Please do tell me how the metric system is inferior

Please do tell me how the metric system is inferior.

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>inb4 Retards implying that Imperial system is better

It's not american.


pick one faggot

You mean british
Even britbongs abandoned this stupid ass system, you guys are holding onto garbage just because you feel like it's your own.

You cannot perform post enlightenment math & geometry with a base 10 system. For example, radian based mathematics (ancient pyramids et cetera) is only possible in systems where unit conversion ratios are not locked, but open. From any given unit in the imperial system you can count and multiply in octaves of base 3, 4, 6, 12. This is much more diverse than the metric system. Engineering tolerances can also be based on unit octaves instead of significant digits. For example, even though .0625 is four decimal places of accuracy it represents a 16th of one unit. If that unit is 1 inch then four decimal places of accuracy doesn't mean shit because a 16th of an inch is huge. It's all relative.

The metric system is for people who cannot grasp the concept of multiple levels/ layers of units. If you suck at fractions you might support the metric system. You cannot express geometric relationships in relation to other geometry on the piece using the metric system because the metric system can only break things down into tenths. This means the decimal value will never relate to a whole fraction, so you cannot derive\project octave values relative to the feature on the part.

You'd have to be a draftsman or engineer to notice the difference between these systems. Ideally working for a firm that switches between the two because of International proposals. The sad thing is that once the world is converted to the metric system the truth about the Tetragrammaton will be forgotten, because you literally cannot execute certain functions in the metric system that you need to decode ancient math. Pro-metric kids are brainwashed, they don't know any better than to be prejudiced against something they don't understand. That's how our corporate media raised them.

Damn, this dude just shut down the whole thread. Take that you metric cucks.

The Imperial System is Base 4, while Metric is Base 10.

One's not better than the other, they're just different and both are useful for different things. Machinists, for example, prefer to deal with Imperial (since the units are practically scaled [as in there is very little application to have the level of granularity that metric necessarily has]).

Different strokes for different folks.

If you want to start a debate based on unit granularity and ease of measurement, why not just suggest everybody use Plancks for things? :)

Dude, what the fuck?
What are you on about?