Kai spams a bit much.
Kai spams a bit much
kai is the grim fucking reaper of threads dude
do not
this is the problem
well, maybe..
Not saying you should stop posting, just... it's a bit much.
what is?
i can't find a middle ground and i won't stop
It's a lost cause. Dumping is the death knell of threads, and he does nothing but because he is a vacuous human being.
See above.
I'd love to eat out this dragon's ass
someone kill me
But I'm trying to keep my lungs inside my body, and porn helps
I can't say I see the relation.
I'd tell you to ask kai but he only really does threads.
it keeps my mental focus away from breathing?
Gfur lives by conversation and dies by dumping
I mean for fuck's sake it's an OBSERVABLE EFFECT.
But the excessive amount of it is killing the thread.
it's a never ending spiral of death
there can always be new threads made
yeah and as long as you're posting in them they're going to continue to blow chunks
it was much nicer when the post timers were 1 minute and not 15 seconds
get over it
those were the fucking days
kill yourself. I will get over your death very quickly, believe me.
cry more
Well I guess gfur is done for the night. On a side note how was the 4th for you? Did you sleep in as planned?
I like Kai tho
probably somewhere in Sup Forums x I can put in a delay for autoposts
i like you too, Coffee-kun
I'm not sure if you'd call it sleeping in when it's just straight up nocturnalism but yes. We had burgers also. Outside of that, disappointing since my family are communists-lite.
Wouldn't affect the other idiots.
Remember that brief period of time in winter of 2014(maybe?) when there was no post timer, no image limit, no duplicate prevention etc?
I'm not always around to make them.
That's quite a shame. The quasi-communist part
a thread will be made regardless
that was... awful
well my mother's a college professor so the communism is sort of to be expected
my brother was out somewhere smoking pot with his friends
and my dad doesn't really do anything
>disappointing since my family are communists-lite.
You can be patriots and commies at the same time tho
Well yeah in the collectivist societies of scandinavia, sure. They're pretty damn incompatible in America.
Better dead than red.
He's norwegian, you can't expect much from him.
Not in time most like. This will die and it will take a while before anyone bothers to make a new one.
the spams were perpetual. I think that's when moot died.
but fireworks and booze and guns...
commies gotta come
thank you :3
Commies in the US like none of those things. They're afraid of guns, smoke weed instead of drinking, and I'm sure fireworks are racist somehow.
my md5 filter killed so many posts, I only saw porn for hours of scrolling without a single spidey
also ilu too, David~
it will be made regardless