Get in here fellow sociopaths

Get in here fellow sociopaths.

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fuck, its hard to maintain a thread or gain traction


Anyone else here enjoy pulling stray cat's legs off?

I never really saw a point to torture. A biology lesson maybe?


You guys may like this band

Yes of course and then jacking off using their soft fur and eye goo. You edgy fuck

A good band!

psychopaths =/= sociopaths


I used to think I was a narcissist

The one is my favorite:

>Get in here fellow edgies.

I read this in my research of sociopaths.

"even if they put on a mask of being an upstanding moral citizen, usually have a secret hobby or interest in something dark or evil. They may listen to dark music such as death metal"

When did you realise you are one?

I just lack empathy really.

well, for a while I thought I was a narcissist. then after some research I realized that they require attention and admiration. I dont, which caused me to keep looking for what I am.

Secret dark hobby... Well fuck I have a few.

Is there a sort of diagnostic I can go for?

More holocaust black metal:

like a criteria to fall under to be considered sociopathic?

Mainly lack of empathy. Showing little emotion. The ability to easily move on from relationships is common.

also a lack of remorse or guilt, and being a great liar

You didn't ask me, nevertheless I will tell you (that might be making me a narcissist instead of a sociopath). When I was younger I came to a conclusion, while having a conversation with my philosophy lecturer, that our greatest blessing and our greatest curse is the same thing - we (human beings) cannot be satisfied, we always want more, we harm others to get more for ourselves. Then I started noticing pretty much everyone is like that. That's why I hate us all. If I could, I would erase us from earth.

>inb4 kill yourself, I would if it would make everyone else die and stop harming other species.

Ahh not me then. I find I have zero empathy for some things then one little thing triggers me (usually something I can relate to) and I'll suddenly feel a ton of empathy.

I'm good at hiding emotions and i do find it easy to stop talking to people provided they're not part of my "bff" group, who i've known for 10+ years.


I hold a certain respect for misanthropy.

If you faggots weren't diagnosed with ASPD, chances are you're just an edgy teen or tween.

Why would I want to tell the world about my condition. The fuckers will store that information of me and Ill be discovered.

Lmao rite.

Special needs, yeah that may actually be me. I press my middle finger into my hand to make sure im not in a dream (it would go through my hand if i was dreaming) and I swipe my hand across empty chairs to verify that they are infact empty.

all of this is a spectrum as well. certain individuals are more sociopathic than others.

I just don't feel emotions like other people nor do I understand them very well. I like being alone and because of my lack of empathy towards people and emotions, I make very rational decisions. Am I a sociopath?

The fuck are you doing in this thread then

you likely are

Maybe autism?

havin some fun

Kill yourself young man

1) learn what a sociopath is
2) stop pretending to be an edgelord

reporting in

excited for the new finally fantasy bc the characters are aklmost as dark as me

I think I'm schizo more than anything. Like I said about swiping my hand across chairs the make sure they're empty (even though i can fucking see)

I havn't done anything violent so i dont want medical help, but i feel its getting worse :(


someone who gets it

I would consider the pros and cons of being public about that and receiving treatment.

psychopath checking in

Being a sociopath is made difficult by edgy preteens.

I have nearly no symptoms of being autistic, maybe a little bit of aspergers is in me, but I really don't think so

>Mfw anons believe they are sociopaths.

neat, dont you lack fear? or is that something else

I started suspecting something about myself when I was arguing with family, wondering why people don't just grow some balls and stop feeling angry/sad/nervous. I told them it's easy to just stop feeling the emotions once you know their cause and stop letting them influence your decisions.
They told me 'no, it's not that easy, regular people can't just do that'.

hey man, this is a cool little thread we got here

yeah, I really think I expect too much from people regarding an emotional switch

I fear one thing...

You should read Thee Psychick Bible. It's written by the founder of Throbbing Gristle. :). I found it to be interesting to say the least.

Sociopaths would see little to no point in such an action. Above most everything else, we're very pragmatic people (the inability to feel that "higher" range of emotions will do that.) Logic and practicality reign in the routine of our lives. To that end, most of us will eventually find ourselves getting good at pretending to have emotional responses so we don't make our coworkers uneasy around us, which would be potentially problematic and therefore something to avoid.

Here's a good way to know if you're a sociopath: have you ever spent time in front of a mirror practicing facial expressions and "acting out" how you'll respond to simple social interactions, such as someone asking you advice at work or recommending a place to eat?

My two possible conclusions were:

I am normal and everyone else is just an emotional pussy
Everyone else is normal and I have sociopathic tendencies.

If being a sociopath is being able to turn off your emotions whenever you want, then yes, definitely, I am. Any time I'm not piss-drunk, I can turn those fuckers off like a switch.
...And then people wonder why I feel superior all the time.

Theres more brains in that guy then the entire north american continent combined.
Too bad he killed all those people though.

Ive heard of sociopaths becoming intoxicated and temporarily being normal people (as normal as a drunk person can be)

The main con is that I'm sort of the "Smart one" in my family (im half retarded imo) I wouldn't want them finding. I've checked a chair infront of them once then sat down to remove suspicion (even though I was on my way to the kitchen)

good luck dealing with that shit

Agreed. I studied and practiced human body language until people started treating me like I was normal. If only they knew...

Yeach, it's pretty much like that. My emotions are automatically repressed 95% of the time, so that when I need to rage or cry or feel romantic I have to get wasted alone in my room and expose myself to the right images/music/video/etc. On one hand, feel powerful when I'm sober, on the other hand, to feel the need to e.g. cry and be literally unable to kind of sucks.

Thankyou user. To this point I have no idea if it was one or several of you i've been talking to.. I vote Sup Forums gets id's like Sup Forums

So you have all of this repressed energy and no medium to transfer it. I myself can switch my emotions on and off, although it can be difficult to turn them back on.

Seems like there are 2 other people besides us here with a real understanding of the thread.

Being 14 must be great for you.
Dw user, you'll grow out of that power trip eventually


>My emotions are automatically repressed 95% of the time, so that when I need to rage or cry or feel romantic

Psychiatrist here. You're not a sociopath, at best you may have some form of Asperger because autists often lack of empathy. I suggest you to read the DSM-V, at least you could circlejerk better on the Internet with your edgy friends pretending you're dark dudes. A sociopath isn't defined by his lack of empathy.

Seems about right, this is actually the first time i've mentioned the chair shit.

people like are really annoying, they're the reason people get called edgelords for talking about this type of thing

OP here

This nigger is mine

egdefags made it near impossible for awareness about this to exist. I also dislike all of the biased "victims" spreading propaganda of us due to past experience.

Im glad we're talking about important shit in this thread. Not trivial bullshit

The thing is that you're not a sociopath. You're looking for an identity, something to define yourself. You want to be special, you are the litteral example of the "snowflake".

Have you noticed it's mostly weebs who fetishise mental illness? (Sorry if you watch anime :p)


>important shit in this thread. Not trivial bullshit
>Sup Forums

Pick one, you glorious delusional cum gurgler

I've read the DSM-V and the DSM-IV. Neither are very clear on what constitutes a sociopath, or a psychopath. Hell, they haven't even figured out what being borderline or antisocial really involve. And I don't think anything I said can be reduced to having no empathy. In fact, needing to 'rage or cry or feel romantic' would imply the opposite.
Moreover, this has been, to my pleasant surprise, one of the least 'edgy' threads I've read in a while, so kindly eat a dick.

honestly, I dont care about recognition, I just want to know who I am so I can better myself based on other's experiences.

Now that I think about it, thats kinda accurate.

"the cold, dead stare of the sociopath as he looks at me makes me shudder"

Awe, dont be like that, I dont bite

stop harming other species.

i cringed.

Native americans had a name for that.

The haters are just jealous of what would constitute them as somewhat special among billions of alike people. Who gives a fuck about that though, Im interested in the psychological aspects.

too and to
you nailed it.
where did you go to school?


I suppose it's hard to catigorise mental illnesses as you only have symptoms to work with considering we know fuck all about our own brains.

Are you 5?
Calling someobe out for a typo on the internet just proves what an assburger autist you are

Then I suggest you to read more, because sociopathy and psychopathy are regrouped in antisocial personality disorder. Sociopathy is considered to be caused by the social environment (the sociopath didn't born like that), where psychopathy is considered to be genetical.

Though, you could re-read your post to see that you're just doing dialectic, not rhetoric. In fact, you're not even responding to me, you're just saying that these books are shit and that you never said that sociopaths were defined by their lack of empathy. In a nutshell, you have nothing to say.

Try harder

Ill be 5 if you want me two bb


thats pretty interesting, as Ive noticed I used to be a normal guy during childhood

I think "too and to" is a saying such as "bang on" meaning "that is correct.

You just perfectly described me

right on man

are we evil?

And the reward for the biggest generalisation ever goes to...

Mostly, no. I know I'm not :)

What switch do you use?
Like what brand
how clicky is it?

well, Ive heard many people characterize evil as simply lacking empathy or being apathetic to humanity

some piece of shit I got off a hardware store :(

That's just my point. They keep changing the definitions of these conditions and changing the requirements for a person to be included therein, so referencing these works as if they're the ultimate authority makes you a dumb twat. Psychology in general if a constantly-changing stream of iffy bullshit, which is partly why a thread like this is interesting. Or WAS interesting, until knobs like you showed up and started dropping buzzwords like 'edgy' and 'autist'.

I'm not even going to mention your abysmal level of English. Oh, wait, I just did.
Try harder and fuck off while you're at it. We're trying to have an interesting discussion here.

Oh right I just read the thread title again. I was treating this thread as mental illness general tbh.

Yes to all of this. Every website I read has a different definition of a sociopath which is why it makes more sense to think of it as a spectrum.

oh nice