Post pics youve taken and anons tell you what genre they belong to

Post pics youve taken and anons tell you what genre they belong to

Literally the only pic I've ever taken besides eBay stuff


Math Rock
Post Rock

is that a gun barrel?

modern folk

alien observer core

All of these so far reek of shitty crescendocore and indie cheese

this, op's is the best tho

Vacuum cleaner pipe



Progressive electronic, drone

Took this while dropping my phone


An football

Cold techno
Instrumental hip-hop with jazz and ambient leanings
Bright and energetic 90's leaning alt rock
Depressing but hopeful emo
Harsh, depressing and poppy noise rock


I would listen to this album


twee indie


lo-fi, nmh-style hipster garbage

for sure entry level chiptunes


cool thread

tense, dark, drone

this i hard to pin down. i'm gonna say funky ska


archetypal buttrock

Folk pop-punk

have you ever fugged so much your bepis war chapped????

campfire headphase

What do I get

intense ambient music layered over distant, yet brutal porn audio

upbeat pop-punk, but the drums are replaced with samples of Senator Bernie Sanders talking, run through autotune, in a rhythmic pattern.

advertised as a field recording, is simply audio of a grown, unemployed man, being shouted at by his aging mother for having no friends.

He cries throughout.

>pop punk

? my frien prostitute junky don't pop punkers and emo fans dress like mallgoth middle schoolers?

noise, but when the spectrogram is viewed there is an image of the artist's anime figure collection.

the beauty of pop punk lies in its vehement refusal to produce pop or punk music

mallgoth hasn't been a valid idiomatic self expression since the middle of the last decade my friend, it has been replaced my memes, as has the rest of the world

this 45 minute album features a single track with the raw audio of an actual pig cumming for its entirety, without editing or mixing.


midwest emo

This just screams "midwest" to me. I probably took 100 versions of this picture with my phone during high school.

post rock

stripped down country music, the lyrics on every track is a southern man attempting to sing the words "yard sale" but they come out as yard sard every time.

I live in the midwest and I swear I've been there (although there's not a whole lot to go on)

a strained emo album, in which every track ends with the same conversation of your mother speaking about your father and repeating the phrase "i've never came so many times in a row" an uncomfortable number of times.


indie folk christmas tunes yeah dude

Straight edge pop punk

Meant for

the cat is the lead guitarist and is willing to die for her art

Suburbs of chicago here.
It's the kind of pretty but sad way the sun is setting (it's probably like 4:45pm in that picture and kind of chilly.) The typical strip mall retail shops that you see everywhere, telephone wires all over the place and a multi-lane street probably near a highway.


i live just north of dallas and you could have described today, man. big, open spaces, and long highways. suburban america is pretty consistent once you get down to it, i find



down rhythm hip hop instrumentals

solo jazz piano


Experimental hip-hop

>suburban america is pretty consistent once you get down to it

True. it's both comforting and slightly depressing.

how old are you? have you considered moving to a geographically varied location?


thrift store kpop



Spooky dark ambient
Conceptual folk album with several spoken word sections
Some form of psychedelic shoegaze with distant black metal vocals
Quiet, drone-ish, vapor-y ambient
Spicy folk album with heavy Bonnie "Prince" Billy influences
Emo with nice vocals and trumpets

This is quite fun.

a vast droney soundscape in which the first letter of every track spells out "TITFUCK"

stoner rock with shitty presentation ends up making GOAT

conceptual IDM music involving plunderphonics-esque repackaging of twice recorded music


23. I've thought about it but I'm not seriously considering doing it any time soon. I'm close to chicago which is nice and I still want to get a good job and decent financial base before I think about making any big moves like that.

I can't believe that someone else on /my/knows pigs have half hour orgasms

my advice is to be young and read kerouac or bukowski, quit your job and do it, you're too young to feel tied down and i realize as i type that i am literally projecting but dude we have to do it


as a man who has fucked a pig or two let me tell ya


horror movie music

emo / math rock

post rock




indie rock

