You have 10 second to explain to me why you aren't playing League of Legends

You have 10 second to explain to me why you aren't playing League of Legends.

Because I'm not retarded

because low priority queue 20min

Because consolefag

because in the goddamn fucking queue
>pic related, ap cho mid ftw

Because it's inferior to Smite

Because every time I do I get paired with Brasilians or brain-dead monkeys.

because dota is better

cause it stopped being good somewhere mid season 4

because queue times are so damn long

Because league is retarded. Might as well hang yourself.

Faggot game, that was destroyed by overwatch which is another faggot game

Because I realized I could be doing something with my free time instead of spending an hour of it on a single fucking game. I needed my life back

i am xDDDDDD

Only fat people play it, you guys don't have a life...

I rather play a game that requires actual skill, Dota for example.

>inb4 triggered bronze lolfags

>no tempest
>no axe
>no balanar
>no centaur
>no blinkdagger
>no madman
>no regulus qtpi ults
>no scout
>no mana pots
pic related

Always updates and takes forever

Because Dota 2 is better.

both take skill at a high level, what the fuck are you talking about

HotS is better

my man

I love playing league FUCK dota

waiting for it to load right now

Because smite / paragon / dota are better

>no blinkdagger

and HotS


It's too nerdy

true statement, however there are more advanced engine and mechanics in dota, making a bigger advanced plays pool

It's a video game, not a math quiz.

HotS is too unbalanced to even be considered a quality moba game


Ma nigga

I'm an adult, that's why, you fucking child!

league is fucking schizo shit aids because nobody respects the opener if they even have a fucking clue what a moba team opener is
>hey man ur 2-7 ur shit
>hey man ur score sucks
>stop dieing
>u take too much dmg
>stop it
>stupid troll
>im reporting you
>you keep opening stop it
>hey stop it stop that you're using innitiative
honestly its one giant psyop and the people i get queued with are fucking disgusting for the vast majority of my solo play history
and when i queue with friends
>hey man stop taking it so seriously
>stop opening
>pantheons a tank hero
>you open we'll go base

every league of legends game ever:
bunch of headless chooks running around throwing fecies at one another

OH and i forgot the perma bans ive received
the amount of games ive caried
the skill descrepency im matched with
the volume of wealth knowledge & skill increase ive actively taught to you fucking kids

>I'm an adult
underage b&

comeback potential doesn't exist, or is nearly impossible to pull off, if you do a team comp with a tank, a healer and siege heroes you are in most cases guaranteed a win with little to no effort
also I'm not gonna go into the rng map picking thats just stupid af

>oh and dont ever ks
>hey man uve got 2 kills to those 7 deaths thats 2 ks's
>oh ur opening? brb base
>brb gotta go grind rift scutler lvl 5

dont have it

that stops at diamond elo, at least it did for me back in s3
git gud

you must be a very inexperienced HotS player.
ive played it a lot since beta and after 17 minutes or so 1 team fight can change the whole game.
you can be behind with your team for 20 minutes and win 3 teamfights in a row and win the game

That's an interesting theory. I suppose you'd have to surveil the entirity of the Earth at all times, including people sleeping. 24/7 really. Do you surveil all people on Earth all the time? That'd be interesting. You might need some better technology than what's in the public domain in order to do so though. Maybe some time altering craft, or an army of humanoid-esque androids, that periodically go in and run tests on people's memories, to see if they've been abducted.

Wait. It's you, isn't it~! You're the one masterminding this whole thing. Wooooo~ooow. Either that, or you don't actually have a planetary surveillance operation, and you're theory that
There's no such thin as aliens abducting people.
is just straight out of your own ass, and a bunch of wishful thinking. It's one of those two possibilities, not sure which desu.


stopped playing it a few months after the beta, had two comebacks if I remember right, but it was only because their team had AFK people
not my cup of tea to be honest

League of tanks is un-fun.

because im not underage

First off, stop playing tank. It's LITERALLY your job to carry every game. Not theirs, yours.
This is wanted I learned further into S5. I stopped relying on play-making and focused on myself like I goddamn Call of Duty match. I won 90% of those matches to, when he wasn't banned. The 10% losses were my fault, and only my fault. We all make mistakes.

its gay. Rather play with my ballz

well it becomes fun if you reach max level and are able to do ranked and have teammates that have actual brains some of the time

Because I'm not a Brazilian.

Also quads.

>I won 90% of those matches to, when he wasn't banned.
when who wasnt banned?

Darius, during the juggernaut patch. I forgot to add that.

HotS only

I agree with you

Because I just woke up. I will play later

Oh right, he was either a pick or ban
Boring period


It blows and I am not a fagoot

Everyone I know who plays it is literally gay.

during ranked play you still get people who leave game after losing first objective though

Quads checked, and truth revealed.

"The 10% losses were my fault, and only my fault"

Truth bombs. Easily climbed to plat with this mentality.

Couldn't quickscope so I quit

because fuck you, that's why

Because its a much worse game than it was 2, even 3 years ago. The competitive mindset/everyone worshiping high rank streamers and stealing their builds and playstyles killed it. Everyone takes it way too seriously.
Riot has just fed the flames by removing viable, fun side builds and enforcing metagame bullshit.

tl;dr its not a fun game to play with friends anymore
at least the porn is good

stopped playing rankeds a couple of months ago.
i still play normals and customs but i mute everybody

plat mentality is the worst tho, bunch of people who have ego the size of planets and don't you dare criticize them, oh god, all hell will break loose if you do
kids with lcs aspirations, the good ones go to diamond in less than 3 months, the bad ones already formed their own little elo hell which killed my will to play

Cause League of Legends is "Dota (the original, not Dota 2) for retards".

Dota 2 is for retards too.

Yeah, even while climbing I never talked and muted anyone who said anything negative in chat. Just not worth it. Same with overwatch, I just mute kids and play what I want.

the original dota was for retards too, spent so much time on garena, I will never get my brain cells back

Cause im not an autistic edgy 13 year old

Were you just pretending to be one?

being a support main, I had way too much shit handed to me, the adc saltiness wasn't worth it, vayne, varus and draven mains are in my nightmares, disgusting

Just play Garen top.
Nobody can do shit to you. Not even poke champs.

I found CS:GO, became more interested in playing that and eventually stopped playing League. I think I prefer the pace of the round format.

I played Garen top a lot before I stopped playing
Nothing makes kids cry harder than killing them then spamming your joke to twerk

oh shit kid. my roommate is a support main and I just don't see how you guys are willing to do it. He's easily as good as me and is having a bitch of a time getting out of gold.

I just play mid/adc and try to carry every single game. Not willing to put my fate in anyone else's hands.

Lol, i've been playing since v.1.0 at Eurobattle. Thats 14 years of Dota.