continued from Yesterday. Did OP ever deliver
Continued from Yesterday. Did OP ever deliver
Other urls found in this thread:
Pic related? These were posted months ago. Girl is an escorts her ad was posted and a set of pics where she's passed out in some.
I mean the shit in mouth video he was promising last night
Anyone around for her shit video dump yesterday? Is it real?
OH dunno never saw that but she was all drugged up and passed out in the pics months ago so I guess it's possible.
The video from this humiliating act of revenge
wtf? that's her? lmao
Yeah she got totally humiliated
that's not a story...
Here I nice story
I love this girl soo much
I love the use of her mouth as the O in whore. That dude is creative
What happened here? Looks pretty funny.
was she passed out when someone poop in her mouth? was it her bf? story?
this doesn't explain why she has poop in her mouth lol
Did she really have a fb rant defending the mini turd in her mouth?
ahahaaaaa. im dying here! fuck that's embarrassing
Kylie got completely humiliated when she passed out drunk. Now she is web famous
seems like they both are into that shit shit.
actually i'd say she's a lucky woman. look at the girth of that bfs dick!!! i'd kill to have/suck such a cock
Shit right in her passed out mouth. Then beatoff all over her face full of shit
wheres this shit vid?
I thought she was a hooker. She didnt have a bf. She just said that on fb cause she didnt want her family and friends knowing.
I didn't get it saved when it was posted yesterday
She is a hooker and had a BF when her nudes got sent and posted everywhere
>Dat flag. Bitch deserved it.
I wonder what the boyfriend said when he saw the shit pic. kek.
She did deserve it. Now she will be a humiliated slut all over the Internet for the rest of her life
Her BF must be mortified. "Omg my girl is now an Internet toilet slut??!?!"
a most supreme gentleman!
Epic! I wish her poop pics and vids were in there too but still amazing compilation of Kylie
I wonder if Kylie knows she was shit on? It looks like she was passed out the whole time.
Yesterday's vola 5RMoI0
soemone ask her
for which homepage?
she got drugged? her bf did this to her? i dont understand lol
her anus is disgusting and her body is the one of a little girl...
Are talking about the user who found her backpages profile and was going to hire her for a date?
Omg! The poop vid is there! Yes yes yes
Whoever this guy is, he must really have it out for her. I doubt it's her boyfriend
Imagine some guy random guy off the internet sent you a pic of your daughter with shit in her mouth
I would kill myself
Is the boyfriend the shit taker?
She is a whore who got too drunk with one of her johns. He wrote all over her, shit in her mouth, raped her pussy, and came on her shitmouth face all before she woke up
cant find it on motherless... which homepage?
Now there are pics of her being raped and shit on all over the Internet
the chutzpa on that guy
When all this shot wentry down in like Dec 2015 her boyfriend and mom came on Sup Forums and were asking people to stop posting pics to their FB. It got a little off hand
It was posted in a thread a couple months ago
either post a link or stfu
*shit, * went down
and why she didn't pull charges on him? something doesn't make sense here dude..
Must be true
I remember that. Shit was unreal
Or make a webm
if only faggets was still around
I know me too
Maybe prostitution is illegal where she lives
shit is not what it used to be on /b
She is a hooker and doesn't even know the guy who did this. She woke up in an empty hotel room all written on and with shit in her mouth. No one to press charges against.
anyone manage to grab screen caps of that?
Mmmm tasty rape porn
I'm sure someone did. It was all over Sup Forums
dude, when a girl have a client her manager or the office she works for knows who is who.. get real
I did. Look in the vola
Bf level her ass? Or he lves being cuxked after this shit hit the fan?
Post a link to those pics
Im muslim
If she was my sister my dad would have her killed, not even exaggerating
Human toilet huh? Hmmm....yes yes I'll take 2 please
Wtf is vola?
Office? Manager? She is a solo hooker...
How new are you ?
Killed who? Her or the guy who made pics?
summer kids
well, only someone really stupid would be solo in this profession..
Probably both but certainly the girl
It's my first time one Sup Forums
bf leave her ass? or was he just a cuck?
>private photo vault
Thanks user
Yeah I know, that is funny
Kurt left her ass after being fed up with Kylie's whoring ways
Not so private anymore u stupid rape slut
I would bother me a day or two. A bit.
She's still escorting
do you have more of this amateur shit from other girls?`
at least the bf wasnt a fucking cuck. brings this story to a happy ending then. kek
Or at least was only a cuck for a year or so
I would still fuck her