>be me
>in my 20s
>more than 2 years ago
>post weird nasty images on Sup Forums.org 3 times
>first time, for journalistic purposes
>get banned
>second time, for the lols, because I can
>get banned
>third time, to fuck with the mods
>get banned
>mods report my IP to the cops
>one night, 10:30PM, knock on the door, I was taking a nap
>cop: "Hello, is user Lastname home? We want to speak with him."
>shit, fucking goddamn shit
>sit in jail
>think "my life is over, it's just over, no more hope"
>"why did I do it, why was I so stupid?"
>remember that guy who got 20 years for downloading 25 pictures
>do math in my head, I should get 2-3 years for 3 pics
>next day, go in front of judge
>am smart and charismatic
>judge is prepared to fry me, looks bored an evil
>I talk
>she likes me, see on the corner of her smile
>"user, you seem nice and a bright young man. 2 years probation, and you're not allowed on a computer."
>2 years last until last Sunday
>the dogs come and take their chains off of me
Here comes the good part.
>I ask dad for a computer
>he hates me
>buys me a 200$ cheap piece of crap
>go in
>go to the website I got the pics from in the first place
>still up
Mod here are pathetic as fuck. Cops are rather incompetent too.
Did I miss anything?
Also, general mod hate thread