minun vitun sanani. Luulet pääseväsi eroon tästä kun sanoit sen internetissä? Arvaa uudelleen, runkkari. Kun me puhumme, olen järjestämässä salaisia vakoilijoitani, ympäri suomea ja sinun IP-osoitteesi on paikannuksessa juuri nyt, joten sinun on parempi valmistautua myrskyyn, mato. Myrskyyn joka pyyhkii pois sen pikkuisen pateettisen asian jota kutsut elämäksesi. Olet vitun kuollut, lapsi. Voin olla missä tahansa, milloin tahansa, voin tappaa sinut yli seitsemällä sadalla eri tavalla, ja nuokin pelkillä käsilläni. En ole pelkästään kalliisti koulutettu aseettomassa taistelussa, mutta minulla on pääsy koko suomen ase arsenaaliin, ja minä tulen käyttämään sen koko voiman sinua vastaan ihan vain saadakseni perseesi pois alueeltani, sinä pikkuinen osa ripulia. Jos oisit vain tiennyt millaisen synnin uudelleen vastauksesi "viisaalla" pikku kommentillasi olisi sinulle suonut, olisit luultavasti hallinnut kieltäsi. Mutta et voinut, et tiennyt ja nyt maksat sen hinnan, sinä senkin idiootti. Minä paskon ympäri sinua ja hukutan sinut siihen. Olet vitun kuollut, lapsukainen.

i agree.

>"me importa un carajo" = "i don't give a damn"
>"me lastimé" = "i hurt myself"
>"me dieron un upvote" = "i was given this reddit-shit award system thing"
We have the same structure. Is this really hard for amerifats?

all english sentences except the last are in active mode
learning languages is about switching mind states. you don't ask "why is your tongue like this when in my native tongue is like that", you just accept it as is

>in to

Jesus christ. thank god we don't use literal translation. I am just saying yes, sometimes it can be confusing because you guys dont use prepositions sometimes like in sentences like this.
Él me robó la moto. He stoled the motorcycle from me. Here the preposition is out and that is the only thing that will fuck me because I noticed a lot of times, I will rarely see para mi or por mi and I will just see something like
Ya que estás aquí, podrías cambiarme la bombilla instead of podrías combiar la bombilla para mí.
I guess that is something I just need to get used to like. Another is how you guys use passive se, like for
Aquí se permiten perros dogs are permitted here. But I get here the idea itself is the passive se is used for non objects and is like the name is said. The same with subject.
Aquí se habla español. Spanish is spoken her.
In the end, I notice the more I think like a spanish speaker and read more spanish lit and here and use your language more, the better I will get. Sorry for the confusion and thanks, that may be best just accepting it and teaching myself as if I am some kid in a spanish country learning how to write for the first time.

And forgive my shitty mangled writing anons. I haven't sleep and I am all over. That may too as well be why you don't understand a damn thing.
Did you just die inside?

I died inside a long time friend
get some sleep it's the new year tomorrow

no prob, keep up your studies after a power nap

>me gusta esto
>мнe нpaвитcя этoт

I really find russian close to spanish

I know many anglos have problem with "se", there are 2 kinds: reflexive "se" (like herself, himself, etc) and impersonal "se".

"Impersonal Se

Impersonal expressions don’t reference a specific person. Rather, they make reference to people in general and are used to make general statements or questions about what “they,” “one,” or “you” do. That is what makes them impersonal!

You can use impersonal expressions to find out how things are done according to custom, rule, or general consensus. They are also helpful for asking for directions, finding out how to say things properly, asking what the rules are in a specific place, making general statements, and so on.

Se habla español en Uruguay.
They speak Spanish in Uruguay.

¿Cómo se va al teatro?
How does one get to the theater?

Se escribe “pastel” p-a-s-t-e-l.
You spell “pastel” p-a-s-t-e-l.

¿Cómo se dice “table” en español?
How do you say “table” in Spanish?

Se dice que va a llover.
They say it is going to rain."

Thanks At least you are helping. 90% of the time it is ajajaj para que quieres saber eso chicano. Quien te conoce eres un idiota o que.

yeah I know it's hard to learn a new language, even more for english speakers since you have very simple grammatical rules. I'd like to help you more but here is not a good place to share personal information kek

Dont worry about. I am learning the same way you guys learned english. Just watch shity media like telenovelas on televisa and el chavo del ocho.


Pro tip: Don't use Sup Forums to learn Spanish. /lat/ considers that reddit tier and will bully you to death just for fun. Also, why shitty telenovelas or the chavo? There are actual good movies in spanish that you might like more and so try harder to get into the language. Search for oscar winning stuff, or rotten tomatoes

Just keep asking and ignore anyone trolling you. If someone from /lat/ appears let the spanish speakers deal with them. Language threads are specially useful btw, somehow everyone acts civilized on those, and there's always at least one spanish speaker lurking to help.

Kek, I already know. Ironically /esp/ says my Spanish was pretty good for somebody just learning on his own but in lat nope, just bullying and the slang is horrendously bad compared to most Spanish threads I've been on. Even on /argentina/ and hispanchan, I can understand them even with slang. I'm done with those taringa kids and grasaputos, no offense if you use taringa though. But anyway, I watch that shit because I only have televisa and univision on directv. I have watched los secretos de sus ojos and relatos salvajes but now I am just reading. I am about to finish el patrón del mal though.
Meh, it is fine. I'll stick with /esp/ when it is alive. Even if we talk about bullshit, it just helps discussing in Spanish. You can only learn by speaking your target language. And I'll just keep going to other Spanish sites and YouTube channels to learn. Do you know any Spanish YouTube that are good?

>LIteralmente a versão mal feita do Português

for real
just study IRL
go to a lang institute or some shit
geezus bro

>Do you know any Spanish YouTube that are good?
Not really. Besides reading news, I always recommend watching documentaries because they are dubbed in proper castellano.

I have something important to do tomorrow morning, I'm going to hasten

wtf kek

Holy fucking gold. Why haven't I seen this before.

>go to bed
>anglos dont even have a unique word for this relatively common thing people do everyday
in spanish spending the night awake is "trasnochar"

"Cha cha cha" was amazing. I reckon you won't get the most out of it because you're not argies, though.


yeah culture jokes seem to be the best out of it. but still it was funny. But that other guy in that clip had a really good english accent.Is he dull citizen, because he sound american.