So /b what does fluid exactly mean?

so /b what does fluid exactly mean?

protip: nothing

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It means if you really care about this subject, then you are exhibiting some anti-social behavior.

>doesn't know the difference between "sex" and "gender"...

a substance that has no fixed shape and yields easily to external pressure; a gas or (especially) a liquid
Checkmate OP

gender > the state of being male or female
i gotchu OP dont worry

there's actually 63 genders you ignorant fuckwhit

Aristotle concept of substance?


You're fucking stupid

Those are sexual preferences you fucking spoof

The fact that "masculine" and "feminine" have to exist to determine gender, just fucks their whole philosophy up, since they're pretty much social constructs.

might wanna educate yourself a little more

>Masculine Homosexual man

Those are sexual preferences and personalities, not genders.

Fluids, I believe, is when they can easily "switch" between the genders.

It means you think being trans just wasn't special enough, so you made up something even more special in an attempt to get the attention your absentee father never gave you.

LUL gender identity

nice drawing bro

Niceee dubs. Best so far eva


check the Letters:


Phys = Physical Aspect, Pers= Personality Aspect, Pref = Preference Aspect
M = Male, having male reproductive organs/genitalias
F = Female, having female reproductive organs/genitalias
H = Hermaphrodite (Intersexual) having both or neither male and female reproductive organs/genitalias
AS = Asexual / Non-sexual (not shown on this chart)
A = Androgynous, near-equivalent traits of male and female
AM / Andromale = Physically Androgynous w/ Male Genitalia
AF / Androfemale = Physically Androgynous w/ Female Genitalia
HA / Androdite = Physically Androgynous Hermaphrodite
HM / Hermaphromale = Hermaphrodite with Male features / appearance
HF / Hermaphrofemale = Hermaphrodite with Female features / appearance
Masculine = "Typically" Male, as determined by the surrounding culture
Feminine = "Typically" Female, as determined by the surrounding culture
Androgine = Exhibits Androgynous Behavior (Equally Male and Female), as determined by the surrounding culture

i was thankin that are unown's


pokemon gen 7 adds more unowns

wow the new generation of unowns looks a lot different

Is it me or do these look like unown from pokemon?

Just wait for the shitstorm

You forgot about mayonnaise

Biologically you're either male or female, even if you have shit removed or added. It doesnt matter/make a difference. You're born a male or female, how hard is that for you fucks to understand

i guess its true, great minds think alike

But those aren't dubs

When I was a kid I wanted to be a Cowboy. Then I grew up and stopped imagining I could be somethinh that isnt possible.

File nom

what about hermaphodites?

Sex and gender are actually the same fucking thing. The word "gender" only came into use because "sex" gained an erotic connotation. Gender ROLES however, are a completely different thing. Gender ROLES are a social construct and can be fluid.

The whole trans concept is based on the bullshit belief that whatever you believe in your mind is true regardless of what reality has to say about it.

Cowboys never existed. They're just a massive image campaign done by Marlboro.

Statistically so rare that they are irrelevant.

Fixed that for you

only few species are naturally born with both reproductive organs and humans are not one of dem species

This is a true statement

cowboys did exist you cuntenwaffle, they herded cows on cattle ranches, ensured they didn't run away or get sp00ked, hence their name

The salinity is strong in this one. your cis male tears taste so good.
>wahhh things are changing
>not even b8

i like the transnigger one but where is the alligander
a a alligator a a alligator





a substance that has no fixed shape and yields easily to external pressure; a gas or (especially) a liquid.

"we all need several glasses of fluid a day"

synonyms:liquid,watery substance,solution

"the fluid seeps up the tube"

>Checkmate, OP

This How many hermaphrodites do you know that were born that way? Probably none. If they were surgically "made" it doesnt count.

That's intersex, something entirely different from this whole made up confusion about the sexes.

the lube seeps up the tube in your doomie loomie ass


>63 Genders
>2 sex's
>not mentioning pedo's, beast boys or inanimate fuckers
>people still defending this shit
Where's Spider Man when we need him

a substance that has no fixed shape and yields easily to external pressure; a gas or (especially) a liquid.

Professional faggot detected.

where are demons and ghosts? triggered

>daddeh and jeebus says its wrong to kiss boiz
>daddeh tole me boiz cant wear dresses
>mus maek illeegul
>i don like it

>Feminine Female-Attracted Hermaphrofemale
>Masculine Female-Attracted Hermaphrofemale
>Feminine Bisexual Andromale

What the fuck is even going on?

what are they supposed to do though if theyres knly two genders

gender is based on ideas of what is socially considered masculine or feminine
so idg the big hoopla of having nitpicky specific gender titles because a. it is always changing, socially -- b. depending on your location, things considered masculine and feminine change -- c. i'm sure everyone is a mixed bag of feminine and masculine qualities/features/roles/hobbies/etc

Don't you understand? If you simply BELIEVE in your mind that you're a cowboy, then you are! All objective evidence to the contrary is automatically irrelevant.

This is what the trans-tarded actually believe.

Alright, if someone's transgender or non-binary, that's fine with me. But if you call yourself 'gender fluid', then go fuck yourself. I'm not going to be called a bigoted asshole just because you can't fucking decide what gender you want to be that day. Also to the non-binary folk, I'm not using those dumbass neo-pronouns. I'll use the normal gender neutral terms "they" and "them".

whats stopping them from learning how to dress like a cowboy and learning to work hearding cattle

so the whole 'more than 2 genders' thing goes replaced by the 'we are a single big mixture of all constructions'?
sounds cool

What gender would I be if I desperately want to be a Crab? Please get in touch soon. Thanks.

good job boy, keep it up!



you assuming he is boy? TRIGGERED

i mean idk if i'd call it that
like saying you're a special gender because sometimes you feel like a boy and sometimes you feel like a girl is strange
because what does it even fucking mean to feel like a boy/girl
without having to refer to socially accepted ideas of femininity/masculinity
like am i a special gender because sometimes i want to have a tea party and sometimes i want to play rugby? that's just the product of having varied interests

special gender

YOU don't get to decide what makes a cowboy, you cowboyphobe! So what if he has never worn a cowboy hat, rode a horse, been on a ranch or even seen a cow in real life, even if he never will that doesn't matter! If you identify as a cowboy, then YOU ARE ONE!

>this has been an example of trans-tarded "logic"

That's gender ROLES. Gender and sex are the same thing.

lol masculine and feminine aren't roles, they're descriptive qualities
you know why they aren't called sex roles nigga?
bc it's a different thing


Special snowflakes can't decide if they feel like a boy or girl.

Fuck off

As a fag, I wear both boy and girl clothes and fuck men and women. I only fuck men though I dont date them. I consider my self queer or "gender queer" but, I really dont give a shit about all these stupid little labels that tumblrinas come up with and if anything theyre kind of offensive. I could care less if Im called a boy or a girl, or he or she. I dont want to be a special snow flake i just want to wear dresses and be treated like any other normal person, I dont make being queer my entire life or my entire identity.

idgi y'all post like you want actual discussion but this nig str8 ignoring dictionary definitions of shit
unless you think men are just born thinking nascar is cool???? that's dumber than being apansapioalphamegaflexfemboykin

also it won't compress

>treated like any other normal person
>cant decide if boy or girl

>I don't have gender dysphoria but it looks really cool and trendy so I'm going to label myself as this fabricated horse shit so I can feel special and oppressed.

but you have to play the special plinko game of "define your identity at this point in time as excruciatingly specific as you can otherwise you're part of the cis scum agenda"
faggots got too much time on their hands

underrated as fuck

>did yu see dat daddeh
>i tell him ta dem fuk off
"gud boi juneyer just like daddeh tawt ya.
>thar uhgenda

I know a girl with an abnormally large clit that looks like a dick
does that count?

oh gawd here we go with this word : "SPECIAL"
up your ass retards

looks like =/= actually is
so no you are girly girl

It means there are females out there who want to go into the guys' bathroom and watch guys pee. It also means there are guys out there who want to go into the gals' bathroom and listen to them pee.

because it's horseshit
sex = biological
gender = psychological/sociological
gender roles are a subset of roles based on what gender is defined as and wouldn't even be a term if gender wasn't already defined as being separate from sex

transnigger=Mr. Popo
Prove me wrong

why does it matter who I fuck and what I wear? I work, I pay my taxes, I function just as anyone else in society. The only problem Ive had is being kicked around and called a fag once in a while but Ill make it. I aint a bitch.

enfact it doesnt matter if u stop talking about it like it does matter

some fags sadly do have to much time on their hands

I was just asking why. I was interested in what they had to say.