Be me

>be me
>in my 20s
>more than 2 years ago
>post weird nasty images on Sup 3 times
>first time, for journalistic purposes
>get banned
>second time, for the lols, because I can
>get banned
>third time, to fuck with the mods
>get banned
>mods report my IP to the cops
>one night, 10:30PM, knock on the door, I was taking a nap
>cop: "Hello, is user Lastname home? We want to speak with him."
>shit, fucking goddamn shit
>sit in jail
>think "my life is over, it's just over, no more hope"
>"why did I do it, why was I so stupid?"
>remember that guy who got 20 years for downloading 25 pictures
>do math in my head, I should get 2-3 years for 3 pics
>next day, go in front of judge
>am smart and charismatic
>judge is prepared to fry me, looks bored an evil
>I talk
>she likes me, see on the corner of her smile
>"user, you seem nice and a bright young man. 2 years probation, and you're not allowed on a computer."
>2 years last until last Sunday
>the dogs come and take their chains off of me

Here comes the good part.
>I ask dad for a computer
>he hates me
>buys me a 200$ cheap piece of crap
>go in
>go to the website I got the pics from in the first place
>still up

Mod here are pathetic as fuck. Cops are rather incompetent too.
Did I miss anything?
Also, general mod hate thread

Pics or fuck off

I would, but I'd get banned again, not to mention possibly vanned again.

What were they?

Share site

Upload from mobile, or public wifi if possible.

It wasn't white people. It was with some niggers and one contained a Jewish broad.

I don't think so, bro. Mobile devices are the tool of the big brother. I'd have more chances uploading from this shitty desktop. Which I'm fucking not going to do.
We need to find a way to fuck with the mods and make Sup Forums free again.
This is the top priority.
I've learned my lesson, but it was an unfair lesson.

You could use a vpn, but it's hard to find one that cab pass the captcha and isn't banned.

What was it that made the picture illegal exactly? Cp? Also like someone said, tell us the site.

>be me
>here since 07
>ban 100s times
>know op is a faggot
>van isn't real
>IPs are not real
>consequences never the same
>cyber police
>trolling hard
check em