Incest thread bois

Incest thread bois


>starts thread
>don't post anymore
>thread dies
"What happened to my thread."


More pls

Yea more

yes bitch


Great thread OP


dk if actually considered wincest or not but a couple hours ago I showered with my 7yo and 9yo nieces. didnt molester them or anything, never will. have showered with them before now several times. 9yo has an awesome body just starting to develop


don't touch them or anything, unless sleeping just admire

yeah, it's impossible not to admire them. the younger one has a better face but both are 7/10+

did you get a boner

do their parents let you do this or does it just happen lol

not this time, but sometimes I do, i dont worry about it.

they know and trust me so they dont care. same with my nephews

Don't do nothing stupid user you seem like a caring uncle
just some advice

doing something never even crosses my mind


Summer is here.

Shit that's hot!

do you touched her vagina or something like this, or did she touched your penis.

Get in her room now and fuck her

they never touched me but when they were younger i helped bathe them so i have touched their pussies before. but they are old enough they dont need help anymore

What was it?


Onche onche KOUKOU LE 18-25, KOUKOU GirlyThing :hap:

go harass ninanuunuu on kik

crazy slut has been "playing" with her little brother since she was 11

webm almost related because kinda looks like her

Holy fuck, that looks interesting. How bad does it hurt?

and how was it ?

>me 14-15
>cousin 11-12
>staying over her house with my grandmother and her friend
>we swim in my uncles pool and having a great time
>she hugs my in the water with arms and legs wrapped around me
>wack one off in the toilet
>4-5 hours pass time for bed
>i sleep on mattress on the floor
>cousin and friend sleep on bunk bed
>cousin with reach
>say "have you ever fingered your pussy"
>she says "no"
>her friend says shes don it a few times and it feels great
>say to cousin and friend if they have ever had someone else finger them
>say if i can
>cousin is hesitant but her friend is down
>she jumps down and lays beside me in bed
>takes of PJ's and i rub her belly and her clit
>ask her to rub me as i finger her
>her slender fingers feel amazing on my diamond dick
>cousin blushing and rubbing her pussy through her pants
>fingers all the way in friends pus
>shes biting my arm
>actually makes my dick harder
>about to cum
>her whole body is shaking as the orgasm is making it hard to keep a good rhythm for me to finger her
>cousin wants her pussy fingered too
>both of them laying on either side of me and i finger both their holes
>cousin rubs my dick while friend fondles my balls
>orgasm over 9000
>cousins friend cums actually screams, cousin cums in about 30 seconds
>must be her g spot
>she moans loudly
>i fill the swamp with shrek
>donkey opens the door
>spaghetti and my mom got scared
>move C:\My_Docum~/Bel_Air/Uncle.bmp

Sister sits on lap. Classic.
If you don't enjoy that you are a faggot

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9/10 if not copypasta

Tfw you grew up with step sisters not even related to you



>posts a thumbnail
For the love of Buddha, please kill yourself



So what is the best site for incest?
Fooktube was kinda ok once, but everything is private now


I filmed my mom in the shower.

Pic related.

looks like your shower might have a drainage problem

share vid you fuk

kek i do that to my cousin as well.


>be me.
>early 2000's.
>regularly getting bjs from sister.
>parents out of house.
>ask her for blowjob.
>acts disinterested but humors me / agrees to.
>i sit on old computer chair father used to have. (the ones with wheels under)
>kneels in front of me.
>she's blowing me.
>ask her if i could see her boobs while she does it.
>says ("ugh") but she does it.
>pulls down bra and spaghetti stringy top.
>boobs out and she's kneeled in front of me.
>i tell her to use her boobs.
>ask me how.
>i grab em and show her how.(titty fuck like)
>gets the hang of it.
>does it on her own.
>blowing me with some of her boobs sort of around my dick.
>(dick isnt that big so it wasnt perfect tittie fuck).
>the sight of it is too much.
>let her know im cuming.
>she pulls face away but keeps boobs on dick like total noob.
>i cum all over boobies.
>annoyed because boobs are sticky after.
>i volunteer to wipe it off her with a towel.
>says she'll just take a shower.
>wipes some of it off with a dirty shirt and leaves to shower.


Post pics.........for science




dont care for incest but that looks like it feels so nice. especially if she grinds a little bit to tease you

>me, 13 years old.
>have an older sister, 16.
>legit nerd girl. Not ugly, but weird enough to make guys ignore her.
>She had just gotten a new computer, and had already found the world of internet porn
>she constantly schlicks whenever she thinks she's alone.
>she is stealthy as fuck around our parents, but is less aware of me.
>watch a few times from wherever I can. She's pretty much the only fap material I have.
>as time passes, she spends longer and longer doing this.
>I spend more time fapping to her through course of habit, and because she is easily available
>I have taken to "borrowing" her panties. I usually have a pair in my room, and swap them out whenever she leaves, showers, ect.

>She has started acting weird around me. I didn't know it then, but she was hitting on me.
>One morning, our parents have gone out all day to do something.
>I'm awake in by bed, spending time with her panties.
>I hear the door start to open, and those panties are behind me in an instant, and I look like I'm just waking up.
>My sister walks in, wearing her bra and panties.
>before I can say or do anything, she is in my bed, kissing me and shit.
>I freak out a little, mostly out of shock
>she stops, looks me in the eyes (I won't ever forget that face), and tells me I'll thank her later if I calm down.
>My face was just in her panties, and i'm fucking recognizing something on the air.
>I kinda blank, but she doesn't wait. She gets back to work, starts rubbing at me.
>I don't even know how she does it, but I'm naked, her tit is in my mouth, and she's giving me a handy.
>Right when I'm about to cum (I don't know how she knew), I am pushed on my back, legs up, staring down my dick.
>Two fingers later, I fucking blank, and realize I'm covered in cum
>she doesn't let up on my ass, and starts macking on my balls.
>I try to wipe some off, and get a third finger and a "don't you dare".

>shortly after, I get my first ever dick-free orgasm.
>She's aimed and hit me in the face this time.
>I had never cum so much before this moment. In fact, I think this was my first real cum, everything before this was clear and thin. This stuff wasn't.
>My ass is confusing the fuck out of me right now. And hurting.
>Sis crawls up, and starts licking up the jizz on my belly and chest.
>She licks up to my face, then kisses me, wild filling up my mouth.
>She pulls back, and asks me to open up.
>I do, and realize her panties have come off, and she is grinding on my belly.
>At this moment, when balancing herself, she happened to fumble into my prized panties.
>Having just had my first anal experience, the "oh fuck" that formed in my chest was actually rather subdued.
>She looks at the panties, then back to me. She grabs me by the shoulder, and says "I guess you know what's coming next". (In hindsight, I think she might have pulled this from something).
>I actually didn't, but at this point I had finally gotten over what was happening, so got a bit excited.
>She pulls me down, and my nose tells me what my one good eye hasn't yet.
>She gives me a few basic instructions, then drops onto me.
>A few moments later, and I discovered that I very much enjoy eating out.
>she moans and squirms around for a while.
>She buckles. I later learned that I had apparently managed to accidentally find the clit and was grazing it with my nose.
>She hadn't told me to stop, and I was still nervous, and a little flighty, so I kept going.
>A few minutes later she rolls off of me, then just kinda lays there.
>I get kinda worried and get up, and learn my next lesson in the world of anal play.
>Apparently, a naked 13 year old boy falling on her and grunting/moaning snaps her out of whatever daze she was in.
>She pulls me to her face and hugs me.
>She looks at me, sighs, then says I have to clean up.

>Takes me to the shower. After cleaning me off, she gives me a bj. And a finger.
>I don't think I had any cum left, because I orgasmed twice, and she didn't seem to notice the first one.
>She takes me to her bed, and we cuddle/snooze for a few hours.

>We'd do something semi-regularly after that, usually in the shower. Sometimes when I found her schlicking, I'd go in and we'd get each-other off. She actually schlicked less after that, which made me feel happy. I also had an endless line on new panties, and she'd occasionally do something special, like masturbate in the same pair a few times. We didn't ever have actual sex, and haven't to this day. Both of us were still a bit intimidated by that then, and now we really don't want to deal with the possible consequences. I put it in once, just so we could say we did it.
>I don't think our parents ever learned what we were doing, either that or they had fucking steel poker faces.
>We both moved on, but every now and then, when both of us are between relationships, I'll go over to her place and have a night.
>She still gets drenched when she sees me with cum on my face. Having since seen what my face looks like covered in cum, I don't blame her.

Das Nice oo ja

On the next edition of "Shit That Never Happened"

what u mean its not real :O

A true gentleman lets the magic linger, instead of spoiling everyone's fun, user.

Das maybe not real ja but ist very hut ooo ja