Kanye is being lobotomized as we speak for calling out the system, and ya'll just sprouting unfunny memes and shitty opinions.
Kanye is being lobotomized as we speak for calling out the system...
Who cares,stop being intrigued by celebrities. They don't give a shit about you.
what exactly has he said that we didn't know already?
thanks Beyonce
hi OP
The dude is having a mental breakdown and he's getting help, fuck off with your conspiracies kiddo.
I don't care. He's extremely overrated.
good goyim
Nice meme buddo.
is he chief or mcmurphy
then why won't he let doctors anywhere near him right now?
i love this board
I just now got this
and good question I'm not sure yet
Because he's having a mental breakdown as I said. He was taken to the hospital against his will but that doesn't mean he want help.
Chief never got lobotomized though.
Alex jones the only real one losing sleep over my nigga ye smdh stay woke sleeping beauties
but thats a reference ..
also this line runs thru my head whenever i make a reference admittedly thanks for being that guy and posting it
i just watched it last night sue me
good. but who cares. if he passes away this year, he'll be a legend and this board will never stop talking about him.
If this is true, why arent any other famous trump supporters being hospitalized? It's not because he likes trump, it's because his rants were becoming unhinged. Claiming jay z has hitmen? He was being delusional and seems to be having a textbook manic episode, it has nothing to do with his politics.
>JZ having scummy lackeys is crazy
Are you serious?
Shill. Don't listen to this post.
The fact is that Kanye spoke out against the forces that control the music industry, and was essentially kidnapped for it.
Look up #Pizzagate.
i thought those guys were the same person. Steve Carrell and Bob Nelson? Billy Joe Dean? Ben Stiller. Will Ferrell and Dick James I mean Gene Wilder, THIS GUY ABD THE OTHER GUY. Jonah Hill and whatever the FUCK the other guy's name is. Noah something? they're all Jews
jill stein and her magic herb crystals will open my third eye
seriously guys Jonah Hill and who's the other guy?
Take off your fucking tinfoil hat.
Kenny has been mentally unstable for a while. Did you not watch him on ellen?
i can't wait until kanye gets out so all these Sup Forums fags can fuck off back to where they came from
>look up #pizzagate
jesus h fucking christ, i don't even want to know.
>middle school-tier education
what did he mean by this?
Much disinformation, much shilling abound.
Keep your eyes open. Don't let yourself be lied to.
Kanye was essentially kidnapped for speaking the truth. That is how "powerful" these forces are - they must use lies and trickery to stay in "power."
P.S. You shills are obvious and quite pathetic. Your efforts are ineffective and worthless.
is pizzagate a real thing? what the fuck are you people talking about?
It's the next logical step. Hustla, Hero, King, God, Maniac. He'll come out of it in a few years, I've been down his road before.
Nice trips buddo
>Kanye is Pablo
>both are dead
>deaths come in threes
>West is Death #3
comet ping pong satanists speak in tongues engaged in bizarre and terrifying ritual
comet ping pong satanists call for total destruction of christianity in violent ritual
comet ping pong satanists celebrate anti-value culture in vile debasement ritual
He got a 5150
Turns out some of Clinton's supporters are pedophiles. Sup Forums and reddit dug around wikileaks and have discovered disconcerting hints that there is a global pedophile ring of elites.
Thank you, user, for speaking up. Much love.
NWO has got to be the most boringly easy conspiracy that exists. At least before it was reptilians, now it's just literally jews.
Sup Forums has never been welcomed here on Sup Forums but they are really trying to spread Storm faggo try here though
Too bad I don't believe or care about anything from those two places