Rate my breakfast
Also: waffles, pancakes or french toast which is the best?
Rate my breakfast
Toast and butter your bread, grill an actual tomato instead of that squelchy red shit and get rid of that slimy grey shit.
Apart from that, I rate you a solid 8.5/10. Well breakfasted OP.
Beans for breakfast. OP is living life right. Breakfast gets 8.5/10 only because the bread isnt a big golden belgian waffle.
Which also answers your Question.
Good for you, OP
Bread should deff be toasted OP
Pancakes are the correct answer.
enjoy your obesity britbong
looks way too sugary to me...
Heart failure/10
not as good as my breakfast of peppercorns
eating a lot in the morning is fine, eating a lot in the evening makes you fat
At least eat at the table you heathen.
What is it with you millennials and not sitting down to enjoy your meals with computers, TVs, phones off? Experience the joy of eating, not just shoving food down your gob while browsing tumblr.
But thinking this guy is a millennial is wrong user, simply because he is eating that type of breaky
too much sausage that's gross
I don't care about the type of breakfast...but at least they took the trouble to make a breakfast. I'll given them that.
Food tastes much better when you sit at a designated place for eating meals...a ritual of sitting down and enjoying your food to eat has sadly diminished in today's world.
In your mind. What are restaurants ?
Trying to figure out what you need the butter knife for. And considering that silverware is from the dollar store, I'll expect you're poor as fuckabd this meal is probably the only one you eat.
>eating white bread