>Paul will die in your lifetime
Paul will die in your lifetime
Let's hope Ringo goes first.
*teleports behind paul*
Nothing personnel
Paul will live past 100
I actually think I'll be first.
>mad anime face.png
>nothing Paul-sonnel
prove it faggot. Not gonna let you tell me when i'm supposed to die. I might die tomorrow if i feel like it, so fuck you. Cunt.
>Ringo will always look 45 in your lifetime
Of course he will, he's smoking cigarettes!
No need to be so Paul-itical.
>all famous rock musicians will die in your lifetime
I want Reddit to leave.
jokes on you you're the redditor for enjoying the beatles
pretty happy I got to see him desu
it was a great show!
I don't enjoy the Beatles.
>Carnival of Light will never be released in your lifetime
He might not
dubs and Paul will die in december
Yeah probably, he's way older than me.
I wasn't born in the 60's tho
Dubs says ringo will kill paul.
Dubs says Paul will kill Ringo then commit suicide.
Trips says Ringo will kill Paul and then himself.
Reroll. They will die.
But he already did! ;_;
He a.ready died decades ago and was replaced by the winner of a look a like contest
Dubs confirm
Heh...nice dodge Paul. Nothing personnel, kid.