Lets be honest it was pretty good

Lets be honest it was pretty good.

If you're gonna whine about some plotholes or convoluted plot or something in a Bond film than you're a faggot sorry.

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I enjoyed it. Beautiful movie

Silva won.

I didn't like how personal it was.

Casino Royale was perfect because it treated him like a fragile, disposable thing which is something that is rarely explored in the Bond films.

Then they go and make 2 films about his backstory. They weren't bad but I would have preferred more Craigbashing.

This, the only thing Bond accomplished was his own survival.


I liked it, though the last act was underwhelming and his "caught on purpose" plot felt a bit dumb in a bad way. Not nearly as good as Casino Royale or From Russia with Love, for example, but one of the better ones.

The villain was awesome, and I generally enjoyed the movie.

Final home-alone style fight at the end was fucking stupid though

I saw this one in theaters and really liked it. Is it better than the most recent bond film? This thread reminded me that I still have to see it.

When is the next bond movie coming out?

>Bond: Home Alone

I agree, Casino royal is probably my favorite bond movie of all time. then the next 2 were kind of meh

It's mediocre, but nevertheless the best 007 film with Daniel Craig.

This fucking meme argument.

>Valid point

Saying Bond: Home Alone isn't exactly a valid argument when only about 30 minutes are spent on the homestead in an overall long movie that visits various locations and gives each more than enough flavor to set them apart.

Spectre was the best 'bond' craig movie, even had a literal couch gag.
Qos was the best 'oldschool bond' craig movie
Casino Royale was the best serious bond movie but the ending was pretty flat to be honest.
Skyfall was... Ehhh it had alot of potential and even tried to shoehorn in some gadgets but that fell flat and felt unispired.

A shame but craig's bond movies where actually some of the best in the series.

Please tell me he's stopping now though

>Casino Royale was perfect
stopped reading there

>This post

>I haven't seen Straw Dogs
Good job outing yourself as an ignorant fucking pleb.

The core problem of the film was it's taking place in Britain. I get that a villain with a lot of resources could get away with a lot in some third world shithole, and Britain is certainly slowly working its way in that direction. But for Silva to do what he did in a semi-first world country, practically on MI6's doorstep in post 9/11 setting would seem impossible. The moment he got in his helicopter jets would have been dispatched and he would have been shot down, and he would have faced a manhunt made up of the brunt of Britain's police and military. No, just no.


Why was Radiohead cucked out of the main theme? Fucking normies.

Csino - 9/10
QOS - 1/10
Skyfall - 5/10
Spectre 0/10

So Craigs run was at BEST a 4.5/10

Literally and unironically the worst bond



Where the FUCK does the time go? Jesus Christ.

more like

Casino Royale - 9/10
QoS - 7/10
Skyfall - 9/10
Spectre - 5/10

Casino > Skyfall > Spectre > Quantum


Casino Royale - 6/10
Quantum of Solace - 4/10
Skyfall - 6/10
Spectre - 5/10

I hate Craig as Bond so fucking much

It was good to watch at the cinema.

Brosnan is worse, dad was a -4/10