Tfw british

>tfw british

Other urls found in this thread:'re_the_Worst_episodes#Season_3_.282016.29

me tбh

wew this thing is getting out of hand isnt it ?

Which show is this

"Hilary Clinton Show".

Why do we still joke about her?

She has lost. The American elections are over. I thought this shit would be passé but I still have to hear the same old shit.


Well, if you don't wanna hear this shit, buy the new VIP pass just for 8.99$ and you will be able to hide posts containing "Hilary Clinton".

Or realize one isn't at Sup Forums where the majority don't care anymore.

This is a parody, right?.. right?

No, it's the most popular show actually

This is an american show

Why are they fucking with clothes on?


I'm so shocked and angry I'll go vent on Sup Forums

nope. its the average white couple in america.

the show is practically a documentary.

wtf is this shit

>british "men"

me on the left

Same thread, same shit, shame type of replies.
Starting to think the euros are the cucks since they cannot keep American dick out their minds.

me on the right

me in the background

> anglo TV

That obviously isn't in Britain.

This is a result of Anglo genes


what show is this? I've seen this everywhere

It's not a show, it's a documentary of the average british couple

ecks dee

The Wheelie bin and, the pavement and the sky.


"You're The Worst" Holy shit it's not that hard guys just search FX cuckold tv show. FYI the episode name is literally "Genetically Inferior Beta Males".

Fucking Americucks

>You're The Worst

>it's actually fucking real're_the_Worst_episodes#Season_3_.282016.29

America should be nuclearized.

What the fuck