While trying to mock Trump, I've instead offended feminists

While trying to mock Trump, I've instead offended feminists.

You just can't win.

What are you talking about? Insulting feminists IS a win faggot.

So edge. Can u plz teach meh 2 b hardkore

They seem more amused than offended tbh

Stop trying so hard.

every time

I wear this around and have been having a great time simultaneously hurting the feelings of teenage girls and old dudes.

kill self

And i regret nothing.

You've obviously never tried to post a link with a thumbnail for promotional purposes

You can win. You just pick the wrong side.


My next pin is anti Hillary.

I'm a bernie cuck lololol

all communists should be dragged into the streets and shot.


>I'm a bernie cuck lololol

Well there's the reason you'll never win user. You're supporting the sjw/blm approved candidate. You might as well start saying you think Anita Sarkeesian is the most beautiful woman ever and have every feminist jump on your ass for calling Anita a "she" without asking for her correct pronouns first.

I'd like to see you try to wrap your Vienna sausage fingers around my bulging proletariat frame, you capitalist weeb.

So you're a Hillaryfag? Because at this point Bernie is slowly being cucked into voting for Hillary.

>accusing women and liberals of being oversensitive and making up false narratives of oppression and conflict

>literally making up false narratives of oppression and conflict

lol you would like to be a prol wouldn't you, i bet you haven't worked a day in your life


When bernie is all the way out, I will write him in if nothing else than to further destroy the party that disenfranchised millions of voters

Give us her Facebook, no one will know it was you, just post it.

Seriously, where the fuck is this shit talking of Bernie being a communist even coming from? I'd like to know, because to me it makes no god damn sense.

I work every night to seize your mother's means of reproduction.

At least I know mine's an exaggeration.

Maybe because he is a socialist, but I'm probably wrong.

I think he's more concerned about you guys finding out who HE is.

Socialism =/= communism. Under the right circumstances, socialism can lead to communism, but the two are not mutually inclusive.

Fair point.

It's the same reason people call Trump a fascist. They lean ever so slightly to those extremes so they then call them the extreme as an insult as well as to discredit them.

They are extremely similar though, and you are a fool if you didn't expect people in America to shit themselves over communism when they heard the word "Socialism."