'Tis the day of British butthurt

'Tis the day of British butthurt
Do your worse, I'm practically invincible Ameriwin.

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=bill clinton illegal campaign


corrupt country


why be hatefull when you can be peaceful,chill and smoke weed :)

Here you go burger.

God Bless America

Professor V?


our next President

Hows brexit turning out for y'all anyway?

Woahhh I'm the SpongeBob boner pic and I'm an americunt. I just loathe my country.

You're free to join them.

I hope not.


I don't care if they're economy is collapsing, id rather live in Great Britain. It's going to happen here soon enough.


what are you waiting for then?

well if you hope it's Trump you are an idiot

I don't even like trump and that's magnificent.


>american patriot
>illegally solicits money from foreign governments because his campaign is broke

pick one feggit

I'd like to go down with the sinking ship. I feel like I'm more helpful staying here and being completely useless than going to GB to be completely useless.

shes probably just as bad, we had a shot with bernie and we lost it.


if you honestly think that you need to do a little research

I voted for Bernie in the primaries, but I'd much rather have Clinton than Trumpie.

all the research leads me to believe shes terrible. She doesn't get the negative press that trump gets, but that's only because of her Vagina and third wave feminism.

Hello cuh
A few hundred years ago we colonised your country. You are descended from us

a few hundred years ago, you were the world power, and we kicked your ass with a bunch of hodunk colonists.

and how much of that "research" came from conspiracy theory boards?

Face it, she's a moderate Democrat who is actually more conservative than Obama on many issues. And no, she ain't gonna take our guns because the executive doesn't have that power.

more conservative is the issue, shes completely flipped her stances on everything when she saw how succesful Bernie was.

which is exactly what we needed him to do. That's how primaries work.

But back to the claim that she's not much better than Trump, that's just straight up horseshit. Name one redeeming thing about him.

he doesn't brag about his vagina to get votes.

Have you noticed Bill going around doing all this illegal shit in the background that supports her?

illegal? please itemize.

Something, you know, like how trump is illegally soliciting foreign donations for his campaign.

Better than the destruction of everything that makes America great. The constitution works. She wants to destroy it. Aside from everything else at all that you could find wrong with any candidate ever that right there is reason enough to not vote for her and to vote trump because feeling the Johnson will only ensure her victory. We can deal with 4 years of trump. This country won't survive one year of Merkel 2.0

Bong here. Why do you expect us to be butthurt?

google bill clinton illegal campaign, 17.6 million results in .90 seconds.




See the Clinton assault weapons ban of '94

refute what? Your ignorant statement that Hillary wants to destroy the Constitution? That is so retarded it needs to refutation.

Everyone with a set of nuts and an iq ovwr 70 knows it either should be Trump or Bernie winning this shit. I really don't care for Bernie so Trump was my choice. I suggest you a YouTube video. Go watch this one called "Hillary lying for 13 minutes straight"

Maybe you'll get your head out of your shitter and grows a nice rack of fucken balls

Even trumpie knows the truth


you fail at logic; you make the claim, you back it up.

you need to back your claim up before it merits refutation


do you only read headlines?

that's a real video for ya.



lmgtfy.com/?q=bill clinton illegal campaign

have fun

She already has an assault weapons ban ready to sign. She supports these faggots on college campuses that want the first amendment trashed. She's for more federal control and doesn't care about states rights and she has said herself that she would emulate Angela Merkel entirely when asked what kind of leader she wants to be if elected. That says all that needs to be said about how Hillary Clinton wants to destroy the constitution and America.

thats a really small amount of money compared to what they could have won with a successful case.

Trump supported an assault weapons ban too.

Not him but this [citation needed] bullshit is really showing why there's so much support for Hillary. Can't be fucked to do your own research. But you get told my the MSM that vaginas are cool and it's "oh man I better get on forchinz and tell some neckbeard that presents an argument that he's gotta google it for me. That'll get'em!"

still failing at citation. Prove your claims here or admit you can't.

what, do you want me to post several of the link for you? they're all legitimate.

But he doesn't now. He supported it because over 20 years ago he was working with the clintons and awb support helped make him money. Now he won't focus on trivial bullshit like that because it does nothing. It hurts our crime stats and he's gonna make sound business decisions. Hell he'll probably legalize weed at the federal level. It's just good business.

You also fail at logic. The burden of proof is on the person making the positive existential proclamation (something is).

Simply stated, back it up or shut the fuck up.

Plus he probably wasn't a legal conceals carrier back then. He is now. And when you start into that you pretty much stop caring about awbs that don't do any good. How smart is it to say "let's ban something based on aesthetic features and is used in less than 1% of firearms related crime because of emotion and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings." Doesn't sound very smart does it?

DING DING DING you figured it out you fucking retard. How many of those are going to be drudge I wonder...

are you sure he doesn't? He's shown that he will say anything and change his mind week to week to get idiots like you to support him.

'Tis the day of Australian not giving any shits.

This is the Information Age. If someone suggests doing a little research you have the ability in your pocket with access to all the worlds information. If someone came on here and said Hillary clintons vagina is made of gold and she will give all Americans $1000 if she wins you wouldn't be on about [citation needed]. Shit works both ways friendo.

So does Hillary. Only more frequently and more recently.

logic doesn't care what decade it is. You claim it, you prove it . Otherwise it's just your opinion.

uh huh, and how many other politicians would you forgive that AWB flip flop? That gun purity test doesn't matter so much when it's a cult of personality eh?

>wah wah wah

you sound like Charlie Brown's mother

Sure thing. You've proved something too. You don't have an argument. And now you're just gonna parrot [citation needed] until someone does post links. I'm not even the guy you responded to initially. I'm just saying you're obviously on an internet connected device with the entire world sitting right in front of you. All you're doing is screaming at the top of your lungs "I can't do my own research and believe everything that is told to me and if I disagree with it I can't be fucked to find out for myself!"

>But he doesn't now.
He changed all of his positions when he realized the only people stupid enough to ever vote for him were the inbreds in the red flyover states.


Well considering that trump said he supported them during the ban before the numbers were shown that it didn't work over a decade ago and now he's a CC carrier and owns guns and his mind changed? Yeah. I welcome him to the legal gun owners club with open arms. I wish more feefee based liberals would follow suit




it's illogical to prove the negative.

You can call that lazy if you like, that's your right as a dumb American, but you might want to learn something about how to debate.



refusing to do a simple google search is not how you debate.

I'm not trying to debate you and if I was I'd be prepared to back it up. I'm just tired of people going on about citations when what you should be doing is creating an informed decision for yourself and then you won't have to worry about citations or what this guy/that guy said.


suuuuure, it's ok to be a guns apostate now. Funny, I remember that wishy-washy type behavior being held against other Republicans really hard.

Oh wait, he's not really a Republican. My mistake!

refusing to prove the negative IS how you debate.

Trump is going to be president, your meme pics will not change this. Also repeating integers

Sweet get. Nice pic.

Well it's either him changing his mind about it or Hillary flat out saying she wants to ban a gon used in less than 1% of gun crime based on a long list of aesthetic features and emotional response to events that make up 0.6% of 0.2% of all deaths based purely on feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings. I think I'd rather hear out the guy that changed his mind based on facts and statistics showing that legal gun ownership is much more beneficial to public safety and low crime rates and gun deaths than banning the gun that's the least responsible for any of that.


well #1 hasn't proven anything yet, #2 is a "may have" and #3 may become the subject of some lawsuits but it's pretty tame compared to the voter suppression coming from the GOP.

pretty weak evidence you got there pal.

So your debate technique is jamming your fingers in your ears and shouting "I DONT BELIEVE YOU I DONT BELIVE YOU!!!" Until they prove it? Not him btw


yeah that's pretty much it. if someone makes a strong claim they have to prove it.

except that's not what you're doing, I give you 17.6 million results, and you refused to go through them. When given more reading material than you could ever go through, closing your eyes and going "LALALA YOU CANT PROVE IT TROLOLO" is not how you debate.

What do you have to say about the voter suppression that Hillary put on the berntards? Not him btw

You're an idiot.

it's alleged voter suppression, and trust me I voted for Bernie but by god I'm not about to let you fucking retards convince yourselves that Trump is a better alternative.

that's shotgun citation, lazy.

Cite it or shut it.

You're welcome for this free lesson in debate. Can you feel the learning?

awwwww, that's all you got left hon?

it might be lazy, but its more than you're doing.

Not looking forward to having to listen/look at this harpy for 8 years. It wouldn't bother me at all if she keeled over.

I would vote for the severed penis of Osama bin Laden before I voted for Trump.

>these presidential candidates
is this seriously the best this country can come up with?
>confirmed murderer
>commie bastard
>inept businessman with several failed businesses
it's like I'm in the fucking twilight zone

it beats the alternative

forget the cold war propaganda and you still have a great candidate, who refuses to drop out because Hillary refuses to not be a conservative.

Go call your exes and ask them to take you all back