Who do you main Sup Forums

Who do you main Sup Forums
> tracer

Grow up.

Buy me Overwatch and I will awnser

>this salty over a game
Kill yourself

>this salty over someone saying you should act your age

>maining in overwatch
Kill yourself, this isnt TF2

You're playing it wrong. Baddy.

L2 read

i main soraka

i don't main anyone. i am good with a few heroes from every category (and work on getting more familiar with others aswell), so i can swap heroes should the need arise to:

- counter someone,
- push (tank),
- heal, etc.

overwatch is a dynamic game, so you shouldn't really main anyone in a sense that you always stick to them, you will do a lot better if you learn to adapt to what the enemy team is doing.

Follow your own advice. The thing you pointed out doesn't invalidate anything he said. Do you have a learning disability, or are you simply not white?

Question was "Who do you main?" and the answer is that you shouldnt main in overwatch

Pharah, only pharah hehe

ya dun goofed


I don't play crap.

Soldier: 76

I like tanks

I wouldn't say I main them though because I'm not retarded



my nigga.


I know right

I suck at aiming so engie is my best class

Aiming is to hard

Medic best main

I have the luck of joining random games with a team that usually has 4 snipers so I got pretty good with Engie.

Happens alot

None. I can't fucking afford the game.

No shameless pyros among you? :^)

It should go free to play.

I used two be


no it fucking shouldn't, if you think it's healthy for the game you're retarded

Was till the Phlog got fucked. There was something about abusing that shit that made you feel warm inside.

Can this be a TF2 war stories thread now?

Good old sarge

oh please user, tell us about your exquisite taste in video games

I refute, Heavy mains are best mains

and then what? have you poorfag niggers complain about microtransactions or some other shit that you can't afford?


So much this, even with minimum fucking wage overwatch is fucking 7 hours of work, maybe 10 with a shit tier job on the side. If you can't afford it you're the worst kind of lazy and should consider killing yourself.



>consider killing yourself.
That too requires effort.

I played a lot of Soldier 76 for my first 10 hours, but now I'm starting to really enjoy Pharah

Pharah's nice. Love her rockets.

>Tells someone to act their age
>Gets into arguments on the internet



Mostly just Solider 76 and Widow...

when things start to go south I like to Switch to Hanzo or Genji

>overwatch is a dynamic game, so you shouldn't really main anyone in a sense that you always stick to them, you will do a lot better if you learn to adapt to what the enemy team is doing.


le tips fedora

Malzahar, because


Also what is your rank in competitive ? I got 7 win/3 loss and got 55

i play d.va, zenyatta, winston and lucio on my competitive team.


Sweet jesus who shit in your cereal

>Soldier 76
In that order

When do you tend to pick Zenyatta?

It's the same fags saying the same shit over and over again in these threads. We get it, you think you're clever. You are incapable of having a discussion with normal people because you constantly think you're more intelligent.

In reality, you are just diagnosed Aspberger syndrome.

>attempts to gain the higher ground by insinuating "lel u mad"

He's right tho, so many autists sperg out over saying the word 'main'.

fuck me for trying to help people learn to play. calm down before you get a seizure bro.

when we don't have a sniper and only one support.


also, junkrat can kiss my ass


I play fun games instead.

Mercy. I always have to fill the support role so I go with mercy 99% of the time. Otherwise I play situational for what my team needs, what works will with the others, the map, attack/defense, and if they have torbjorn.

You must be gay.


post moar cute

lemme guess, minecraft and runescape faglord


>not cancer
there I did it so nobody else has to
I main Roadhog and Mei.

Overwatch is terrible. Kill yourself.

>stop liking what I don't like !


I love Mei and Mercy, but i'll play soldier, hanzo, or Lucio depending on team comps.
wouldn't say i'm good, but i try to do whats best for the team

I'm with you but you're on Sup Forums man. What, do you expect people to not be cunts?

i can't aim at all, so i main Mercy, Winston and Symmetra. Have over 50 hours on Mercy now. o_O

I need her in my life

That's the only attractive picture I've ever seen of Tracer's face

He could ignore the thread, like I do with cancer like traps and shit

>maining in overwatch

I hate people like you

I usually try to play what is needed at any given moment.

Though, if I have the choice, I tend to play the following heroes:
> Genji
> Pharah
> Mercy
> Tracer
> LĂșcio
> D.Va

Genji/Hanzo main are cancer

I don't main anybody. Instead here is a list of heroes I almost never play because I find them garbage/am garbage with them

>bastion (he isn't really garbage nor am I that bad with him but I just don't really find him that enjoyable to play)

And that's it. I'm also kinda trash with widowmaker and dva but I still play them because I know they can be good if I can be good. Other than that I'm fairly comfortable with everyone else and play them fairly regularly. I make my choice based on the rest of my team, the map, and what the other team is playing.

I've always mained Mercy and S:76, lately I've been playing more Mei and Zarya. I also do some Torbjorn, depending on the situation. I'm starting to get better at Pharah, but I'm still low-tier. I never was good with McCree or Hanzo, I can't figure out heroes that don't have auto-fire.

>team has 2 hanzo/widowmaker
>team has widowmaker on any king of the hill maps
>team has a lucio and a mercy

I paid for it and so should you. Get a job you lazy nigger.

Pharra only

I try to counterpick and base my picks off what the team needs, but I thoroughly enjoy zenyatta and mcree.

Special snowflakes like you are the reason entire teams fail.

>implying OW isn't fun

You must be bad at the game user.

Lucio works decently with mercy, they can both heal eachother and Lucio doesn't need to focus all that much with his inferior heals. He even has pretty decent damage and is deadly around ledges.


I've actually learned a Zenyatta/Lucio combo can be near unstoppable on Attack.

I think my scariest combo is reaper/mercy. As long as he plays smart, he can take down so many people and mercy just had to properly manage the damage/heals.

No joke I've never lost when the whole team went pure 76, especially on attack

>spazzing out

So much bait


Widow and Soldier: 76


I'm a she, cunt.