What does everyone think of Mr Robot?
Especially given the fact that the main character is shown browsing Sup Forums for just a second in episode 2.
What do, Sup Forums?
What does everyone think of Mr Robot?
Especially given the fact that the main character is shown browsing Sup Forums for just a second in episode 2.
What do, Sup Forums?
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I think Rami has beautiful DSLs
i dont think about it.
Why not? Mr Robot is a cool guy, it looks cool and doesn't afraid of anything.
>What does everyone think of Mr Robot?
It's a good show.
more like Mr Normie
How is this normie tier? G.O.T is normie, this is a non-normie in a show filled with normies and getting extremely sick of said normies.
>non-normie show
>fucks a girl
>does drugs
So normie, by your definition, means that anyone who enjoys the only enjoyable aspects of life, is a normie?
You sound like a virgin NEET, senpai.
normie means those things, you huge autist