A im Russian

A im Russian.
25 lvl
Moscow citizen
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Please tell your government to stop covertly destroying our infrastructure.

Sincerely, Scandinavia

how many weeks of english have you taken?

What does cyka blyat actually mean?

When are you going to get off your ass, team up with the Chinese and save the world from the war-mongering Americans?

When will you guys invade Gotland?

Can you guys please stop financing the far-right in Europe?

Cyka blyat time

Umm, that's Murrica

Go visit Ukraine

lol, bait.

But lets bite.

The Chinese gov't is just as war mongering as the American gov't. In fact, look at the frequent massacres of tibetans.

And russia used to be just as bad as the US, as well.

How come all far-right people in Europe are Putin fetishists then?

Did Boris Nemtsov's death seem like a KGB job to you?

LOL, wince WW2, no nation has been more responsible for war, misery, economic pain and general destruction GLOBALLY, than the US.


Hottest Russian porn stars?

>frequent massacres of tibetans.



Please tell your government to stop whining about western influence. You do try to influence also, but we did not like that.
Sincerely, Eastern Europe

far-right - hate EU
Russia - hate EU

I agree, but hey cheeseburgers & our country would be toyed with if we oposed them.

>mfw we're screwed if we do, screwed if we don't

Russians influence
Americans wage war

like in Ukraine?

No, no.
It has to stop. Your nation must take the moral highground without the use of weapons and force. There has to, must be away to do this.

The world is depending on the strong nations to fix it and guide it. Not fucking wreck it!

Russians went in their to defend ethnic Russians AFTER American backed neo-nazis went on their murderous rampage.

And guess what? The architect behind it all was an American WOMAN. The same woman who did the same thing all across North Africa. Fact.

Not trying to be rude. But so many from burgerland do not know the first thing about their nation's real roles in world affairs!


which one is the neo-nazi party?

Bitch whore
